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Dernières mises à jour avec Ryan McLane

August Skye Dans 'I Have a Wife'

August Skye - I Have a Wife

August Skye est en voyage d’affaires avec son collègue Ryan. Ils ont réservé la chambre la plus proche de leur convention du week-end, mais la seule chambre a un lit. Vous voyez, Ryan est marié et aime sa femme, mais August sait garder un secret, elle veut la bite dure de Ryan et ne se soucie pas de savoir s’il est marié ou non.

Whitney OC Dans 'Neighbor Affair'

Whitney OC - Neighbor Affair

Alors que la femme de Ryan est en voyage d’affaires, sa voisine, Whitney OC, a désespérément besoin de la bite de Ryan. Whitney préférerait l’obtenir de Ryan plutôt que de son mari à la bite molle. Comme Ryan est seul chez lui, une petite chatte sur le côté pendant que sa femme est absente ne fera de mal à personne tant que personne ne le saura.

Suttin Dans 'I Have a Wife'

Suttin - I Have a Wife

Enfin, l’heure des vacances pour la cam girl Suttin ; Même si elle est en vacances, elle emporte son travail partout où elle va, se produisant en direct devant ses fans. Elle peut être un peu bruyante, mais la nuit dernière, même le propriétaire du bNb a entendu comment elle a eu un orgasme encore et encore, et maintenant que le chat est sorti du sac, Suttin veut s’asseoir sur sa bite mariée et éjaculer sur lui.

Octavia Red Dans 'is wet and ready to fuck a married cock when she gets him alone all to herself'

Octavia Red - I Have a Wife

Octavia Red a égaré des papiers importants pour son patron. Elle les a mélangés avec d’autres dossiers, alors elle a dû se rendre chez son patron pour les récupérer. Ryan est à la maison et l’aide à trouver les papiers. Là-bas, la femme de Ryan l’appelle pour lui dire qu’ils n’ont plus besoin de la paperasse. Ryan pouvait voir qu’Octavia était tellement stressée qu’il lui a proposé de s’asseoir et de se détendre un peu avant de retourner au bureau. Mais c’est exactement ce qu’Octavia voulait ; un moment seule avec Ryan pour qu’elle puisse le baiser sans que son patron ne soit aux aguets.

Katie Kush Dans 'Perfect Fucking Strangers'

Katie Kush - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Katie Kush est toute habillée pour se faire défoncer ce Nouvel An ! Elle n’aime pas trop les traditions, alors au lieu de trouver quelqu’un à embrasser à minuit, elle cherche quelqu’un pour lui mettre une charge dans la gorge. Heureusement, elle trouve Ryan et Ryan est plus qu’heureux de voir ses couilles tomber dans sa bouche alors que l’horloge sonne minuit. Katie commence définitivement son année avec l’une des baises les plus intenses et les plus passionnées qu’elle ait eues depuis un moment. Espérons que cette tendance se poursuivra au cours de la nouvelle année.

Gracie Gates Dans 'streams her big natural tits to her fans before taking her friend's husband's cock in her wet pussy'

Gracie Gates - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Gracie Gates est en ville pour rendre visite à sa bonne amie. Mais alors qu’elle pensait qu’elle était libre et libre de faire un peep-show sexy pour ses fans, elle s’est fait attraper par le mari de son amie. Maintenant que sa chatte est toute mouillée, elle a envie de bite, et qui de mieux que le mari de son amie qui aime les gros seins naturels pour être au bon endroit au bon moment.

Millie Morgan Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Millie Morgan - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Ryan a ouvert sa salle de sport et s’entraîne sans arrêt et ça se voit. L’amie de sa fille, Millie Morgan, était dans son salon en attendant que sa fille rentre à la maison. Mais il s’avère que Millie allait attendre longtemps parce que la fille de Ryan était coincée au travail. Ils entament une conversation sur la nouvelle salle de sport et Millie veut faire pousser ses fessiers. Elle montre ses fesses à Ryan et c’est là que les choses se réchauffent. Millie déménage pour obtenir ce qu’elle veut ; Le père de son amie lui pilonne les fesses rebondies.

Gal Ritchie Dans 'Naughty Bookworms'

Gal Ritchie - Naughty Bookworms

Gal Ritchie s’est amusée en tant qu’étudiante étrangère en échange aux États-Unis. Un peu trop de plaisir. Elle s’est tellement amusée qu’elle n’a pas eu beaucoup de temps pour étudier et cela a affecté ses notes. Gal s’arrête donc pour rendre visite à son professeur afin de voir s’il y a quelque chose qu’elle peut faire pour améliorer ses notes. Son professeur lui donne une tonne de suggestions, mais elles demandent toutes du temps et le temps n’est pas quelque chose que Gal a en ce moment. Au lieu de cela, Gal décide de montrer à son professeur comment elle a réussi tous ses cours en Angleterre, en enlevant son pantalon et en allant en ville sur sa bite.

Elizabeth Skylar Dans 'American Daydreams'

Elizabeth Skylar - American Daydreams

Elizabeth Skylar a travaillé de longues heures avec Ryan au bureau le mois dernier. Ryan trouve Elizabeth extrêmement chaude et finit par faire un geste et lui demande s’il y a déjà eu des tensions sexuelles entre eux. Elizabeth dit à Ryan qu’il y en a eu mais qu’elle ne voudrait pas gâcher son mariage. Ryan est tellement déçu et épuisé par le travail que la seule chose qu’il peut faire est de rêver d’avoir les gros seins d’Elizabeth qui rebondissent et se trémoussent devant son visage.

Katrina Colt Dans 'Neighbor Affair'

Katrina Colt - Neighbor Affair

Katrina Colt demande à son voisin, Ryan, s’il peut l’aider à visser des ampoules. Ryan ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée puisqu’ils ont eu une aventure plus tôt dans l’année et qu’il ne veut vraiment pas tromper sa femme à nouveau. Katrina comprend, mais déboutonne sa chemise pour montrer à Ryan ce qui l’attend s’il décide de l’aider à résoudre son problème de baise. Ryan, bien sûr, ne peut pas résister et suit Katrina dans son appartement où il commence à la baiser comme s’il n’avait pas fait l’amour depuis des lustres.

Anna Claire Clouds Dans 'American Daydreams'

Anna Claire Clouds - American Daydreams

Le moment préféré de la journée d’Anna Claire Clouds est celui où elle regarde son voisin enlever sa chemise et travailler sur sa pelouse. Anna ne peut s’empêcher de jouer avec elle-même tout en le regardant et en glissant lentement dans un rêve éveillé chaud où sa voisine s’arrête et pilonne sa petite chatte humide.

Kylie Rocket Dans 'accidentally get's caught masturbating by her friend's dad and now she wants his dick'

Kylie Rocket - My Daughter's Hot Friend

La sexy collégienne Kylie Rocket a passé la nuit chez son amie. Son amie est partie travailler alors elle décide d’en frotter un. Le père de son amie tombe accidentellement sur elle en allant en ville sur sa chatte! Mais Kylie n’a pas honte du tout. Oh non, Kylie est tellement excitée qu’elle veut que Ryan écarte les jambes et lui pilonne la chatte.

Layla Jenner Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Layla Jenner - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Layla Jenner reste chez son amie pendant que sa maison est fumigée pour les termites, mais il se trouve que c’est le même week-end que son amie est en voyage avec son petit ami. Il n’y a rien à craindre car le père de son amie l’accueille dans la chambre d’amis, mais il l’aperçoit accidentellement sous la douche. Layla n’est pas trop contrariée car elle a un faible pour les hommes plus âgés... Et comme son amie est à l’extérieur de la ville, elle décide de passer son temps à jouer avec la bite du père de son amie!

Charli Phoenix Dans 'Dirty Wives Club'

Charli Phoenix - Dirty Wives Club

Charli Phoenix fait venir l’ami de son mari, Ryan, pour s’occuper de certaines affaires sans surveillance. Sa voiture a besoin d’être regardée pendant que le mari est absent. Charli se rend compte qu’il y a beaucoup de choses dont son mari ne s’est pas occupé. Comme elle! Elle manque dans la chambre depuis un certain temps maintenant et heureusement pour Ryan, pendant que le mari est absent, la femme veut jouer.

Kitty Deville Dans 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Kitty Deville - My Wife's Hot Friend

Kitty Deville rend visite à son amie et reste avec elle et son mari. C’est son dernier jour de visite (du moins c’est ce qu’ils pensent), alors Ryan avait l’intention d’emmener Kitty à l’aéroport pendant que la femme de Ryan est au travail, mais elle a un nouveau plan. Elle a retardé ses voyages d’un jour de plus afin de pouvoir passer plus de temps avec Ryan et le convaincre de la baiser bien.

Royce Swells Dans 'My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Royce Swells - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Royce Swells traîne chez son amie lorsque le mari de son amie, Ryan, entre. On dirait que l’amie de Royce est sortie pour faire quelques courses et Royce peut utiliser l’opinion d’un homme sur son avenir en tant que mannequin de lingerie. Royce demande donc à Ryan de prendre quelques photos d’elle en lingerie et de donner son avis. Ryan accepte à contrecœur, mais pour le remercier du travail acharné, Royce le récompense avec sa chatte mouillée pour qu’il puisse en profiter. Tout cela avant que l’ami de Royce ne rentre à la maison.

Scarlit Scandal Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Scarlit Scandal - My Daughter's Hot Friend

La collégienne Sassy Scarlit Scandal ne peut pas se permettre l’université. Elle a eu du mal avec le loyer et les livres et en plus de ces frais de scolarité. Le père de son amie, Ryan, l’a regardée ces derniers jours et l’a approchée avec l’offre qu’elle aimera - SugarBabe pour la vie!

Bambi Barton Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Bambi Barton - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Bambi Barton a été en visite et se sent un peu à la baisse. Elle a été seule pratiquement tout le temps parce que son amie a été occupée avec son propre petit ami. Elle a même besoin d’un transport à l’aéroport parce que son amie est M.I.A. Le père de son ami, Ryan, est là pour aider Bambi à se rendre à l’aéroport, mais remarque que quelque chose se passe avec elle. Bambi révèle qu’elle voulait se faire coucher en ville et avec lui, parce qu’elle ne prend que des hommes plus âgés dans sa chatte mouillée et serrée.

Xochi Moon Dans 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Xochi Moon - My Wife's Hot Friend

Xochi Moon passe quelques jours chez son amie lorsque le mari de son amie, Ryan, lui demande de l’aide. Ryan a acheté un cadeau à sa femme et il veut l’opinion de Xochi à ce sujet. Le cadeau qu’il a acheté se trouve être de la lingerie et Xochi pense que c’est un excellent cadeau. En fait, elle propose même de l’essayer pour Ryan. Ryan accepte l’offre et est étonné de voir à quel point Xochi y a l’air bien. Elle a l’air si bien dedans que Ryan ne peut s’empêcher de donner sa bite à Xochi après qu’elle l’ait suppliée.

Sophia Leone Dans 'Perfect Fucking Strangers'

Sophia Leone - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Sophia Leone vient de terminer son travail quand elle remarque un très bel homme garé à côté d’elle. Elle lui laisse un petit mot avec son adresse et cet étranger se présente chez elle quelques minutes plus tard. Il est à l’heure car Sophia prenait une douche. Elle l’invite à le rejoindre et ces deux inconnus baisent partout dans la salle de bain.

Zoey Sinn Dans 'My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Zoey Sinn - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Zoey Sinn traîne chez son amie, attendant que son amie revienne du magasin avec les boissons, lorsque le petit ami de son amie, Ryan, arrive. C’est la première fois que Ryan rencontre Zoey et il est surpris que sa petite amie soit amie avec quelqu’un qui a de si gros seins. Vous voyez, les seins de la petite amie de Ryan sont petits et elle est un peu gênée à leur sujet. Pour être honnête, Ryan ne verrait pas d’inconvénient à ce que les seins de sa fille soient un peu plus gros. Ryan est étonné de voir à quel point les seins de Zoey sont plus gros que ceux de son gf, alors il demande à voir. Zoey cède et le laisse jeter un coup d’œil, puis le laisse toucher, et enfin le baise sur le canapé.

Lola Fae Dans 'gets her 'oil' checked by her friend's dad'

Lola Fae - My Daughter's Hot Friend

La blonde sexy Lola Fae a des problèmes de voiture et demande au père de son ami, Ryan, de venir vérifier. Une fois dans le garage, il ne voit rien de mal avec la voiture mais Lola a une meilleure idée sur la façon de résoudre le vrai problème, elle est excitée et a besoin d’une bite qui va pilonner sa chatte de la bonne façon!

Skye Mae Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Skye Mae - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Skye Mae avait l’intention d’aller en Europe avec son amie, mais un accident de voiture a obligé Skye à dépenser son argent européen pour des réparations automobiles. Ne voulant pas manquer un voyage de sa vie, elle se rend chez son amie et explique sa situation au père de son amie dans l’espoir qu’il pourrait lui prêter de l’argent pour faire le voyage. C’est beaucoup d’argent et le père de son amie ne pense pas qu’il pourrait lui prêter ce genre d’argent... à moins que Skye ne fasse un peu de travail autour de son aine pour gagner cet argent.

Freya Parker Dans 'I Have a Wife'

Freya Parker - I Have a Wife

Freya Parker fait des courses pour son patron. L’une des courses dont elle doit s’occuper est de ramasser de la lingerie comme cadeau que son patron offre à sa femme. Quand Freya rentre chez son patron, elle décide d’essayer la lingerie elle-même. Son patron l’attrape en flagrant délit, mais Freya n’est pas désolée parce qu’elle sait que la femme de son patron ne le portera jamais. En fait, elle sait que la femme de son patron ne veut presque jamais baiser. Son patron travaille si dur que Freya fait ce que tout bon employé ferait et baise son patron pour l’aider à soulager tout ce stress.

Nicole Aria Dans 'I Have a Wife'

Nicole Aria - I Have a Wife

Nicole Aria lui a donné deux semaines à son emploi actuel pour une nouvelle opportunité qu’elle a trouvée, mais avant de partir, elle voulait offrir un cadeau de remerciement à son patron. Son patron non seulement travaille dur, mais l’a également aidée à obtenir son nouvel emploi. Aria est très reconnaissante et comme elle sait que la femme de son patron ne s’occupe pas de lui, Aria décide de se déshabiller dans le bureau de son patron et de le laisser essayer sa chatte mouillée. Bien qu’il ait d’abord été réticent en raison de son mariage, il ne pouvait pas passer à baiser son ex-assistant.

Tommy King Dans 'Perfect Fucking Strangers'

Tommy King - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Tommy King s’arrête pour un massage et malheureusement sa masseuse habituelle est sortie, alors elle donne un coup de feu à l’une des autres masseuses. C’est là que Ryan entre en jeu, Ryan est heureux de donner à Tommy un massage très gras et de la faire se sentir bien à nouveau. Il fait en sorte que Tommy se sente si bien qu’elle finit par mendier sa bite en elle. Ryan est heureux de le lui donner.

Mia Kay Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Mia Kay - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Mia Kay gagne trop d’argent supplémentaire en ligne pendant que son amie est absente. Mia gagne vraiment cette pâte en montrant ses atouts lorsque le père de son amie entre à la recherche de sa fille. Bien qu’embarrassé, le père de son amie a une idée, pourquoi ne pas contribuer à son fonds universitaire en voyant ces seins sucrés et en sentant à quel point sa belle chatte juteuse est mouillée.

Riley Reign Dans 'has a new sugar daddy and it's her friend's dad'

Riley Reign - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Riley Reign étudie et travaille comme strip-teaseuse et le père de son ami, Ryan, l’a vue là un jour. Son corps sexy et serré est à jamais ancré dans son cerveau. Depuis ce jour, il fantasme sur le fait de la baiser. Alors il a l’idée parfaite - quoi de mieux que de devenir son sugar daddy.

Charlotte Sins Dans 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Charlotte Sins - My Wife's Hot Friend

La bonne amie de la femme de Ryan, Charlotte Sins, est en visite en ville et trouve son profil de rencontre tout en cherchant quelqu’un avec qui se connecter. Quelle meilleure façon d’obtenir une bite mariée que du mari de sa bonne amie.

Charli Phoenix Dans 'Naughty Office'

Charli Phoenix - Naughty Office

Charli Phoenix est une nouvelle employée au bureau et reçoit quelques conseils de son patron Ryan. Ryan est un peu raide et Charli donne les meilleurs massages. Tout va bien quand son patron lui montre où il est raide et charli montre ses compétences de bureau non répertoriées.

Jesse Pony Dans 'Dirty Wives Club'

Jesse Pony - Dirty Wives Club

Jesse Pony vient de rentrer de son voyage et est tellement excitée. Elle supplie son mari de rentrer à la maison pour lui donner ce qu’elle veut, mais il ne peut pas. Elle utilise donc la bite de son chauffeur pour satisfaire ses besoins.

Kenzie Anne Dans 'I Have a Wife'

Kenzie Anne - I Have a Wife

Kenzie Anne fait payer ses impôts par Ryan. Elle trouve Ryan très attirant mais voit son alliance. Lorsqu’on lui demande comment est son mariage, Ryan dit qu’il a des hauts et des bas. Kenzie ne peut pas résister aux envies d’un homme marié et sa chatte peut certainement utiliser des hauts et des bas de sa bite dure.

Cadence Lux Dans 'Dirty Wives Club'

Cadence Lux - Dirty Wives Club

L’ami du mari de Cadence Lux, Ryan, a passé quelques jours chez eux pendant qu’il leur rendait visite. Le mari de Cadence était censé emmener Ryan à l’aéroport, mais maintenant il travaille tard et c’est à Cadence de déposer Ryan à la place. Cadence va annoncer la nouvelle à Ryan et l’attrape au milieu de la douche. Excitée par son corps, Cadence commence à jouer avec sa chatte et quand Ryan sort de la douche, Cadence monte sur sa bite avant de le conduire à l’aéroport.

Kenzie Love Dans 'My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Kenzie Love - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Kenzie Love cherche son amie pour un travail chiropratique, mais elle n’est pas là. Le petit ami de son amie, Ryan, pourrait peut-être l’aider. Surtout si cela implique de voir les gros seins de Kenzie de près. Ryan va en ville de toutes les mauvaises façons. Kenzie a des problèmes de dos et non des problèmes de seins, mais Ryan ne peut pas garder ses mains hors d’eux et Kenzie peut garder un secret.

Heather Honey Dans 'My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Heather Honey - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Heather Honey passe du temps chez son amie avec son amie et le mari de son amie, Ryan. Ryan va voir Heather pour voir si elle a besoin de quelque chose et il y a en fait une chose dont Heather a besoin. Elle a besoin de l’opinion d’un homme sur le soutien-gorge. Ryan hésite à donner cet avis vu qu’Heather est la meilleure amie de sa femme, mais Heather le convainc de la regarder dans son soutien-gorge. Finalement, elle perd le soutien-gorge tous ensemble et chevauche la bite de Ryan pendant que son amie se douche dans la pièce voisine.

Scarlett Alexis Dans 'wants Mr. McLane to be her sugar daddy!'

Scarlett Alexis - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Scarlett Alexis est chez son amie en train de faire ses devoirs à l’université pendant que son amie est chez son petit ami pour se remettre ensemble. M. Mclane doit également faire du travail, mais il est distrait par l’ami de sa fille qui lui envoie des signaux sexy. Évidemment, elle veut sa bite, mais en réalité Scarlett veut un sugar daddy pour tout payer en échange de bonnes relations sexuelles !!

Payton Preslee Dans 'Naughty Office'

Payton Preslee - Naughty Office

Payton Preslee a des problèmes de cou, alors elle prend un rendez-vous de massage, mais sa collègue continue de lui apporter de plus en plus de travail. Elle ne se rendra jamais à son rendez-vous à ce rythme, mais ne vous inquiétez pas parce que sa collègue a des doigts magiques et peut la brancher avec un massage juste là et là. De manière réaliste cependant, son collègue voulait juste avoir une chance de caresser les énormes seins de Payton. Il obtient plus que ce qu’il négocie quand Payton s’y met et décide qu’elle veut se faire piquer sur son bureau.

Ashlyn Peaks Dans 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Ashlyn Peaks - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ryan aide l’amie de sa femme, Ashlyn Peaks, à réparer une pipe et elle veut le payer pour son temps. Mais Ryan dit qu’il n’y a aucun moyen qu’il accepte de l’argent d’elle, sinon sa femme le tuerait. Ashlyn décide de le rembourser avec son corps. Elle casse ses gros seins naturels et c’est tout ce qu’il faut pour que Ryan cède. Heureusement, ils acceptent tous les deux de garder cette petite « sexcapade » secrète entre eux deux. Sa femme ne le saura jamais !

Braylin Bailey Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Braylin Bailey - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Braylin Bailey remarque que le père de son amie s’est entraîné, ce qui fait vraiment couler son jus. Elle aime penser qu’un homme plus âgé, qui prend soin de lui-même, doit savoir comment prendre soin d’une femme. Alors qu’ils sont seuls, elle profite de lui pour savoir si sa théorie est correcte. Elle lui montre qu’elle ne porte jamais de culotte quand elle porte des jupes et à quel point sa chatte est mouillée, ce qui l’allume instantanément. Il lui montre définitivement de quoi un vrai homme est capable.

Kenzie Anne Dans 'Dirty Wives Club'

Kenzie Anne - Dirty Wives Club

Kenzie Anne retrouve le partenaire d’affaires de son mari dans un hôtel. Ils ont tous les deux un truc l’un pour l’autre depuis un moment, alors ils ont finalement décidé de se lâcher et de se baiser le cerveau l’un l’autre... et le mari de Kenzie sait tout à ce sujet.

Ashley Lane Dans 'Naughty Office'

Ashley Lane - Naughty Office

Ashley Lane vient d’apprendre que son collègue vient d’obtenir des billets de concert gratuits pour un spectacle à guichets complets. Elle fera tout pour pouvoir y aller. Elle propose que si elle le laisse baiser sa chatte mouillée juste là dans le bureau, il leur abandonnera les billets.

Karen Fisher Dans 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Karen Fisher - Seduced By A Cougar

Karen Fisher a besoin d’un bon massage et ses amis ont recommandé Ryan parce qu’il sait vraiment comment travailler le corps. Son « traitement de coq profond » spécial est le meilleur de la ville et il est sur le point de faire d’elle une cliente très heureuse.

Scarlett Mae Dans 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Scarlett Mae - My Wife's Hot Friend

Scarlett Mae reste avec son amie en attendant que sa carrière d’actrice décolle. La bonne nouvelle, c’est qu’elle passe une audition et si tout se passe bien, elle pourra bientôt obtenir sa propre place. Scarlett célèbre en jouant avec elle-même pendant qu’elle a son café du matin. Le mari de son amie la prend en flagrant délit et décide de discuter avec Scarlett de la façon dont elle s’habille dans la maison, qui est généralement dans son soutien-gorge et sa culotte. Scarlett peut voir à quel point le mari de son amie est dur et se rend compte qu’elle lui a donné un boner par la façon dont elle s’habille. Elle décide de remédier à cette situation en baisant le mari de son amie jusqu’à ce que sa bite la gênise partout.

Aria Banks Dans 'takes advantage of her friend's DAD!!'

Aria Banks - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Ryan rend visite à sa fille à l’université, mais elle a décidé d’aller camper avec des amis de l’université et maintenant il doit rentrer à la maison mais décide qu’il veut se rafraîchir avec une douche dans le dortoir de sa fille. Juste au moment où il est sur le point de prendre sa douche, Aria Banks entre ! Aria aime ce qu’elle voit et Ryan ne peut pas s’en empêcher non plus. Ils profitent au maximum de l’occasion et profitent de la compagnie de l’autre avant qu’il ne tire sa grosse charge sur elle.

Lexi Grey Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Lexi Grey - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Lexi Grey est chez son amie quand elle rencontre le père de son amie. Ils discutent de l’école et elle lui dit à quel point l’école est chère et à quel point elle a du mal à payer pour cela. Alors quand le père de son amie sort, Lexi trouve son portefeuille et est sur le point de prendre de l’argent, mais elle est prise en flagrant délit. Le père de son amie est contrarié qu’elle brise sa confiance comme ça, mais Lexi avait vraiment besoin d’argent pour l’école. Le père de son amie a une idée qui les aidera tous les deux. Il accepte de donner de l’argent à Lexi pour l’école tant qu’elle prend soin de lui sexuellement. Lexi pense que c’est une idée géniale et se met au travail en travaillant sa chatte sur sa bite.

Ryan Conner Dans 'Dirty Wives Club'

Ryan Conner - Dirty Wives Club

Ryan Conner l’a eu avec l’ami de son mari, Ryan Mclane, en déchargeant gratuitement. Il reste avec eux depuis plus d’un mois et elle veut qu’il parte. Mclane lit les signes et se rend compte que Ryan Conner est vraiment contrarié par son manque de bite dans sa vie. Alors pour la remercier de l’avoir laissé rester avec eux, Mclane baise Ryan Conner comme son mari n’a jamais pu.

Bella Rolland Dans 'Naughty Rich Girls'

Bella Rolland - Naughty Rich Girls

Bella Rolland avait l’intention de déjeuner avec son père, mais son père a oublié et a quitté le bureau un peu plus tôt et a laissé Ryan travailler dans la salle de conférence, et c’est exactement ce que Bella prévoyait - un peu de temps seul pour baiser Ryan.

Skylar Vox Dans 'Naughty Bookworms'

Skylar Vox - Naughty Bookworms

Skylar Vox doit repasser un test qu’elle a mal réussi car cela pourrait mettre fin à sa carrière universitaire. Elle est prête à faire tout ce qu’il faut pour réussir. Le professeur Mclane n’a vraiment pas le temps et ne change pas sa note pour elle jusqu’à ce qu’il voie ses énormes seins. Maintenant, c’est à Skylar de frapper son professeur et de passer ce cours...

Jasmine Wilde Dans 'want's the babysitter position so bad that she will let Ryan fuck her any time!!'

Jasmine Wilde - I Have a Wife

Jasmine Wilde veut savoir pourquoi elle n’a pas obtenu le poste de baby-sitter chez les McLane et elle veut le travail si mal qu’elle offre à Ryan sa chatte serrée.

Eve Marlowe Dans 'Neighbor Affair'

Eve Marlowe - Neighbor Affair

Eve Marlowe traîne au barbecue de son voisin quand elle surprend le mari de son voisin, Ryan, en train de la regarder alors qu’elle est dans la salle de bain. Eve est prête à prendre d’assaut et à faire savoir à tout le monde ce qu’est un pervers Ryan, mais Ryan ferait tout pour garder ses manières perverses secrètes. Eve décide qu’elle n’a pas mangé sa chatte depuis un moment et demande à Ryan de s’en occuper pour elle avant de la faire baiser partout dans la salle de bain.

Kiera Croft Dans 'plays with her pussy before having affair with friend's husband'

Kiera Croft - My Wife's Hot Friend

Kiera Croft reste un peu avec son ami et le mari de son amie, Ryan. Ryan lui montre sa chambre où Kiera décide de se détendre en utilisant son vibromasseur sur sa chatte. Ryan entre sur elle et Kiera décide de s’offrir une vraie bite. Ryan est facilement convaincu de baiser l’ami de sa femme.

Adira Allure Dans 'gets more than her muscles stretched by her friend's husband'

Adira Allure - My Wife's Hot Friend

Adira Allure s’entraîne avec le mari de son amie, Ryan, et après l’entraînement, Adira a besoin d’étirements et qui de mieux que Ryan pour le faire, les mains de Ryan se sentent si bien qu’elle s’allume tout de suite et maintenant Ryan devra la baiser et lui faire plaisir au lit.

Lacey London Dans 'fucks her friend's dad in the shower!'

Lacey London - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Lacey London est seule chez son amie. Elle a besoin de se doucher mais son amie lui dit que la seule douche qui fonctionne est dans la salle de bain de ses parents. Une fois que Lacey est sous la douche, le père de son ami, Ryan, arrive. Lacey a toujours voulu baiser le père de son ami. Quelle occasion parfaite de sauter sur cette bite de son!

Madison Summers Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Madison Summers - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Madison Summers aime la vue à son nouveau travail. Le travail que le père de son ami lui a obtenu. Elle ne peut pas laisser une vue comme celle-là se perdre, alors elle prend des photos nues devant elle. Le père de son ami entre et l’attrape en l’acte. Il doit la congédier pour son comportement non professionnel, mais Madison a vraiment besoin du travail et ferait n’importe quoi pour le garder, même si cela signifie baiser le père de son ami tout en regardant ce point de vue.

Kenzie Taylor Dans 'Neighbor Affair'

Kenzie Taylor - Neighbor Affair

Kenzie Taylor est enfermée hors de sa maison alors elle se rend chez son voisin pour l’attendre. Elle vient de finir de s’entraîne, alors elle demande à son voisin, Ryan, si elle peut utiliser la douche pendant qu’elle est terminée. Ryan lui montre donc le chemin de la douche et se cache derrière la porte pour apercevoir Kenzie se doucher, mais Kenzie l’attrape dans l’acte et l’invite à la rejoindre. La femme de Ryan ne sera pas à la maison un peu, alors il enlève ses vêtements et rejoint Kenzie dans la douche pour nettoyer avant qu’ils ne se salissent.

Scarlett Hampton Dans 'fucks her dad's friend to get her Spain trip paid'

Scarlett Hampton - My Daughter's Hot Friend

L’amie de Scarlett Hampton va en Espagne et Scarlett veut vraiment y aller aussi. Scarlett s’arrête donc pour rendre visite au père de son ami, Ryan, pour voir si elle peut le convaincre de payer également son voyage en Espagne. Ryan ne l’a pas, mais Scarlett fera tout pour aller en Espagne. Elle veut vraiment dire N’IMPORTE QUOI... comme baiser Ryan sur une base régulière. Ryan ne peut pas dire « non » à cela et la chatte de Scarlett avec sa bite dure!

Spencer Bradley Dans 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Spencer Bradley - My Wife's Hot Friend

Spencer Bradley est au-dessus de la maison de son ami en train de profiter du soleil lorsque le mari de son ami, Ryan, s’arrête, elle se fait prendre de manière inattendue avec son top off. Elle a besoin d’aide pour mettre de la lotion sur sa moitié inférieure, alors qui de mieux pour aider, Ryan. Il se rend soudainement compte que Spencer est un poussin sauvage et veut plus que de l’aide avec sa lotion.

Spencer Bradley Dans 'is a very naughty employee bending over with no panties at work!!!'

Spencer Bradley - Naughty Office

Ryan a embauché Spencer Bradley comme une faveur à sa femme parce qu’ils sont tous les deux de très bons amis, mais Spencer est un atout terrible au travail. Elle utilise la carte de visite pour TOUT, même ses vêtements. Elle veut aussi vraiment se faire percer dur par Ryan au bureau. Elle cherchera avec désinvolture des choses sur le sol, se penchera ici et là, tout en ne portant AUCUNE culotte pour que Ryan ait un aperçu et soit allumé. Une fois qu’elle attrape Ryan, elle va bondir sur l’occasion de monter sa bite!

Kayley Gunner Dans 'wants a promotion and she will fuck her boss for it!!'

Kayley Gunner - I Have a Wife

Kayley Gunner obtient un tour avec son patron à sa maison et une fois qu’ils y arrivent, elle commence à parler qu’elle veut une promotion au travail. Elle n’est pas très qualifiée mais elle sait exactement comment obtenir ce qu’elle veut. Elle utilise tous les moyens nécessaires, y compris baiser son patron marié pour devancer n’importe qui au bureau!

Blake Blossom Dans 'I Have a Wife'

Blake Blossom - I Have a Wife

Hot blonde Blake Blossom attend dans sa chambre d’hôtel pour aller à l’aéroport, mais ce qu’elle veut vraiment est une bite dure pour satisfaire ses besoins, et le concierge Ryan est son candidat parfait, alors elle lui demande de lui donner un message depuis le spa a été fermé et elle a remarqué qu’il est marié, mais elle ne se soucie pas parce qu’elle ne dira à personne sur la baise dure qu’elle va obtenir.

Kayla Paige Dans 'Dirty Wives Club'

Kayla Paige - Dirty Wives Club

La voiture de Kayla Paige ne démarre pas alors elle appelle le mécanicien pour s’arrêter et s’en occuper. Elle trouve le mécanicien un peu attrayant alors elle appelle son mari pour lui demander si elle peut le sucer et le baiser. Son mari aimerait qu’elle le fasse dès que le mécanicien a fini de travailler sur la voiture de Kayla, elle va travailler sur sa bite.

Kenzie Taylor Dans 'fucks her boss for that promotion'

Kenzie Taylor - Naughty Office

Kenzie Taylor veut vraiment cette promotion et si cela signifie qu’elle a besoin d’être une meilleure baise que n’importe qui d’autre dans le bureau alors qu’il en soit ainsi. Lorsque son patron lui dit que quelqu’un d’autre est considéré pour la promotion, Kenzie déchire ses vêtements et prend la bite de son patron mieux que quiconque peut. Inutile de dire qu’elle a eu ce qu’elle voulait.

Jamie Jett Dans 'stops by her professor's  house and gets her pussy wrecked'

Jamie Jett - Naughty Bookworms

Jamie Jett ne peut pas croire la note qu’elle a obtenu sur une affectation alors elle s’arrête par la maison de son professeur et exige de savoir pourquoi. Son professeur explique qu’une mission ne va pas jouer avec sa GPA. Jamie est si heureuse qu’elle ne peut s’empêcher d’aller en ville sur la bite de son professeur pour lui montrer à quel point elle est reconnaissante.

Katie Morgan Dans 'fucks her husband's college friend for missing dinner'

Katie Morgan - Dirty Wives Club

Katie Morgan a préparé le dîner pour son mari et son ami de l’université Ryan, mais il a eu un voyage d’affaires de dernière minute et a oublié d’appeler Katie. Katie est très énervée contre son mari et décide de lui donner une leçon en baise Ryan.

Ella Reese Dans 'thanks friend's boyfriend with a fuck and suck'

Ella Reese - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Ella Reese a besoin d’aide pour déplacer des trucs hors de sa place et son amie a offert son petit ami, Ryan, pour l’aider. Ryan est un si bon petit ami, écoutant les ordres de sa petite amie. Ella aimerait emprunter Ryan pour plus que simplement déplacer de l’aide. Elle aimerait aussi emprunter Ryan et sa bite pour la faire descendre. A qui Ryan se disputer ? Il livre la chatte d’Ella avant de sortir ses affaires.

Gianna Dior Dans 'gets worked OUT and stretched HARD by her married trainer '

Gianna Dior - I Have a Wife

Gianna Dior déteste aller à la salle de gym, il n’y a pas d’intimité là-bas, mais à la maison c’est une autre histoire. Son nouvel entraîneur personnel fera son entraînement et s’étirer comme aucun autre entraîneur n’a fait avant. Gianna a besoin de sa chatte tendue et se fiche que Ryan soit marié. Avec un corps comme le sier, tout le monde donne et fait la queue!

Jenna Fireworks Dans 'fucks friend's dad to get out of class'

Jenna Fireworks - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Jenna Fireworks prend l’école de la circulation, mais elle préfère de loin aller faire la fête avec son ami. Heureusement pour elle, le père de son ami est l’instructeur et Jenna abandonne le monde pour sortir de la classe.

Chloe Cherry Dans 'Naughty Bookworms'

Chloe Cherry - Naughty Bookworms

Chloe Cherry est une co-ed chaud et a un énorme béguin pour son professeur. Elle est partie après les cours juste pour le voir. Il sait qu’elle est l’une des meilleures élèves de sa classe avec non seulement tous les cerveaux, mais avec un visage mignon ainsi. C’est une étudiante excitée qui veut que sa chatte ait travaillé dur avec son professeur !

Kayley Gunner Dans 'fucks friend's husband before flying home'

Kayley Gunner - My Wife's Hot Friend

Kayley Gunner a essayé de brancher sur une application de rencontres tout en rendant visite à son ami, mais elle a frappé. Le mari de son ami, Ryan, s’est trouvé sur cette application. Kayley est curieux de savoir pourquoi un homme marié comme Ryan est sur une application de rencontres si. Kayley décide que si Ryan va sortir à la recherche d’étrange, l’étrange qu’il obtient pourrait aussi bien être d’elle . Après tout ce qu’elle est la meilleure amie avec la femme de Ryan, c’est le moins qu’elle puisse faire pour le remercier de l’avoir laissé s’écraser chez eux pendant quelques jours.

Charlotte Sins Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Charlotte Sins - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Charlotte Sins attend que son amie finisse avec la baise dans la pièce d’à côté. Tu vois, elle est un peu jalouse d’elle parce qu’elle a toute l’action. Charlotte veut obtenir sa chatte humide farcie et faible et voici, qui entre? Le père de son ami est en forme. Il a besoin d’une douche rapide, mais il ne sait pas qu’il est aussi dans une baise rapide.

Khloe Kapri Dans 'fucks her Co-worker to get out of work'

Khloe Kapri - Naughty Office

Khloe Kapri est dans son bureau et elle veut aller à une fête d’Hollywood, mais elle a des tonnes de travail à faire, et Ryan a fini avec ses papiers, donc Khloe fait une bonne affaire, elle le baise et il fait tout le travail.

Chloe Amour Dans 'fucks neighbor to thank him for his pest control help'

Chloe Amour - Neighbor Affair

Chloé Amour a trouvé une araignée géante dans sa salle de bain alors elle appelle son voisin pour lui donner un coup de main. L’araignée est énorme et est donc la bite de son voisin. Donc, après que son voisin s’occupe de ce grand garçon, Chloé s’occupe du grand garçon de son voisin.

Sofi Ryan Dans 'fucks friend's husband to work off some money she borrowed'

Sofi Ryan - My Wife's Hot Friend

Sofi Ryan a eu quelques semaines difficiles. Elle a été mise à pied et a besoin d’argent pour ses factures. Elle va chez son amie pour lui demander si elle peut emprunter de l’argent, mais son amie est en affaires. Le mari de son ami, Ryan, fait assez bien pour lui-même si et serait heureux de prêter Sofi l’argent tant qu’elle joue au ballon en jouant avec ses. Sofi suce et baise l’homme de son ami tandis que son ami est sorti et s’en va avec assez d’argent pour payer ses factures.

Aila Donovan Dans 'fucks in the bathroom'

Aila Donovan - Neighbor Affair

Aila Donovan est dans un pétrin. Elle n’a pas payé de loyer depuis quelques mois parce qu’elle était sans emploi. Elle est sur le point d’avoir une interview aujourd’hui, mais sa douche ne marche toujours pas. Alors elle se dirige vers ses propriétaires pour voir quand il va le réparer. Elle finit par utiliser sa douche et a reçu un ultimatum, il est excité, elle est chaude, je vais couvrir votre loyer dû si vous baisez la merde hors de moi.

Nikki Sweet Dans 'fucks in order to get the babysitting job'

Nikki Sweet - I Have a Wife

Nikki Sweet a besoin d’un travail et elle est si près d’obtenir le travail de baby-sitting. Pour sceller l’affaire Nikki suce et baise Ryan, l’homme l’interviewer. Inutile de dire qu’elle a obtenu le poste.

Judy Jolie Dans 'sleeps with friend's husband after a night of debauchery'

Judy Jolie - My Wife's Hot Friend

Judy Jolie s’est évanouie chez son amie après une soirée chaude avec son amie. Le mari de son ami, Ryan, rentre tôt à la maison et trouve Judy dans son lit, mais sa femme est au travail. Judy avoue qu’elle a eu des relations sexuelles avec la femme de Ryan. Ryan pense seulement qu’il est juste d’obtenir un avant-goût de la chatte de Judy ainsi depuis sa femme a eu un tour. Judy vient autour de l’idée et finit par baiser Ryan ainsi.

Candice Dare Dans 'fucks married man on couch she is buying'

Candice Dare - I Have a Wife

Candice Dare est intéressé à acheter un canapé que Ryan vend. La femme de Ryan détestait le canapé alors elle le fait se débarrasser de lui. Candice aime le canapé, mais c’est un peu plus cher que ce qu’elle veut payer. Alors elle fait un marché avec Ryan, elle va tomber sur lui s’il baisse sur le prix. Tant que sa femme ne découvre pas que Ryan est plus que prêt à accepter cet accord.

Nikole Nash Dans 'needs a good fuck from her friend's dad'

Nikole Nash - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Nikole a déménagé avec un nouveau colocataire inconnu et le gars est très effrayant alors elle appelle le père de son ami / amant Ryan à venir la sauver et à la fin de son plan fonctionne pour se faire baiser par lui

Petra Blair Dans 'gets fucked good'

Petra Blair - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Petra Blair est chez son amie à étudier quand le père de son amie entre. Petra a enfin sa chance de lui montrer à quel point elle a été à vouloir se faire baiser par lui.

Ashley Red Dans 'and Leah Lee get fucked'

Ashley Red - 2 Chicks Same Time

Ashley Red, Leah Lee, et son amie se dirigent vers la fête pour les vacances de printemps et finissent par se perdre. Ils viennent sur un hôtel ombragé à la recherche où un tueur est en liberté. Cela n’empêche pas ces poussins cornée de se faire baiser, mais qui sait si elles vont sortir vivant!

Skylar Vox Dans 'gets punished by friend's dad'

Skylar Vox - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Skylar Vox a été pris en train de soulever des magasins, mais elle ne peut pas dire à ses parents, alors elle appelle le père de son amie pour l’aider. Heureusement, le père de son amie connaît le propriétaire du magasin et la sort des ennuis. Il ne va pas la laisser partir facilement, car il l’a aidée à sortir d’un cornichon, elle va devoir l’aider à prendre soin de son cornichon.

Lily Glee Dans 'lets her friend's dad take her virginity '

Lily Glee - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Lily Glee est chez son amie en attendant qu’elle rentre à la maison pour étudier quand M. Mclane entrera dans la chambre. Il fait savoir à Lily que sa fille ne rentre pas à la maison parce qu’elle est avec son petit ami. M. Mclane lui explique que c’est courant quand les gens commencent à sortir ensemble. Lily lui dit qu’elle ne le saurait pas parce qu’elle n’a jamais eu de petit ami - ni embrassé personne. Il est tellement excité par sa virginité qu’il fait un geste et la baise juste là sur le lit de sa fille!

Aaliyah Love Dans 'fucks husbands employee'

Aaliyah Love - Dirty Wives Club

Aaliyah Love et son mari ont un type spécial d’arrangement, il est souvent en affaires et veut qu’elle soit heureuse. Il aime la surprendre avec de la lingerie sexy et envoie son employé pour le livrer et leurs. Femme heureuse vie heureuse.

Jill Kassidy Dans 'fucks for her chance to be a model'

Jill Kassidy - Neighbor Affair

Jill Kassidy a entendu dire que son voisin est un photographe avec des liens avec l’industrie de la modélisation. Jill a toujours voulu être un modèle alors elle va et rend visite à son voisin pour essayer de mettre le pied dans la porte. Jill fera n’importe quoi pour être un modèle, même si cela signifie qu’elle doit baiser un photographe ici et là.

Kenna James Dans 'hooks up with her single neighbor for extra cash'

Kenna James - Neighbor Affair

La voisine de Ryan Mclane, Kenna James, s’arrête chez lui pour voir s’il a des offres d’emploi dans son entreprise, spécialement pour son mari. Malheureusement, Ryan n’a pas de postes pour le mari de Kenna, cependant, il a plusieurs «positions» pour Kenna à combler ... ou plutôt, pour Ryan à remplir quand elle est dans différents postes.

Kenna James Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Kenna James - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Kenna James conclut une conversation avec le père de son ami, Ryan, tandis que son ami est dans une autre pièce de parler avec son petit ami au téléphone. Kenna lui dit qu’elle aime la bite de gars plus âgés et a Ryan labourer son droit là dans la cuisine tandis que son ami est dans l’autre pièce.

Skye Blue Dans 'I Have a Wife'

Skye Blue - I Have a Wife

Le dernier client à voir la maison à vendre est Ryan et son agent immobilier sexy Skye Blue a un appétit pour certains COCK et mieux encore d’un homme marié.

Rachael Cavalli Dans 'fucks her husband's friend'

Rachael Cavalli - Dirty Wives Club

Rachael Cavalli manque la bite de son mari et il s’avère qu’il sera hors de la ville un peu plus longtemps. Ryan est à leur maison en visite et Rachael avait un plan de tous les deux baise elle, mais la bite de Ryan sera assez bon.

Demi Sutra Dans 'fucks her friends husband'

Demi Sutra - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ryan vient d’acheter de beaux cadeaux pour sa femme, mais il demande à Demi Sutrato de les essayer pour voir si elle conviendra à sa femme. Dès qu’elle voit la robe que Ryan a acheté Demi l’aime et l’essaie même si elle se sentait un peu mal à l’aise. Suivant la lingerie et puis la meilleure surprise de tous les temps, Ryan veut voir si le vibrateur qu’il a acheté sa femme est un bon alors il demande Demi Sutra de l’essayer. Les choses deviennent très chaud très vite et personne ne peut arrêter la fête de la baise qui est à venir!

Gia Milana Dans 'fucks her boss' husband'

Gia Milana - I Have a Wife

Gia Milana a dû s’arrêter chez son patron pour ramasser de la paperasse. Elle est super stressée et tandis que le mari de son patron, Ryan, aide à la mettre à l’aise. Il la met tellement à l’aise que Gia se sent assez à l’aise pour faire quelque chose qu’elle voulait faire depuis un certain temps, et c’est: baiser Ryan.

Eliza Ibarra Dans 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Eliza Ibarra - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Il est temps d’aller chercher Sofia (Eliza Ibarra) ami à sa maison, mais elle est en train de faire du shopping avec sa mère, alors quand elle y arrive Ryan est le seul là-bas à la maison qui vient de terminer de travailler et les hormones de Sofia coup de pied dans et maintenant elle doit le baiser.

Bianca Burke Dans 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Bianca Burke - My Wife's Hot Friend

Sarah Williams (Bianca Burke) avait l’intention d’aller à une galerie d’art avec son ami. Elle s’arrête chez ses amis, mais le mari de son amie informe Sarah qu’elle s’est évanouie à l’étage, ne va nulle part en raison d’une très mauvaise migraine. Le mari insiste pour que Sarah reste et rattrape une bouteille de vin. Regardez l’infidélité très passionnée et chaude se dérouler entre eux!

Alina Lopez Dans 'Watch Your Wife'

Alina Lopez - Watch Your Wife

Votre femme, Kassandra Kelly (Alina Lopez), est excité comme baise et veut "inviter" un gars à "Peinture" ses murs, mais ce qu’il ne sait pas, c’est qu’il va peindre sa chatte avec sperme.

Ashley Lane Dans 'Dirty Wives Club'

Ashley Lane - Dirty Wives Club

Quand Ashley Lane reçoit un appel téléphonique de son mari pour baiser l’instructeur de tennis, elle obéit à 100%. Elle suggère à son professeur de tennis de prendre une douche avant qu’il ne décolle. Pendant qu’il est sous la douche, elle se présente dans son costume d’anniversaire.

Kenzie Taylor Dans 'gets fucked as husband watches'

Kenzie Taylor - Watch Your Wife

Kenzie Taylor adore baiser. Heureusement pour elle, son mari aime la regarder se faire baiser. Aujourd’hui, Kenzie a appelé un amant de son passé pour la baiser pendant que son mari regarde.

Becky Bandini Dans 'fucks husbands friend'

Becky Bandini - Dirty Wives Club

Quand les maris s’en aller, la femme sort pour jouer. Becky Bandini a besoin de baiser parce que ça fait trop longtemps. L’amie de son mari est en ville pour le travail et est prête à lui faire plaisir.

Chloe Cherry Dans 'Finds Out What An Open Family Is All About'

Chloe Cherry - Open Family

Chloe Cherry attend chez son petit ami qu’il rentre chez lui du dentiste. Personne n’est à la maison, sauf le père de son petit ami, Ryan. Cherry veut prendre une douche et être nettoyé à temps pour sortir avec son petit ami une fois qu’il rentre à la maison. Ryan marche sur elle sous la douche, explique qu’ils ont une «famille ouverte» où tout est partagé. Chloé est tout en et prend le père de son petit ami pour un tour.

Alex Coal Dans 'Watch Your Wife'

Alex Coal - Watch Your Wife

votre femme sexy Alex Coal a une grande surprise pour vous et il a été longtemps depuis que vous vouliez que cela se produise et il est enfin là. Alex Coal ramène à la maison son collègue et la baise comme vous le souhaitez que vous pouvez lui faire Cum plusieurs fois et tout cela pour votre plaisir de la regarder.

Bridgette B. Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Bridgette B. - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Ruh-roh ! La petite amie de Ryan, Olive, vient de terminer un cours de yoga avec son amie Bridgette B. et l’a amenée à la maison pour le déjeuner... mais Ryan reconnaît ces gros seins d’un mile de distance! Il s’avère que l’entraîneur personnel avait l’œil sur la Latina sexy à la salle de gym pendant un certain temps, jusqu’à ce qu’elle a attiré son attention et le fini par baiser! Mais elle n’avait aucune idée qu’il avait une petite amie en direct, et qu’elle est dans son cours de yoga! Pouvez-vous deviner ce qui se passe quand Olive découvre qu’elle a quitté son sac à main à la salle de gym et doit manquer "vraiment rapide" pour l’obtenir! Yup, Ryan va tout-out piledriver sur la poupée espagnole! Elle bâillonne sur sa bite tout en le gorgeant profondément et lui permet tittyfuck ces seins énormes qu’il a manqué pendant trop longtemps. Mais vont-ils baiser et finir avant Olive revient? Attention à découvrir!

Aaliyah Love Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Aaliyah Love - My Wife's Hot Friend

Quand Aaliyah Love vient de l’extérieur de la ville, elle veut tirer le meilleur parti de son séjour. Embarquement à la maison de son bon ami, elle veut rester quelques jours supplémentaires pour voir quelques-uns des sites. Il s’avère que le mari de son ami Ryan veut faire quelques visites de son propre ... voir la belle vue du gros cul blanc d’Aaliyah sous la douche! Mais Aaliyah est trop excitée pour ne pas le remarquer l’espionner et branler sa bite à son fond de pomme scintillante, ce qui l’inspire à obtenir un coup d’oeil à la vue qu’elle a été mourir de voir pendant que Ryan dort - le monument dans son pantalon! Ryan ne veut pas vraiment tromper sa femme, mais tu ne peux pas sortir un invité, n’est-ce pas ?

Amia Miley Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Amia Miley - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Si vous entrez accidentellement sur la colocataire de votre petite amie alors qu’elle est nue, il est juste qu’elle vous voit nue ... Oui? Oui. Au milieu de Miley pense que oui, aussi. Le petit ami de sa colocataire, Ryan, fait irruption à sa porte pendant que ses gros seins traînent, alors elle prend sur elle de marcher sur lui dans l’autre chambre et le trouve se masturber! Non seulement cela, mais elle apprend qu’il était slappin 'son salami à cause d’elle son rack de graisse! Gf Ryan n’est pas à la maison, et ne sera pas à la maison pendant un certain temps, alors ... big-tits sexe, il est! Amia donne à Ryan les seins que sa femme n’a pas, et il la pique comme on le voulait. C’est drôle comme la vie fonctionne comme ça.

Nia Nacci Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Nia Nacci - My Sisters Hot Friend

Nerds, c’est ton jour ! Nia Nacci vérifie la maison géante appartenant au frère de son ami Aubrey Ryan, qui elle apprend est un nerd énorme qui a fait tout son argent dans l’industrie de la technologie. Il s’avère que Nia aime absolument nerds, et elle se considère même comme un geek grand ordinateur, aussi. Cela excite Aubrey parce qu’elle dit qu’il a besoin de se faire baiser grand temps! Nia est en bas pour certains putain, alors quand elle rencontre timide Ryan dans sa chambre et commence à parler boutique sur le matériel et les processeurs, la bite de Ryan se déplace - et elle aime ça! La fille d’ébène libère ses gros seins naturels et le nerd est partout sur eux comme une plaque de nacho. La chatte tendre de Nia fait Ryan oublier le jeu pendant une minute chaude, mais une fois qu’il cums partout sur elle, ils ont tous deux reprendre geeking. Salut les déesses nerd-aimant!

Aaliyah Hadid Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in I Have a Wife'

Aaliyah Hadid - I Have A Wife

Clubs de strip-tease, baise oui! Aaliyah Hadid travaille à un, mais pas comme un danseur. C’est une barback, mais elle veut une promotion pour faire un peu plus d’argent, alors elle rend visite au propriétaire du club Ryan à sa maison pour une discussion. Il lui dit qu’il n’a pas vraiment n’importe où pour la promouvoir au sein du club, et quand elle évoque l’idée de danser, Ryan est un peu hésitant en raison de son manque d’expérience de la danse, même s’il voit qu’elle a de beaux gros seins. Mais là où elle manque d’expérience en danse, Aaliyah se rassure dans l’expérience de la fellation. Et putain d’expérience. Et l’expérience de l’ingestion de sperme. Ryan proteste pendant une demi-moitié de seconde parce qu’il est marié, puis décide qu’il a besoin de voir à quel point Aaliyah est expérimentée après tout!

Quinn Wilde Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Quinn Wilde - My Sisters Hot Friend

Le petit ami de Quinn lui propose ce soir, mais elle n’a pas vu son béguin de 15 ans dans le temps le plus long, donc avant qu’elle se fiance, elle va remplir sa convoitise pour la bite de Ryan avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.

Anya Ivy Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in I Have a Wife'

Anya Ivy - I Have A Wife

Ryan arrive à la maison dans l’espoir de voir sa femme, mais trouve une femme inconnue fouillant dans ses placards. Anya Ivy se présente comme lui et le nouvel organisateur de sa femme - embauché par son épouse pour les aider à mettre les choses en ordre. Sceptique, Ryan appelle sa femme et apprend que Anya a effectivement été embauché pour aider leur feng shui, mais comme il est au téléphone, il trouve Anya se déshabiller et aller Kama Sutra sur lui! Avec les gros seins naturels d’Anya étalés sur son visage, l’homme marié n’a pas d’autre choix que de raccrocher avec sa femme et se laisser séduire! Comme Anya l’a dit, elle est là pour aider. Et après Ryan la baise dans une foule de positions et il est sur le point de sperme, la sagesse d’Anya brille à nouveau quand elle dit: «Ne laissez pas tout pour vous femme."

Lily Adams Dans 'and Lily Jordan and Ryan Mclane in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Lily Adams - 2 Chicks Same Time

Les deux Lilys sont allées tout enfant sauvage sur nous! Lily Adams et Lily Jordan sont à Las Vegas qui le coqueluche, et ils deviennent même tout étourdi quand l’un d’eux laisse son sac dans la voiture de leur conducteur, la forçant à lui faire signe de retour ... et puis gentiment le séduire! Il n’a aucune idée de ce qu’il entre dans quand il arrive, jusqu’à ce que Lily 1 et Lily 2 l’invitent à entrer et ensuite grimper sur sa bite! La baise chance devient le milieu d’un sandwich Lily dans un trio désert qui devient son meilleur covoiturage encore!

Lily Jordan Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in Naughty Bookworms'

Lily Jordan - Naughty Bookworms

Lily Jordan a joué dans sa classe, et son professeur n’est pas trop heureux à ce sujet. Non seulement échoue-t-elle au cours, mais elle a un effet négatif direct sur les autres étudiants qui essaient d’apprendre. Lorsque le professeur Mclane a une conversation privée avec elle à ce sujet, il ne peut pas se contrôler et fessée son cul - tout à la joie de Lily! Sachant très bien qu’il sera mis en conserve si Lily rats sur lui, le professeur Mclane n’a pas le choix de succomber au chantage de Lily - fessée sa bulle, mais un peu plus, puis la baiser ou se mettre en conserve!

Alyssa Cole Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Alyssa Cole - My Sisters Hot Friend

Qu’est-ce qu’on a ici ? Ryan trouve une tablette aléatoire sur la table basse, et tout en le vérifiant, il trouve de la littérature érotique sur elle qui fait référence au désir d’un personnage de baiser le frère de son ami. Qui entre et l’attrape ? Alyssa Cole, l’amie de sa sœur ! Non seulement elle est gênée qu’il lit son érotisme original, mais elle est mortifiée quand il déduit qu’elle écrit sur sa soif de sa bite! Tout le monde pense qu’Alyssa est une bonne deux-chaussures, mais quand elle trouve ce qu’elle veut, elle devient le pot de sexe soumis qu’elle veut être. La fantaisie devient réalité quand Alyssa permet au frère de son ami de lui gifler le cul et d’avoir son chemin avec elle, al le temps qu’elle aime sucer et baiser sa bite!

Romi Rain Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in Dirty Wives Club'

Romi Rain - Dirty Wives Club

Quand tu es le mari de Romi Rain, que pouvez-vous faire pour lui faire plaisir quand vous travaillez tout le temps ? Reste au travail ! C’est selon la femme sale Romi, qui a une autre bite pour faire votre travail quand vous n’êtes pas là - qui est tout le temps. Ses gros seins et son gros cul ne se baiseront pas, alors Romi appelle son putain de Ryan pour faire le sale boulot. Et comme c’est sale ! Regardez comment cette brune plantureuse devient bonne et désordonnée quand elle obtient la bite dont elle a envie! Une femme excitée sera remplie d’une manière ou d’une autre!

Richelle Ryan Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in Seduced By A Cougar'

Richelle Ryan - Seduced By A Cougar

Combien de temps pouvez-vous faire le tour de la maison, avec deux mois de retard avec le loyer, avant que le propriétaire ne vous attrape? Pas longtemps si Richelle Ryan vous loue une chambre! Le propriétaire sexy est assis dans la chambre de son locataire Ryan, pining pour lui et son paiement en retard. Il se faufile dans la maison, mais ses compétences ninja ne sont pas à la hauteur de Richelle et ses gros seins, qui l’accueille avec un sourire et une conversation sur son loyer et ses excuses constantes. Heureusement pour lui que Richelle est négociatrice, et couguar ! Elle lui dit qu’il peut juste travailler en la laissant le baiser et le branler! Ryan le monte et travaille sa bite hors de sortir pour obtenir Richelle off. Tout va bien cette fin est bien ... jusqu’au mois prochain!

Ashley Adams Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Ashley Adams - My Sisters Hot Friend

Ashley a quitté son appartement et est allée voir le frère de sa colocataire Ryan après qu’elle a réalisé que la sœur de Ryan baise son ex-petit ami pour l’année dernière.

Kylie Page Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in Naughty Office'

Kylie Page - Naughty Office

Kylie Page utilise sa chatte rasée pour persuader son collègue de faire sa paperasse. C’est une bonne affaire pour Ryan.

August Ames Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in Naughty Rich Girls'

August Ames - Naughty Rich Girls

August Ames s’intéresse à Ryan. Le problème est que Ryan est l’employé de son père et il a peur des conséquences qui viennent avec le coucher avec la fille de son patron. mais Août obtient toujours ce qu’elle veut.

Nikki Benz Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in Dirty Wives Club'

Nikki Benz - Dirty Wives Club

Nikki Benz attend son mari à l’hôtel, mais il est en retard comme toujours. Elle décide de passer le temps en invitant l’un des employés de l’hôtel dans sa chambre et en le frappant avant que son mari n’y arrive.

Tory Lane Dans 'and Ryan McLane in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Tory Lane - My Wife's Hot Friend

Tory Lane saute par la maison de son couple préféré pour voir comment leur croisière s’est déroulée, seulement pour découvrir par le mari de son ami que c’était un désastre. Ryan lui dit que sa femme a été toute alcoolisée et a fini par baiser le capitaine du bateau putain! Ses vacances ont été gâchées, mais Tory lui dit de se venger en baise une autre femme. Son plan devient encore plus sale quand elle lui dit de baiser son ... tandis que sa femme est à l’étage! Pissed comme l’enfer, Ryan prend l’ami de sa femme sur l’offre et frappe la merde hors d’elle dans sa maison, comme sa femme est désemparéque que les gros seins de son ami sont rebondis autour par son mari! Qui est le capitaine ?!?

Alexa Styles Dans 'and Ryan McLane in My Friends Hot Mom'

Alexa Styles - My Friends Hot Mom

Ryan s’est de nouveau blessé à l’épaule en jouant au football avec son copain, alors il va à l’intérieur et la mère de son ami, Alexa Styles, le conduit à sa baignoire où elle lui dit de prendre un bain et se détendre. Ce que Ryan ne sait pas, c’est que Mme Styles l’espionne pendant qu’il se déshabille, ce qui provoque un picotement dans son train d’atterrissage. Elle se déshabille, puis prend son moi MILF dans la salle de bain et la baignoire, où elle rejoint Ryan pour se détendre avec lui dans l’eau chaude ... et sucer et baiser sa bite!

Claire Heart Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in I Have a Wife'

Claire Heart - I Have A Wife

Claire Heart ne lui enlèvera pas les mains de Ryan. Normalement, ce ne serait pas un problème, mais il est marié, et sa femme est à l’étage à boire avec les autres femmes à la fête! Claire et Ryan sont en bas, et bien tôt elle suce sa bite comme personne d’autre dans la maison. Ryan va avec elle parce qu’il veut frapper la brune naturelle, qui évidemment ne se soucie pas qu’il est un homme marié! Espérons qu’ils ne sont pas trop fort, surtout quand il est marteler son droit dur avant de souffler une charge de sperme sur tout son visage!

Natasha Vega Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in I Have a Wife'

Natasha Vega - I Have A Wife

Le mariage de Ryan souffre parce que lui et sa femme n’ont jamais de relations sexuelles. Mais le copain de Ryan sauve la mise en envoyant Natasha Vega chez lui pour lui livrer un télégramme sexuel ! Il se trouve que sa femme est hors de la ville, donc après avoir lu une rime courte et douce à Ryan, Natasha lui donne une baise longue et dure! Aucun homme marié ne pouvait laisser passer un télégramme qui délivre de gros seins et d’énormes mamelons!!!

Imani Rose Dans 'and Ryan McLane in I Have a Wife'

Imani Rose - I Have A Wife

Ryan est heureux quand la dame câble chaud Imani Rose revient pour l’aider avec ses problèmes de télévision, mais elle est perturbée parce qu’elle était juste là. Elle devient encore plus énervé quand elle découvre que le seul problème était que le cordon d’alimentation a été débranché. Ryan s’en fiche, parce que tout ce qu’il voulait, c’était flirter avec elle et regarder son joli cul. Mais Imani a fini de jouer, et elle est prête à se mettre au travail.dans le pantalon de Ryan ! Elle se fiche qu’il soit marié. sa femme est partie, et sa bite est dure!

Nikita Von James Dans 'and Ryan McLane in Seduced by a cougar'

Nikita Von James - Seduced By A Cougar

Pauvre Nikita Von James . son lit n’est pas assez gonflable pour elle. Elle demande l’aide de l’un des meilleurs équipements de réparation de matelas et de vente en ville, de sorte que le propriétaire, Ryan, s’arrête par. Étranger à la maison appelle, en particulier celui avec une femme blonde chaude avec ses gros seins pratiquement traîner, Ryan est un peu distrait quand il regarde le lit de Nikita dans sa chambre. Tout comme il lui dit comment il remarque qu’il n’est pas trop élastique, elle sort sa bite élastique et sucer sur elle!

Erica Lauren Dans 'and Ryan McLane in My Friends Hot Mom'

Erica Lauren - My Friends Hot Mom

Erica Lauren a engagé le fils de son ami Ryan pour peindre sa maison, et quand elle prend d’assaut dans le garage et lui ordonne de venir dans le salon qu’il a récemment peint, elle ne semble pas heureux. Ryan dépose la blonde MILF, comme indiqué, et tente d’expliquer qu’il n’est pas un peintre professionnel . mais il s’avère que Mme Lauren pense que la chambre est superbe! Non seulement cela, elle veut sucer sa bite pour elle! Ryan recule au début, mais une fois qu’elle a les mains dans son pantalon, il ne peut pas résister à une bonne mère baise!

Mae Meyers Dans 'and Ryan McLane in Naughty Bookworms'

Mae Meyers - Naughty Bookworms

Le professeur Mclane remplace le professeur Reed, et il est tellement épuisé qu’il fait une sieste à son bureau. Dans pops petite vilainbookworm Mae Meyers, qui a été putain de professeur Reed pendant un certain temps. Elle confond le sous-marin de sommeil pour Reed, et lui parle salement. Mais. Surprise! Mae découvre que son copain baise est parti . mais le substitut lui dit qu’il est un substitut, alors ...

Ava Addams Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ryan est sur le point d’aller jouer au basket-ball avec son copain James, mais la mère de son copain Ava Addams corrals lui à la dernière minute pour lui demander son avis sur ce qu’elle devrait porter pour la nuit. Alors qu’elle lui montre quelques robes sexy, Ryan ne sait pas exactement quoi faire. Elle décide de les essayer pour lui, mais quand elle sort de la salle de bain en lingerie seulement, il n’y a vraiment qu’une seule chose Ryan peut faire à ce point: baiser la merde de sa mère MILF-y de son ami, et sucer ses gros seins!

Jewels Jade Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in Neighbor Affair'

Jewels Jade - Neighbor Affair

Jewels remarque que son voisin Ryan a laissé ses clés dans la porte. Jewels entre dans la maison de Ryan et le trouve dans sa salle de bain se prépare pour une douche. Il a été surpris de voir Jewels dans sa maison, elle a été regarder Ryan pendant plus d’un an et elle a le chaud pour lui!

Jessica Jaymes Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in I Have a Wife'

Jessica Jaymes - I Have A Wife

Jessica Jaymes invite son nouvel assistant de bureau Ryan à sa maison, mais il ne sait pas pourquoi. Quand elle lui dit qu’elle veut juste soulager une partie du stress qu’ils encourent dans le monde de l’entreprise, il est tout pour un peu d’exercice. Mais quand elle implique que son genre de yoga implique ses talons hauts rouges et les jambes derrière sa tête avec sa bite dure dans sa chatte, il lui dit qu’il est marié. Mais quand elle met réellement ses talons hauts rouges et les jambes derrière sa tête, il décide que l’achèvement de l’activité - avec sa bite dure dans sa chatte - est une bonne idée.

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Jessa Rhodes Dans 'Your pornstar girlfriend Jessa Rhodes is horny, wet, and ready for your thick cock'

Jessa Rhodes - Your pornstar girlfriend Jessa Rhodes is horny, wet, and ready for your thick cock

My girlfriend, Jessa Rhodes, is one of a kind. She works in the adult industry and loves to fuck. Today, she comes home while I'm in the hot tub and is hot and horny from the girl-on-girl shoot she had today. She tells me all about it but that she was craving some real penetration. That's when she has her way with my dick all over the house in all her favorite sex positions.

Tiana Blow Dans 'Postcard Secrets My Pussy Is My Ticket - S45:E19'

Tiana Blow - Postcard Secrets My Pussy Is My Ticket - S45:E19

Drinking coffee in the morning, Ryan McLane is shocked when his stepdaughter Tiana Blow struts into the kitchen wearing a bikini and an itty bitty sari. In the course of conversation, Ryan establishes that his stepdaughter needs money to go to the beach with her friends.Ryan tries to decline what his stepdaughter is offering, but as Tiana comes on to him he gradually loses his resolve. By the time Tiana has slid her hand to cup the hardon beneath his pants, Ryan is fully on board with what's to come. He shuts his stepdaughter up with a kiss, then slides his hands up to squeeze her tatas.Helping Tiana up onto the countertop, Ryan makes good on taking whatever he wants from his stepdaughter. He gets to his knees and eats her hot little pussy. When he has had enough of a feast, Ryan lets Tiana hop off the counter to stroke his long one and then suck it down in a deep throat delight. The only thing better than the blowjob is the 69 Tiana creates as she climbs on top of Ryan and plants her pussy on his lips.With Ryan prone on the countertop, it's a simple thing for Tiana to crawl on top of his hard cock and ride him in reverse cowgirl. That first position is merely the beginning as Ryan turns the tables to flip Tiana onto her back so he can dive deep into her cream filled coochie.Turning Tiana around, Ryan pushes her torso down onto the countertop. He sinks balls deep back into that velvet glove, fucking her from behind until she's squealing beneath him. Only then does he pull out to pop on Tiana's bottom, sealing the deal that he'll finance her beach trip.

Demi Hawks Dans 'September 2023 Fantasy Of The Month - S4:E12'

Demi Hawks - September 2023 Fantasy Of The Month - S4:E12

What would you do if a stunner like Demi Hawks decked herself out in some sheer blue lingerie and high heels, then strutted over to your bedroom? Ryan Mclane knows exactly what he wants to do with this sexy surprise. Demi has been dumped by Ryan's son, but that's fine because Demi is ready to be all for Ryan.When Demi stands in the doorway running her hands up and down her body, Ryan watches with rapt attention. He's as hard as it gets by the time Demi joins him in bed and slips a tie around his eyes. Crawling on top of Ryan, Demi lets him explore her with his big hands, spanking her ass and cropping her curves. She gets a bit of her own back with a feather tickling its way down Ryan's stomach, then settles in for the part they're both waiting for.Popping Ryan's hardon out of his briefs, Demi opens nice and wide so she can run her tongue up and down the shaft. She takes her time, stroking with her hands and sucking the head like her favorite candy. When she decides it's her turn, Demi removes the makeshift blindfold and scoots up Ryan's body so that he can obediently lick her dripping pussy to really bring her passion to a fever pitch.Sliding back down Ryan's body is a simple thing for Demi, as is adjusting her hips so she can take his big one into her tight little twat. She rocks and bounces, letting Ryan help guide her pace. When Demi gets on her knees and wiggles her bottom, Ryan keeps their fire burning as he pounds her in doggy.Flipping over, Demi splays her legs to their widest, inviting Ryan back inside. He takes her, going balls deep. Flipping Demi onto her side, Ryan stays buried in her juicy coochie as he gives it to her in spooning. That brings Ryan to his finish, where he pulls out to nut on Demi's stomach.

Scarlett Alexis Dans 'More To Learn - S45:E6'

Scarlett Alexis - More To Learn - S45:E6

Ryan Mclane has been brought in to tutor Scarlett Alexis and Sera Ryder. The girls aren't interested in learning, as evidenced by the way they talk dirty between themselves and cuddle ever closer as their mutual passion ignites. Ryan does his best to remain professional, but with two horny hotties staring at him like they want to eat him right up, it's not easy.Despite Ryan's admonitions that the girls need to control themselves, Scarlett lets Sera hike her miniskirt up and tug her thong aside to palm her pussy. When Ryan gives them yet another warning, Scarlett leans back into Sera's arms and tells him that they're just passionate about him. They both want to know how he eats pussy.Ryan is only human. He can't resist the allure of his two hot students as they beg him for some big Os. Dropping to his knees, he murmurs that he was hired to help with their education after all. Then he dives face first into Scarlett's pussy, tickling her thighs with his beard and her clit with his tongue. Sera contributes to Scarlett's fun by kneading her friend's tits and directing Ryan.Once Sera has seen what Ryan can do, she can't wait to enjoy herself on his tongue and more. For her part, Scarlett rubs against Ryan's cock with her feet to encourage him to pop his fuck stick out so she can enjoy herself alongside Sera. Getting Ryan to lay down, Scarlett rides the D while Sera bounces on Ryan's tongue, leaving both girls gasping. When they swap spots so that Sera can enjoy Ryan's hardon and Sera can resume her acquaintance with Ryan's tongue, they face one another and make out over their tutor's hot body.Scarlett gets to get her twat pounded as she kneels with Ryan buried inside of her. She busies her mouth with suckling Sera's tits, but Ryan isn't having that. He wants to hear his student moan as he fists his fingers through Scarlett's hair and draws her away from Sera so that her mouth is no longer busy. That way, Ryan knows the moment he gets Scarlett off as the pitch of her gasps changes.Sera wants one last climax and Ryan is happy to deliver. Cradling her friend in her lap, Scarlett caresses Sera's hair and neck with light feathery touches. Meanwhile, Ryan makes her sing a sexy song as he fucks her nice and deep.The girls are finally satisfied that they know how their tutor eats pussy and fucks. Now it's their turn to show what they've learned. They get Ryan on his back and get on their bellies side by side. Working together and sharing nicely, they suck and lick until Ryan gives them a nice cumshot to share.

Angie Faith Dans 'He Gives More Than I Could Ever Ask For - S19:E3'

Angie Faith - He Gives More Than I Could Ever Ask For - S19:E3

Angie Faith knows she's about to have a great night with her husband Ryan Mclane, and she prepares herself for it appropriately. Putting her big boobs into a bra and then a halter, she slips into a matching thong and high heels. She takes the time to lotion herself up, then struts out to where Ryan is chilling with his phone.Coming up behind Ryan, Angie covers his eyes with her hands to have him guess who. When he laughs and plays along, Angie leans in close and lets him know that his eyes are covered by his very horny wife. She comes around to the front of the couch to straddle Ryan's lap, grinding her big ass and pussy against his hardon in a preview of so much more to come.As Ryan lets Angie have her way with him, she gets the party going even more by popping those incredible jugs from her bra. Smothering Ryan's face with her d-cups is only the beginning of what Angie can do with them. She slithers off his lap to relieve him of his pants so she can blow him. Then Angie rears back and presses her boobs together for a titty fuck.Ryan knows when he's up to bat and he is definitely ready to rise to the challenge. Laying Angie down, he kneels between her thighs and makes himself nice and comfy. Then he goes in for a pussy licking, running his tongue up and down her slit as he drinks her juices down.Getting Angie on her knees, Ryan finally slides himself home. He gives Angie the long, deep strokes she craves in doggy. As Angie rises, her back to Ryan's chest, the angle of penetration Ryan keeps on thrusting for both their delight.Angie enjoys a position of power next as Ryan takes a seat on the couch. Her landing strip cooch fits Ryan's cock like a velvet glove as she slides back down on him in reverse cowgirl. Bouncing away with her big knockers jiggling, she keeps it up until she's moaning.There's still some gas left in the tank for Angie, so she gets on her back and spreads her thighs. Ryan knows just what to do, shoving back inside for a grand finale. Once he has gotten Angie off one last time, Ryan pulls out and slides up Angie's prone body where he fucks the channel between her breasts until blowing his load all over them. Sated, Angie runs her fingers through the sticky seed and licks them clean in satisfaction.

Anna Claire Clouds Dans 'My Wifes Best Friend - S44:E29'

Anna Claire Clouds - My Wifes Best Friend - S44:E29

Ryan McLane is married, which makes him open to helping his wife's best friend, Anna Claire Clouds, whenever Anna needs help. His wife is out of town, but Anna needs help replacing a light bulb. Ryan comes on over to lend a hand.It becomes clear that there's not really a problem and that Anna just wanted Ryan to come over. After a few moments of hesitation, Anna thanks him with a kiss. That's all it takes for the dam to break. Their hands are all over each other, grasping and groping as they get to know one another intimately.Retiring to the bedroom, they keep their exploration going. Anna lets Ryan take the lead as he fondles her tits and squeezes her nipples to hard little peaks. As he moves lower to kneel between her thighs, Anna spreads herself wide open to accommodate him. Ryan's tongue goes to work, leaving Anna moaning and rolling her eyes back in bliss.Getting to his feet, Ryan finally shoves it in to consummate their desire. Anna mewls in delight at the penetration and curls her knees to her chest, helping Ryan go in deeper. When Ryan pulls out and lays down in the bed, Anna takes the time to suck her juices off his fuck stick before straddling his hips and riding him in cowgirl.Their coupling continues as Anna gets on her knees and wiggles her booty at Ryan, inviting him back inside. Doggy style lets them both enjoy a new, deep connection. They continue that delight as Anna rolls to her side with Ryan spooning behind her and buried within her. He only pulls out to pop on Anna's twat, leaving them both replete and in agreement that they should definitely do this again.

Lexi Luna Dans 'The Photo Shoot - S44:E28'

Lexi Luna - The Photo Shoot - S44:E28

Lexi Luna wants to try out her new camera, and her favorite model is sitting right there on his bed. The pair have dated in the past, but aren't currently together. Lexi assures Ryan that their previous relationship is water under the bridge, but the busty babe has a plan that involves getting some of that D again.Her professional requests to Ryan get increasingly sexual, from asking him to take off his shirt, to telling him to lose the pants. Ryan is uncomfortable with the direction this shoot is taking. Eventually, Lexi very matter-of-factly tells him that he needs to relax. She's even willing to help him out.Although Ryan is still a bit unsure, he remembers the feel of Lexi's body against his own and he can't help but want that again. He lets her take his hardon in hand and begin stroking. When Ryan reaches out to pop those big boobies out to kiss and suck, Lexi just leans in closer and keeps stroking him off. Of course, now that she has laid eyes on the D, Lexi can't help but want to blow it, too.When Lexi climbs on top of Ryan to straddle his hips and slide down onto his hardon, all he can do is hang on for the ride. Lexi takes what she needs in cowgirl, then rolls onto her back so that Ryan can repay the favor by taking the lead in missionary. He keeps Lexi's party going as he bangs her so hard her tits jiggle.Once Lexi has slurped her own pussy goo from Ryan's hardon, she goes back to work in reverse cowgirl. Falling to her side, she makes out with Ryan as he reenters her from behind, spooning her nice and deep. When Ryan pulls out to cum on her bare twat, Lexi knows that he should finally be nice and relaxed for some great photos.

Chanel Camryn Dans 'Whats Yours Is Mine - S44:E24'

Chanel Camryn - Whats Yours Is Mine - S44:E24

Chanel Camryn and Freya Parker have rented a house. They're checking it out when they hear a toilet. When they open the bathroom door, they find Ryan McLane in a towel. Freya is instantly defensive, but Chanel wants what she sees.While Freya and Ryan are trying to work on what's going on, Chanel gets increasingly blatant with her sexual advances. By the time Freya has cornered Ryan in the living room to see that he does indeed have an overlapping reservation, Chanel walks up and pulls the towel down. Freya watches in shock as Chanel drops to her knees to fondle that nice cock.Freya and Ryan are frozen in shock, but Chanel continues to take what she wants. A hot minute later, Freya steps in to capture Ryan's lips in a kiss. She wants it, too, so it's no surprise when she gets to her knees beside Chanel to create a double BJ. Pushing Ryan onto the couch, the girls flank him and take what they want.When Chanel peels off her shirt and straddles Ryan's thighs, it's clear that she's going to continue to take what she wants. Freya helps her friend mount that nice cock in reverse cowgirl, then rubs Chanel's clit as she rocks. The girls swap out, with Chanel assisting Freya as she rides in cowgirl.Chanel gets Ryan's dick wet again as she gets on her knees. Taking Ryan in doggy, she buries her moans between Freya's thighs. Freya gets another go as she slides down from where she was enjoying the magic of Chanel's tongue to take Ryan between her thighs. A moment later, Chanel presses her twat to Freya's lips, officially putting Freya in the middle of their lovemaking.Pulling out, Ryan lets Chanel jerk him off. He blows his load over Freya, leaving the girls a tasty treat to enjoy. The trio agrees that this mistake was in fact a bit of serendipity.

Andi Rose Dans 'Serving The Servant - S44:E9'

Andi Rose - Serving The Servant - S44:E9

Anna Claire Clouds gets to live one hell of a good life. In addition to her roommates cum girlfriends, Andi Rose and Theodora Day, Anna also has a man servant and sex butler in Ryan Mclane. Today, the ladies are all dressed in the sexiest of sheer lingerie bras and thongs as Ryan offers them a buffet of dildos to choose from.Anna encourages Theodora to pick the one that will fill her up nicely. Andi gets the same level of encouragement. The girls try to have Anna choose who is the best kisser, but when Anna refuses to choose they decide to ask Ryan.Anna puts on a display with Theodora first as Ryan watches with hungry eyes. It's Andi's turn next. Ryan declares that he simply can't choose, so Anna decides to give Ryan a taste of her lips while Andi and Theodora go to town making out behind him.All this kissing has got Anna hungry for more, so she declares that they should give Ryan more of a show. Laying down, Anna pulls Andi close for some tit play while she spreads her thighs for Theodora to eat her out. Then it's Andi's turn to lay down for Theodora to keep the magic going with her tongue. When it's Theodora's turn to have her twat feasted upon, Andi is there to get things hotter and heavier.Breaking into the action, Anna presents the dildo and suggests they take things a step further. Andi remains in the middle as she plumbs Theodora's snatch with one of the toys. Anna gives it to Andi at the same time with her toy. All the while, Quinton stands and watches like the obedient man servant he is. He knows he'll get his turn when the girls are ready, and sure enough, Anna eventually announces that he has waited long enough.The ladies bring Quinton into the equation by laying side by side by side in a triple pussy buffet. With such bounty to choose from, Quinton has a hard time picking where to start first. In the end, he doesn't let up until he has sampled Theodora, then Anna, then Andi. In return, the girls each take turns sucking Quinton's cock to ready him for their hotblooded action.Theodora takes the opportunity to climb onto Quinton's fuck stick. Leaning forward, she goes for a cowgirl ride. Andi and Anna make out over Theodora's back even as they put their hands to work making sure Theodora cums.Andi is next up, and she just can't wait! She hops on the D in reverse cowgirl. This position lets Anna and Theodora lick her rock hard nipples while also fondling her clit. When Andi has squealed through her climax, Anna takes the next round of fucking on her back while cradled in Theodora's arms.The girls finish their lovemaking extravaganza with a triple pussy stack for Quinton to enjoy. On the bottom, Anna carries the weight of Theodora and Andi on top. Anna gets fucked from behind first, but soon enough it's Theodora's turn and then Andi's. The girls Are entirely complimentary about Quinton's efforts on their behalf. Of course they are thrilled to get him off with a final BJ and handie that lets him blow his load for the girls to enjoy.

Blake Blossom Dans 'Looks Better On You - S44:E2'

Blake Blossom - Looks Better On You - S44:E2

Dressed to the nines, Blake Blossom lets herself into her boyfriend Ryan Mclane's house. She knows that she's the other woman, and she revels in it. Dropping her purse, Blake struts into Ryan's bedroom and goes through his wife's drawers until she finds the lingerie. She picks out a few sets that she likes and then strips down to try them on.The purple bra and thong doesn't feel right, so Blake goes ahead and tries on the red set. She finds Ryan's wife's high heels and slides her feet into those. Looking sexy as hell in Ryan's wife's clothes, Blake makes herself at home as she imagines being Ryan's actual wife.When Ryan still doesn't arrive home, Blake realizes she's feeling too horny to wait. She's just getting ready to slide her hand into her thong to masturbate when Ryan walks in on her. Ryan tries to get Blake to go, but Blake throws him down onto the bed and convinces him that she should definitely stay. Once Blake has her lips wrapped around Ryan's hardon, his resistance vanishes. Blake pushes Ryan onto his back and strokes, sucks, and titty fucks.Getting to her feet, she slips out of that lingerie and climbs on top of Ryan. Straddling him, she guides herself down onto his fuck stick and goes to town in her stiffie ride. When she's assured that Ryan is all in, Blake turns around and rides him in reverse cowgirl as he squeezes her ass.Climbing off, Blake sucks her own goo off Ryan's hardon. Then she gets on her back and splays herself wide open, inviting Ryan to eat her out. He obliges, licking their juices right off Blake's twat before getting to his knees and guiding himself into her juicy snatch.Spooning together, they keep on going at it. Eventually Blake rises to her hands and knees and offers herself to Ryan in doggy. He takes everything Blake is offering and more, pounding away at her snatch until she's bucking and moaning. Then he gets Blake on her back one last time as he titty fucks her to his own climax. Ryan tries to tell Blake that this is a one time thing, but Blake insists that his wife will just never have to find out about them.

Lexi Lore Dans 'Just Like That - S43:E25'

Lexi Lore - Just Like That - S43:E25

It's New Year's Eve and Liz Jordan and her boyfriend Ryan Mclane are having an intimate get together with Lexi Lore and Quinton James. The girls are discussing massages and how you have to get naked to have one. As Lexi describes it to Liz, she gets handsy on her BFF.The couple talks about how hot couples massages are. As the conversation continues, Liz asks if Lexi fucked her previous masseuse and Lexi confesses that she did. She says that Quinton loves to watch, then asks if Liz and Ryan have ever thought about switching things up a bit.Liz isn't exactly opposed as Lexi rubs on her titties and coaxes her a bit. Ryan confesses that watching sounds kind of hot, so they decide to give it a go. That's all the permission Lexi and Quinton need to suggest that they get it on right now. As an added incentive, Lexi leans back on the kitchen counter so Quinton can eat her out right then and there.The seduction has the intended effect. Liz and Ryan agree to retire to the bedroom with Lexi and Quinton where the partner swap commences. Lexi gets on her knees to suck Ryan's cock while Liz grinds against Quinton as she lays on top of him. Soon enough, Liz adjusts her hips so she's riding Quinton's hardon.Turning around so that Ryan can fuck her in doggy, Lexi joins Liz in a double BJ as Quinton puts his hands behind his head to watch the action. The girls swap back to their boyfriends so that Liz can enjoy a doggy style pounding courtesy of Ryan while Quinton gives it to Lexi on her back.Switching it up yet again, Lexi rides Ryan in cowgirl while rubbing Liz's clit as Quinton slams her. The girls are finally sated as they share a kiss and urge the men onto their backs. Liz takes on Ryan while Lexi takes on Quinton as they kneel side by side, sucking and stroking until they each earn a mouthful of hot cum to swap through deep kisses.

Nicole Aniston Dans 'Cable guy gets lucky with lonely babe Nicole Aniston'

Nicole Aniston - Cable guy gets lucky with lonely babe Nicole Aniston

Nicole Aniston is so thankful that you fixed her cable. She's even more thankful that you hooked her up with a few free channels. To show you exactly how thankful she is, she whips your cock out and goes to town on it.

Aubree Valentine Dans 'The Doppelganger - S43:E11'

Aubree Valentine - The Doppelganger - S43:E11

Ryan Mclean and his girlfriend Aubree Valentine are at a party. Things are winding down, and this Little Red Riding Hood wants to ride her Big Bad Wolf. Aubree tells Ryan to find a room while she goes to freshen up.As Ryan is wandering down the hall, he sees what he thinks is Aubree. Her back is turned, so Ryan comes to kiss her on the shoulder. Little does he know that it's Maya Woulfe, not Aubree. Taking her mystery lover by the hand, Maya leads Ryan into a bedroom where he crawls into bed and lets her begin blowing his cock.Aubree returns to find Ryan missing. Confused, she begins searching the bedrooms until she stumbles upon her boyfriend getting a blowjob from another lady. Instead of being pissed, Aubree agrees that maybe it would be good to share the loving. She lets Maya talk her into delivering a double blowjob that has plenty of sexy potential for even more satisfying outcomes. The girls seal the deal with a kiss and then get down to business.Licking and sucking Chad's fuck stick is just the beginning. Aubree gets on her knees so she can deep throat Chad properly. The position lets Maya slide beneath her new lover's twat and lap at Aubree's clit. When Aubree turns around to bury her face between Maya's thighs, Chad slides on home into his girlfriend's lusty twat.Maya gets a taste of the D next as Chad slides her forward. Sinking between her thighs, he strokes her nice and deep as Aubree rubs her clit. That just stokes all their passion even higher. Chad lays down in the bed so the girls can have their wicked way with him. Riding her boyfriend's tongue, Aubree leans forward to make out with Maya who is going to town on Chad in cowgirl. They finally finish with Maya on her back and Chad between her thighs. He pulls out in time to give the girls a big load of cum to share.

Kenzie Anne Dans 'Your grades are are horrible so Professor Kenzie Anne will help you to get them up just like your rock hard cock'

Kenzie Anne - Your grades are are horrible so Professor Kenzie Anne will help you to get them up just like your rock hard cock

Sexy and hot teacher Kenzie Anne is about to fail you, and that means no more football scholarship nor superstardom. She is willing to help you out if you give her multiple orgasms!

Ryan Reid Dans 'Guess What Were Up To - S42:E20'

Ryan Reid - Guess What Were Up To - S42:E20

Slimthick Vic and Ryan Reid are really interested in having a foursome with their husbands. The hubbies aren't totally on board with it, so the girls take matters into their own hands. Ryan and her husband Jay Romero have Vic and her hubby Ryan McLane over for game night.The boys can't understand why Ryan and Vic have been so excited for game night all week. Now that the moment is finally here, the girls give their husbands a kiss and go to the kitchen to retrieve a pair of blindfolds. The boys are uncertain, but they let the girls blindfold them. That's when they learn that the game is that the girls will touch them and they have to guess which wife it is.Overriding Jay's objections, Ryan caresses her husband's pecs while Vic mirrors her with her husband. Then the girls walk around the couch and each climb into their husband's lap to straddle them. Swapping husbands, Ryan goes for a kiss with Vic's husband while Vic locks lips with Jay. The girls move lower down each other's hubby's bodies in tandem to deliver a BJ between giggles.The men are finally allowed to take the blindfolds off just in time to watch their wives get to their feet and make out. The girls undress each other between kisses, undoing each other's bras at the same time so that they're standing there in their thongs. Vic relieves Ryan of her thong first so she can spank and jiggle her BFF's ass. Then Ryan gets on her knees and gives Vic's bare twat a naughty little lick as she's working Vic's thong down her thighs.Returning to the boys, Ryan goes back to licking and sucking down Ryan McLane while Vic does the same for Jay. Bringing the girls to the couch with kisses, the boys go to work with their mouths. Jay starts licking to prove that he's as good with his tongue as Vic's husband is with his, while Ryan does the same. Holding hands, the girls moan and sigh as the boys make magic with their mouths.When the boys take a seat, the girls know just what to do. Ryan climbs aboard Ryan McLane's cock while Vic mounts Jay's. The girls go to work bouncing away in reverse cowgirl. Then they get on their knees while the men swap back to their wives to do them in doggy as the girls watch each other.The men switch out again so that the Ryans are going at it in missionary while Vic and Jay spoon together on the couch. When the boys are at their very limit, they each pull out. Jay covers Vic's breasts in his jizz, and then Ryan McLane has a big bang all over Ryan's chest. The girls lick their treats and then exchange kisses as the boys announce that they like this game.

Kyler Quinn Dans 'Business And Pleasure - S42:E17'

Kyler Quinn - Business And Pleasure - S42:E17

Ryan Mclane has hired two sugar babies under the guise that they're his assistants. Kyler Quinn and Maya Woulfe do help Ryan out, but they can't stop calling him Daddy. Ryan suggests that maybe the girls need to be more professional, but they have other plans. Amidst their seemingly innocent chatter, they get increasingly sexual and handsy with Ryan.Ryan tries to be strong and resist the girls' advances. He tells them to cut it out, but that just spurs both Kyler and Maya to even hotter action. Hopping onto the counter, Kyler spreads her thighs to hike up her miniskirt and show that she's not wearing any panties. Maya follows suit.Ryan has had enough. He stands Kyler up and leans her over the kitchen island so he can lift her skirt and smack that ass. Maya wants some of that action, too, and Ryan is happy enough to oblige her. When the girls have both had their spankings, they get back on the counter so Ryan can soothe them by licking first Kyler's pussy and then Maya's. Dropping to their knees, the girls pull out Ryan's hardon so they can share him in a double BJ that seals the deal that they're going to have a good time.Relocating to the bedroom, the threesome gives up all pretense of work. The girls get Ryan on his back so that Kyler can mount him in reverse cowgirl. As Kyler rides, Maya plops her weeping snatch onto Ryan's face so he can tongue her twat.Maya is eager to get her fuck hole filled as well, so she squeals in delight as Ryan pushes her onto her back and pulls her forward. Sinking deep into Maya's puss, he gives her a ball slapping pussy pounding. Kyler gets to enjoy herself next in the same position while Maya watches and masturbates.Kyler spins around so that her face is beneath Ryan's balls. That leaves Maya free to climb on top of her girlfriend and have her sugar daddy bang her in doggy. That position is just what Ryan needs to get off. He pulls out to nut all over Maya's ass. As Ryan's cum drips down all over her, Kyler leans up to lap Maya's bottom and pussy clean. The girls share a cummy kiss, smiling and giggling all the while.

Anna Claire Clouds Dans 'One Last Fling - S42:E15'

Anna Claire Clouds - One Last Fling - S42:E15

Anna Claire Clouds is having a coffee date with her friend Spencer Bradley. Anna is getting married soon, but she's not quite ready to settle down without one more wild fling. She doesn't think her boyfriend, Oliver Flynn, will be on board, though. After discussing, the girls come up with a plan that will allow Anna to get everything she wants.Later, decked out in sheer lingerie, Anna corners Oliver in the bedroom with clear intent to seduce him. They're just getting hot and heavy with one another when the doorbell rings. Oliver is surprised to see that Ryan and Spencer are there. He's even more surprised when Spencer and Ryan join them in the bedroom.Spencer can tell that Oliver isn't quite on board with the seduction yet, so she sends Ryan and Anna off to do their own thing while she works on helping Oliver get comfortable. Ryan and Anna don't have to be told twice. They relocate to the kitchen, where their kisses quickly turn to hot and heavy touches. Before long, Ryan has relieved Anna of her lingerie to rub down those titties and finger bang her meaty twat.Meanwhile, Spencer crawls into bed where Oliver is trying to cover his obvious hardon. She kisses Oliver until he relaxes, then turns her attention lower. By the time Ryan and Anna return to the bedroom, Spencer is happily sucking away at Oliver's hardon. What else is there for Anna and Ryan to do but to join them in bed so Anna can suck some cock, too?Now that everyone seems to be onboard with the couple swap, Anna and Spencer finally get to have some real hardcore fun. They each climb on a dick in reverse cowgirl. Anna rides Ryan, while Spencer rides Oliver. Switching partners, the girls climb back on top in cowgirl and exchange hot kisses as they ride their respective boyfriends.Getting on her knees, Anna wiggles her butt to entice Ryan to take her in doggy. Meanwhile, Spencer lays down with one knee lifted high to invite Oliver to give it to her. The girls make out as they get banged, gradually rearranging their positions so they can perform a tit-focused 69. They keep it up until Ryan pulls out to pop all over Anna's ass. Oliver is merely a hot second behind, pulling out to blow his load all over Spencer's breasts to complete their wild couple swapping fling.

Aubree Valentine Dans 'Now Its A Party - S42:E12'

Aubree Valentine - Now Its A Party - S42:E12

Lexi Luna has been trying to get her husband Ryan Mclane to have a threesome. Ryan keeps turning her down, so Lexi gets craftier and craftier. Today she has decked herself out in a hot little bathing suit with plenty of suntan lotion oiling up her soft skin. She has Aubree Valentine, the new girl in town, come on over for a Fourth of July barbeque wearing a barely-there bikini since she just knows Ryan will love Aubree's tits.Lexi waits until the last moment to tell Ryan that they're expecting company. Then she climbs into his lap and makes out with him until the doorbell rings. Leaving Ryan nice and horny on the couch, Lexi goes to invite Aubree inside. Aubree immediately tries to come on to Ryan, who isn't open to her advances.When Lexi sends Ryan out to go get some more food for their guest, the girls decide the best course of action is to start without him. Making out quickly leads Aubree to pop her plump breasts out of her bikini bra and then push Lexi onto her back. Tugging Lexi's thong aside, Aubree goes to work with her tongue exploring every inch of Lexi's twat.In return for the pussy feast, Lexi gets Aubree on her hands and knees with her bottom up in the air. Jiggling her ass, Aubree entices Lexi to do her worst. Slipping Aubree's bikini bottom aside, Lexi gets right up in her new friend's anus and fuck hole while rubbing Aubree's clit. Aubree is just getting to the good part when Ryan walks in on them.When Aubree tells Lexi that she likes her wieners long and hard, Ryan finally relents and gives in to threesome life. His reward is an enthusiastic double blowjob. The girls demonstrate without a doubt that they both love the cock and that they can share oh so well between sucking and stroking the shaft and balls.Lexi gets the first round with her husband's cock as she slides down onto Ryan's hardon to ride him in cowgirl. Aubree waits for Lexi to be comfortable, then kneels so that she's straddling Ryan's mouth. He uses his tongue to plumb Aubree's twat as his wife makes out with their third above him.Aubree finally gets a chance to enjoy Ryan's hardon next when she mounts him in reverse cowgirl. Lexi seats herself on Ryan's face so he can eat her out. The position lets her lean forward and lick at Aubree's chocolate starfish to double down on her friend's delight.Once the girls have licked their juices clean from Ryan's cock, Lexi takes a pussy pounding from Ryan's long dick. Since she's on her knees anyway, she gets to enjoy lapping at Aubree's snatch some more. The girls tag out so that Aubree is on her back with Ryan buried between her thighs and her mouth muffled on Lexi's tit as they all approach the inevitable conclusion of their liaison.With Lexi's encouragement, Ryan pounds Aubree right up until the very last moment. Pulling out, he lets Aubree jerk him off those last few strokes to cover her muff in his cum shot. Lexi is right there to lick the treat up and to share it with Aubree as they bask in the afterglow of an enjoyable Fourth of July threesome.

Aiden Ashley Dans 'Call Me Wifey - S41:E25'

Aiden Ashley - Call Me Wifey - S41:E25

Aiden Ashley has been into Ryan Mclane for a long time, but he's married. Ryan's wife doesn't like Aiden, even if Ryan insists things between them are just platonic. He just tries to separate his friend from his wife.Today, Ryan's wife is out of town so Ryan has Aiden over for lunch. She spends the entire time eye fucking Ryan and growing increasingly sexual. Ryan evades her first advances and excuses himself to the bathroom, but Aiden just sees that as an opportunity.Aiden talks her top off and then leaves it for Ryan to find on the kitchen counter. Dipping into Ryan's bedroom, helps himself to her friend's wife's jewelry and wedding veil. Ryan scolds Aiden and tells her to put her clothes back on so they can go see a movie or something.Instead of doing as she's told, Aiden slips into some sheer lingerie and struts out to find Ryan on the couch. This hottie isn't taking no for an answer. Straddling Ryan's thighs, she grinds against his cock as she talks sexy to him. Ryan tries to point out that his wife could walk in, but Aiden knows that the wife isn't due home for another week.How can Ryan not capitulate with such a hot piece writhing in his lap and coming in for a kiss? The sexual tension has been so thick between them that the moment their lips meet, sparks fly. Aiden isn't about to rush their first time together, so the heat between them only grows as she unzips Ryan's dick and goes in for a slow and oh so sexy blowjob. Turning the tables on Aiden, Ryan lays her down and crouches between her thighs. His tongue flicks out to taste her juices. Finding her nice and wet, Ryan goes in for a much deeper taste. Soon Aiden is rubbing her tits and mewling in delight.Once Aiden is all prepped, Ryan peels her out of her wedding-reminiscent teddy and sinks balls deep into her. They both breathe a little easier now that they have finally given in to their mutual need. Ryan goes slow and steady for both their pleasure as they keep intimate eye contact.Ryan eventually takes a seat on the couch so that Aiden can slide onto his fuck stick with her back pressed to his chest. They continue to take things at a slow and steady pace as Aiden rides him in reverse cowgirl. Turning around, she goes back to cowgirl while Ryan feasts on her bitty titties. Their next romp is in doggy as Aiden gets on her knees on the couch. As Ryan reaches down to bring Aiden up with him, her back once again hits his chest. The new angle of penetration leaves Aiden moaning loud before she goes back down for him to finish her off one last time.Sated, Aiden begs Ryan for his cum. He's happy to pull out and deliver in a pop that hits Aiden in her back and butt. When Ryan hands his wife's wedding veil back to Aiden, she uses it to wipe his jizz off her ass before turning around to lick the tip clean. Laying Aiden down, Ryan goes in to eat her up and stoke the fires all over again.

Eliza Ibarra Dans 'My Sex Obsessed Girlfriend - S41:E20'

Eliza Ibarra - My Sex Obsessed Girlfriend - S41:E20

Ryan Mclane has been dating Vanna Bardot for a while, and he has begun to learn that she is obsessed with sex. Today he and Vanna are visiting with their friends, Codey Steele and Eliza Ibarra. While Vanna is in the kitchen, the rest of them begin to chat. It eventually comes out that Vanna is sex crazy, and not in a good way.Thinking that Vanna can't hear him, Ryan goes on to elaborate with examples of Vanna's jealousy and possessiveness. For example, Vanna goes through Ryan's phone and makes him delete all his friends off social media. Another time, Ryan walked in on Vanna masturbating to pictures of other girls in his group chats. She insists that he tell his friends to stop sending those photos.Eliza and Codey are horrified. Eliza suggests that Ryan cheat on Vanna, or at least lie and say he did. Ryan isn't sure about it, so Codey suggests that he and Eliza just pretend to be swingers and come on strong to Vanna and Ryan. They all agree that such a scenario will probably upset Vanna a lot and cause her to leave Ryan so he doesn't have to do the breaking up.Unbeknownst to the three of them, Vanna has heard every word. She returns with drinks and asks if anyone needs anything else. Eliza and Codey come on strong, telling Vanna that it depends, and that they want to explore. Eliza follows that up by shifting over to where Ryan is sitting and delivering a deep, sexy kiss.Acting offended, Vanna gets to her feet. Instead of storming out like the trio expected her to do, though, Vanna shoves Ryan out of the way and goes for it with Eliza. There's nothing shy about the way Vanna shares desperate kisses with a very willing Eliza. At first, the guys don't know what to do. Vanna keeps pushing it, going for Eliza's titties and then pulling Eliza's shorts off so she can feast on Eliza's pussy. Codey cradles his girlfriend in this unexpected coupling while Ryan takes the opportunity to eat Vanna out, too. Eventually, Codey pulls his cock out for Eliza to suck as Vanna keeps on gorging herself on Eliza's juicy snatch. Ryan breaks up the pussy feast by getting on his knees and sliding into Vanna from behind, prompting her to take it in doggy. That just makes Eliza want it the same way! As Eliza is getting ready to enjoy Codey's cock in doggy, Vanna gets on her knees to suck her own juices off of Ryan's hardon. Eventually Vanna goes back on her knees so she and Eliza are getting fucked from behind at the same time.This truly becomes a couples swap when the girls have their guys sit down and then switch partners. They sink down in tandem in reverse cowgirl, with Eliza taking Ryan's dick on and Vanna going for it with Codey. Their stiffie rides are fast and furious, although they occasionally calm it down by sharing passionate kisses.Coming together in a lesbian 69 with Eliza on the bottom, the girls present a delightful pussy party for the guys. The position lets Codye bang Vanna in doggy. Meanwhile, Ryan fucks Eliza in missionary as the girls each rub down one another's clits.As their couple swap party winds down, the girls return to their original partners. Back to back on the couch, they each spread their thighs for one more hot go. Codey is the first to pull out and nut all over Eliza's soft twat. Moments later, Ryan gives Vanna's belly the same treatment. The girls agree that this was hot and that they should definitely do it again.

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the bed with her tattoos'

Ava Addams - fucking in the bed with her tattoos

Ryan is about to go play basketball with his buddy James, but his pal's mom Ava Addams corrals him at the last minute to ask his opinion on what she should wear out for the night. While she's showing him some sexy dresses, Ryan doesn't know exactly what to do. She decides to try them on for him, but when she pops out of the bathroom in only lingerie, there's really only one thing Ryan can do at that point: fuck the shit out of his friend's MILF-y mom, and suck on her big tits!

Erica Lauren Dans 'fucking in the ottoman with her tits'

Erica Lauren - fucking in the ottoman with her tits

Erica Lauren hired her friend's son Ryan to paint her house, and when she storms into the garage and orders him to come into the living room he recently painted, she doesn't appear happy. Ryan files the blonde MILF, as instructed, and tries to explain that he's not a professional painter ' but it turns out Mrs. Lauren thinks the room looks great! Not only that, she wants to suck his dick for it! Ryan backs off at first, but once she's got her hands down his pants, he can't resist a good mother fucking!

Maya Woulfe Dans 'All I Want For Christmas - S40:E22'

Maya Woulfe - All I Want For Christmas - S40:E22

Maya Woulfe and Ryan Mclane wake up in their Christmas jammies feeling the heat. Ryan's morning wood is a hard presence in the small of Maya's back. Even as Maya presses up against that woody, Ryan gets handsy. His palms caress up Maya's belly and roam from her thighs to her tits, tickling out plenty of desire for an intimate morning coupling.Capturing Maya's lips in a deep kiss, Ryan palms her twat. His fingers probe deep despite her pajamas while his kisses muffle her moans. Unsnapping the bottom of Maya's jammies, Ryan gives Maya's meaty trimmed twat just the beginning of the fingering she craves. Rubbing Maya's clit, Ryan finally lets her roll over so she can stroke his dick and free it from his pajama bottoms for a little bit of mutual masturbation.Those intimate touches aren't nearly enough for either of them. Maya gets to her knees to take Ryan's fuck stick into her mouth for a deep blowjob. After a hot moment, Ryan guides Maya's body until she's straddling his shoulders with her pussy right above his face. Their 69 is punctuated by low groans of delight as they explore each other thoroughly.No force could stop Ryan from laying Maya on her back and kneeling between her thighs. Guiding himself into that velvet glove, he begins pumping his hips. Maya guides his strokes with her groans of delight, especially as Ryan leans forward to pepper her with kisses once again.Changing things up, Ryan lays on his back and waits for Maya to climb aboard. Once Maya is seated on his dick and bouncing away, Ryan is free to reach up and knead her jiggling tits. Her arched back as she rides him is all that Ryan could ask for. Sliding his hands lower to squeeze that ass, Ryan worships those cheeks. It gets even better when Maya turns around for a reverse cowgirl ride that leaves them both breathless.Getting to her knees, Maya watches over her shoulder as Ryan comes back inside her. They enjoy a doggy style coupling with Maya rocking back to meet Ryan's thrusts. When Ryan wants to take control, he pushes Maya down so her belly hits the bed, changing the angle of penetration so that he's the one doing most of the work. Maya's tight pussy brings Ryan to the edge of his endurance, so he pulls out to cover her bottom in a cum shot that is a Christmas delight for both of them.

Kyler Quinn Dans 'Thanksgiving Turns Me On - S40:E18'

Kyler Quinn - Thanksgiving Turns Me On - S40:E18

Spencer Bradley and Kyler Quinn are enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with Ryan Mclane and Will Pounder, their respective partners. The four of them are enjoying themselves, but Kyler and Spencer want something more than the traditional dinner. They plot in the kitchen and then return to the table to show off their lovely assets for their boyfriends. Sitting down, they each rub their boyfriend's dicks beneath the table. Instead of instigating a good time, they just make the guys uncomfortable as they try to have a non-sexual conversation.The girls aren't pleased that their partners are on their best behavior so they excuse themselves to get washed up for dessert. High tailing it to the kitchen, they exchange a kiss. Kyler sinks down to lift Spencer's miniskirt and peel off her thong. Leaning forward, she buries her face in Spencer's muff as she eats her friend out while Spencer tries to hold the moan. Kyler keeps it up until Will asks for a glass of water.Totally turned on and unwilling to take no for an answer anymore, the girls swap partners and go for the D, with Kyler fondling Ryan's cock and Spencer doing the same for Will's. When the guys don't go for it right away, the girls point out that it's thanksgiving and they're feeling very, very giving. Even then the guys hesitate, but as the girls lean in to deliver deep kisses it's impossible to say no.Spencer climbs into Will's lap, while Kyler hops onto the table that Ryan has just cleared for her. Ryan kisses his way down Kyler's body, taking a pit stop at her plump titties. Meanwhile, Will gets Spencer on the table and just goes straight for her damp twat. Once the guys have each had a taste of those musky juices, they each whip out their hard dicks. Ryan shoves balls deep into Kyler's pussy right away, while Will lets Spencer roll to her feet so he's fucking her from behind.Now that the girls have each had an appetizer, they want to enjoy blowing their partners. Kyler gets on her belly with Spencer on her knees over her. The position lets Kyler suck Ryan's cock to her heart's content, while Spencer can easily give Will's hardon the same treatment.The girls return to their original boyfriends as they swap cocks. Spencer finds herself leaning over the table with Ryan's hardon pounding away at her tight twat. Meanwhile, Kyler sits Will down so she can climb onto him and bounce away in reverse cowgirl.Swapping boyfriends once again, Kyler leans over the table so she can enjoy the same treatment Spencer just had from Ryan. Meanwhile, Spencer climbs onto the table on her side for an acrobatic version of a spooning fuck courtesy of Will. That's too much for the guys to take. Once they're assured the girls have gotten off, they each pull out with Ryan nutting on Kyler's thighs and bottom and Will showering Spencer in cum. Exchanging a kiss across the table, the girls propose that this should be their new Thanksgiving tradition.

Alex Coal Dans 'Spin The Bottle - S40:E11'

Alex Coal - Spin The Bottle - S40:E11

There's been one heck of a Halloween party, and two couples have left together. Alex Coal and her hubby Ryan Mclean have taken off to hang out more with Freya Parker and her husband Kyle Mason. They initially sit in the kitchen chatting, but that's just a little too boring for Alex. She suggests that they play spin the bottle.Everyone seems open to Alex's game, so they go to the living room with a bottle. The first spin connects Alex and Freya, who share a mischievous smile before they go in for a kiss. Just a taste isn't enough. The two girls are soon indulging in each other's lips in a way that the guys could totally watch all night.When it's Alex's turn to spin, her bottle falls on Kyle. Knowing her husband is watching, Alex doesn't miss a beat. She crawls right into Kyle's lap and straddles him so that she can lean in and devour his mouth. Ryan can't help but pop a stiffie as he watches Alex and Kyle making out. When Alex rears back to tug her costume down so Kyle can appreciate her titties, Ryan's control snaps. He grabs Freya and pulls her into his lap so he can give her the same treatment Alex is receiving.Now that the couples have officially swapped, things keep on escalating. Alex gets Kyle to stand up so she can tug his erection out of his pants. Dropping to her knees, she takes his dick in hand to bring it to her mouth so she can start sucking. Freya mirrors Alex, getting Ryan's fuck stick out for a lusty blow job.Alex isn't ready to stop there. Grabbing Kyle by the hardon, she guides him to the couch. Once he has taken a seat, Alex urges Freya to hop onto her husband's cock while Alex does the same with Ryan. The girls bounce away in obvious delight, but there's nothing quite like knowing they can swap stiffies at any time to really get them horny. When the girls want to turn around, they do go ahead and make a changeup so that Alex can test out Kyle's fuck stick and Freya can enjoy Ryan's.The girls find themselves on their backs next with their husbands plowing into each of their pussies. Their position lets each of them reach forward to rub on their clits, which makes them each throw their heads back as they moan in delight. When they swap partners yet again so they can each enjoy a doggy style pussy pounding, nothing will stop them from cumming hard. The guys respond in kind, each pulling out just in time to jizz all over their partner's ass. There's plenty to go around as Alex samples each guy's cum and then shares her treat with Freya via deep kisses.

Nikita Von James Dans 'fucking in the floor with her tattoos'

Nikita Von James - fucking in the floor with her tattoos

Poor Nikita Von James ' her bed isn't bouncy enough for her. She requests help from one of the better mattress repair and sales outfits in town, so the owner, Ryan, stops by. Foreign to house calls, especially one with a hot blonde woman with her big tits practically hanging out, Ryan is a bit distracted when he looks at Nikita's bed in her bedroom. Just as he's telling her how he notices it's not too springy, she's pulling out his springy cock and sucking on it!

Kagney Linn Karter Dans 'Shaved Kagney Linn Karter fucking in the living room'

Kagney Linn Karter - Shaved Kagney Linn Karter fucking in the living room

The auto parts sales rep who sits down with Ryan to talk to him about his business is fucking hot, and it's caught Ryan off guard. She comes on strong and aggressive, because she wants to close the sale. Ryan is married, and starts to get nervous because Kagney gets touchy-feely, but she won't put it to rest. By the time she's ready to sell, his boner is practically springing out of his pants, so he does what any potential customer would do: he fucks her pussy until she swallows his load and accepts her business. Coffee's for fucking closers!

Imani Rose Dans 'fucking in the couch with her big ass'

Imani Rose - fucking in the couch with her big ass

Ryan is happy when hot cable lady Imani Rose comes back over to help him with his TV issues, but she's perturbed because she was just there. She gets even more pissed when she finds out that the only problem was that the power cord was unplugged. Ryan doesn't care, because all he wanted to do was flirt with her and look at her nice ass. But Imani's done playing games, and she's ready to get down to business -- in Ryan's pants! She doesn't care that he's married; his wife is gone, and his cock is hard!

Mae Meyers Dans 'fucking in the classroom with her tattoos'

Mae Meyers - fucking in the classroom with her tattoos

Professor Mclane is substituting for Professor Reed, and he's so exhausted that he takes a nap at his desk. In pops petite naughty bookworm Mae Meyers, who has been fucking Professor Reed for sometime. She mistakes the sleeping sub for Reed, and talks dirty to him. But ' surprise! Mae finds out that her fuck buddy is gone ' but the substitute tells her that he is a substitute, so...

Lexi Belle Dans 'Lexi Belle'

Lexi Belle - Lexi Belle

I'll be honest; I'm not a 'normal' guy. I don't do normal things, and that's 100% why I've been successful in business. How do you tell a girl who's as hot as…well…anyone I would be into… 'Hey, sex is good, but I really want to stuff a ball-gag in your mouth, tape up your fucking arms and legs, and choke you out while I stuff your pussy full of my huge cock.' I suppose I could freak girls out and risk letting people know about it, or I could call Lexi Belle, who's actually into it… I picked the latter….

Brittney Bell Dans 'Brittney Bell'

Brittney Bell - Brittney Bell

What's the best way to bounce back after an expensive education and pay off your student loans? Brand new babe Brittney Bell prefers to make that money bouncing on a big hard cock. Brit loves a big penis, we love watching her big boobs as she takes it doggy, so really its win-win for everyone.

Shaila Blough Dans 'Shaila Blough'

Shaila Blough - Shaila Blough

Shaila is into fitness, and shows off at the gym enough, but today we're having her show off to the camera. Before we could introduce her to who gets to fuck her, she's already out of her clothes and waiting for the cock. The best girls are the ones that come warmed up with an eager pussy, and like to take warm cum on their pretty face.

Bella Rolland Dans 'Sexy Sneaky Stylist'

Bella Rolland - Sexy Sneaky Stylist

Braylin Bailey brings her husband, Ryan Mclane, along to her appointment at Bella Rolland's salon, and while Bella's happy to get a returning customer, she's even happier to see she's got some male eye candy too! Bella teases Ryan while Braylin lies back in her chair, eyes closed and totally relaxed. Braylin's perhaps a little too relaxed as Bella and Ryan have sneaky sex in the chair right beside her, unnoticed - at first. Once Braylin sees what's going on Bella and Ryan fear for the worst, but this sexy blonde wife isn't upset - she's horny and wants to share Ryan's cock... and get a taste of Bella's wet pussy too!

Mona Azar Dans 'Something Between Us - S14:E1'

Mona Azar - Something Between Us - S14:E1

Mona Azar and her neighbor Ryan Mclane have a mutual attraction between them, but circumstances haven't been kind to them. They were both married when they met, and although Mona is now going it alone and trying to raise a kid, Ryan is still with his wife. When Mona's son figured out that his mom has the hots for the neighbor, he began acting out. He keeps breaking into Ryan's place and trashing it.Today, Ryan has called Mona up because her kid has been at it again. Ryan's wife wants to call the cops, but Mona offers to come clean the mess up instead. Ryan accepts and lets Mona know that he'll be working from home today so she can come by any time. Dropping the towel from her shower, Mona coaxes her big boobs into a demi bra and her big ass into a matching thong. She puts on shorts and a t-shirt over that, and then heads out.Knowing his curvy neighbor is in the house and right there for the taking is more than Ryan can handle. He tries to get Mona talking by bringing up the problem with her kid. Of course, their conversation leads Mona to admit that she's got a bit of a thing for Ryan. That's all the permission Ryan needs to grab Mona and draw her in for the kiss they've both been longing for.Spinning Mona around, Ryan fills his palms with that ass. Mona can't help but give a little shimmy in excitement. She's all smiles as Ryan sinks to his knees and takes her shorts and thong with him. Spreading Mona's ass cheeks, Ryan palms her twat as his fingers seek her moisture. He gets back on his feet so he can feast on her huge breasts, then suggests they relocate to the bedroom. Now that Ryan is on his back like a private buffet just for her, Mona takes her time. She worships that fuck stick, loving on it with her hands and mouth. Sucking and stroking isn't enough for this busty housewife, so she rears back and creates a sheathe with her breasts to deliver a titty fuck as well.Ryan's prone position is so enticing that Mona doesn't thing twice before she kisses her way up his boy and rises to a kneeling position over him. Straddling Ryan's hips, she guides herself down onto his dick. He fills her up just like she's always dreamed as she rocks her hips in a primal rhythm that lets her live out fantasies she's had for as long as she can remember.When Mona gets on her knees and invites Ryan to reenter her lush twat, he doesn't hesitate at all. Instead, he anchors himself on her hips and slides balls deep into her velvet glove. Mona is 100% into it as she drives her hips backwards to meet every stroke, moaning long and loud as she gets the pussy pounding she needs.Mona lays on her back next and lifts one thigh high in the air to hook an ankle over Ryan's shoulder and open herself nice and wide. The position gives her the deep penetration she needs to climax hard around her neighbor's man meat. Ryan pulls out then and slides up Mona's body to enjoy a second titty fuck with Mona's hot breath on the tip. With such an incredible image before him, Ryan can't help but nut into Mona's waiting mouth so that his cum shot dribbles down her chin to create a hot sticky mess for her to play with.

Presley Hart Dans '- Restraint'

Presley Hart - - Restraint

Passions ignite when Presley asks her husband to blindfold her the night of their anniversary.

Alex Coal Dans 'Walking In On My Boss - S39:E18'

Alex Coal - Walking In On My Boss - S39:E18

Ryan Mclane is recently divorced, which means he's living alone in a new bachelor pad. Ryan is far too busy to keep the place clean himself, so he has hired Alex Coal to do it for him. Alex has had a crush on Ryan for a while, but he doesn't seem to know she exists. Alex manages to remind him that she's a lovely (and available) young lady one day when he comes out of his office in search of his phone. Dropping to her knees in front of Ryan in a deliberately provocative move, Alex then turns around so he can get a good glimpse of her ass as she looks under the table. Ryan finds the phone a minute later and beats it out of the room, but Alex is on his mind now in a big way.A little while later, Alex goes in search of her boss. She opens the door to his room and walks in on him with his cock in hand masturbating. Of course it's awkward as Ryan tries to get Alex out. She closes the door, but not before enjoying the view. After a few minutes to give Ryan a chance to collect himself, Alex goes to the door and yells to him that she's heading out. Ryan hasn't paid her yet, so he comes out to give Alex her money and an apology. He tells Alex he understands if she doesn't want to come back. Alex steps close and tells Ryan that he's her favorite customer and that really, she doesn't want to leave.By the time they're done talking, Ryan has his hand on Alex's cheek. Drawing her close, he gives her the kiss they've both been dreaming of. It's not long before Alex once again goes to her knees in front of her boss, this time with salacious intent. Unzipping Ryan's jeans, Alex opens wide to help him take care of his stiffie. She pulls away just long enough to discard her shirt, then goes back to sucking and stroking with absolute enthusiasm.Ryan doesn't want Alex on her knees as much as he wants her on her feet with his dick buried inside her. Helping her up, he gets her jeans and thong off and leans her against the wall so he can do exactly that. Leaning Alex forward, Ryan guides himself home and then thrusts deep. Alex enjoys the sensation of fullness, but when she raises one leg in the air it changes up the angle of penetration in a way that makes her pussy really twitch. When Alex turns around, Ryan leans her back against the doorway and keeps on pounding away at that greedy twat.Eventually, Alex gets her turn in control when Ryan lays down on the floor and pulls her on top of him. She doesn't need to be asked twice. Guiding herself down onto Ryan's hardon, she rocks her hips in a sensual rhythm. She starts her ride in cowgirl, but quickly turns around into reverse cowgirl so that Ryan can enjoy squeezing and spanking her ass as she keeps their party going.Hopping off the D, Alex licks Ryan clean of her juices. She keeps on licking and sucking as she encourages him to pop and enjoy his own climax. When Ryan finally loses his load, Alex is happy to embrace her job and clean him up with loving licks of her tongue.

Lacy Lennon Dans 'In The Right Hands - S38:E22'

Lacy Lennon - In The Right Hands - S38:E22

It's been so long since Lacy Lennon has been able to cum. She's tried everything. Masturbating, her boyfriend, nothing is working. Finally, after another morning of failing to get herself off, Lacy decides to take some drastic action. She goes ahead and calls maintenance for a made up repair just to get a fresh new potential partner into her apartment.When Ryan Maclane arrives for Lacy's service appointment, he has no idea what's waiting for him. Lacy answers the door wearing just an oversized shirt and panties and flushed from her recent masturbation attempt. She tells Ryan she's going to go change into something more comfortable, then makes sure to leave the bedroom door open so that Ryan can get an eyeful of her tight body.Once Lacy is as decent as she's going to be getting, she guides Ryan to the sink. Getting on her knees to show off her issue, Lacy wiggles her ass to encourage Ryan to get nice and hard for her. When he response as any red blooded man would, Ryan allows Lacy to pop his hardon out. With a smile at the nice long cock she sees, Lacy takes Ryan's hand and guides him to the bedroom for some fun.On her back in the bedroom, Lacy spreads her thighs so that Ryan can go to town lapping away at her creamy pussy. She fields a phone call with her boyfriend and tries to hold the moan as Ryan keeps her party going. By the time Lacy hangs up, Ryan is ready to slide his dick home into her greedy muff.That still doesn't do it for Lacy, even when Ryan leans in for some light breath play. Flipping Lacy onto her knees, Ryan enters her from behind. A doggy style pussy pounding gets Lacy closer to her ultimate goal, but not quite thereWhen Ryan lays down on his back and pulls Lacy on top of him, she finally starts to believe she may find her release. Her lusty twat begins to twitch as she rides her maintenance guy. Finally satisfied, Lacy slides off the D and strokes Ryan off until he gets to enjoy a climax of his own all over Lacy's trimmed snatch.

Sophia Leone Dans 'Sophia Swallows'

Sophia Leone - Sophia Swallows

Sophia Leone looks good in white, with the sun behind her, illuminating her perky tits and ass as she services Ryan's hard cock. She swallows that dick down her throat and takes it balls deep in her tight teen pussy.

Elsa Jean Dans 'Influence Part 1'

Elsa Jean - Influence Part 1

Freed from the restrictive influence of her ex-boyfriend, Elsa, a famous VXN Influencer, has high expectations for her new life in Los Angeles. Based on a suggestion from her biggest fan, she is inspired to start living out her greatest fantasies - one by one. Her manager Ryan, someone who she's always had a crush on, catches her eye immediately. Knowing a good opportunity for quality content when she sees it, she records the experience and shares it with all her loyal VXN fans. Part 1 of 5.

Ashley Red Dans 'Sweet Ashley Red's Pounding'

Ashley Red - Sweet Ashley Red's Pounding

We meet up with sweet and young Ashley Red today. This girl is really hot. She has a beautiful face, stunning smile, amazing body with long legs. And let's not forget that little pussy. She has her little bikini on and we can't wait to get at her. She is somewhat shy but breaks out of her shell once our man Ryan bends her over and starts eating her out. She loves it! He then proceeds to fuck her hard all over the yard. We finish with load going into her mouth and dripping down to her young body.

Mackenzie Moss Dans 'Deep Fuck Break Up'

Mackenzie Moss - Deep Fuck Break Up

Mackenzie Moss changed the locks of her house. She was over her boyfriend. Yet he managed to sneak in through the back gate and surprise her under the shower. She told him it was over. No more me and you. But he had a big dick and knew how to fuck well. They went to the bed, she was riding his big cock, then they did missionary, doggy, he came all over her face. She licked his cum and kicked him out of the house!

Alexis Zara Dans 'Slutty Maid Likes it Rough'

Alexis Zara - Slutty Maid Likes it Rough

Alexis Zara is a first time maid. Ryan hires her and when she shows up, he's absolutely stunned by how beautiful she is. He can't help but follow and watch her as she cleans. He offers her a few extra hundred dollars to take her clothes off while she cleans. She agrees to do it. When she gets naked, her perfect tits, amazing ass, and gorgeous body makes him so horny. He starts to jerk off and asks her to help him out for some extra money. She gives him an amazing blowjob before having rough sex with him. They love every minute of it and he blows a thick load all over her beautiful face.

Maddy Rose Dans 'Her Masters Slut'

Maddy Rose - Her Masters Slut

Maddy was chained up in the basement waiting for her master. He finally arrived and immediately started disciplining her - groping her and spanking her with his hand around her throat! He brought out a bench and spanked her even more and made sure she asked politely to suck his cock. Her master face fucked her before punishing her from behind, making her say how much she loves it! Maddy got all tied up and had to wait for him to get back to fill her teen pussy up one last time before dropping his load all over her face and leaving her there.

Lana Sharapova Dans 'New Sheriff In Town'

Lana Sharapova - New Sheriff In Town

When the town's new sheriff (Lana Sharapova) catches the local bandit (Ryan Mclane), she starts to haul him off to the jail house, but he convinces her to give him one last attempt to redeem himself. And after coming up with a novel way to plead his innocence, she decides to give the outlaw one last chance.

Daphne Dare Dans 'Let's Sleep In'

Daphne Dare - Let's Sleep In

Having just moved into a new home, a young couple (Daphne Dare & Ryan Mclane) decide to enjoy a few more moments in bed before the movers arrive with their new furniture.

Gianna Dior Dans 'Gianna Gets Fucked in the Doggy Door'

Gianna Dior - Gianna Gets Fucked in the Doggy Door

Gianna returns home from school when she realizes she forgot her keys and is locked out. She tries to get in using the doggy door but then she gets stuck, she calls her stepdad for help and when he comes over and tries to push her thru the hole, he gets horny, Gianna is right there on all fours with her pretty ass exposed and no panties, so he pulls his dick out and penetrates Gianna, she gets shocked at first but after a while she starts enjoying it, then her mom comes home and offer to help her from the backyard so her stepdad turns around to make Gianna suck his dick without been caught. Finally, mom helps Gianna out of the doggy door, but Dad cannot wait, he takes her and storms out to her bedroom, there Gianna keeps sucking his dick before getting pound really hard all over her bed until Dad delivers his hot load right inside her

Cherie DeVille Dans '- A Hotwife Blindfolded 1'

Cherie DeVille - - A Hotwife Blindfolded 1

Ryan discovers that watching his wife Cherie become sexually unhinged in the hands of a man she cannot see is the ultimate foreplay.

Gina Valentina Dans 'Gina's Back'

Gina Valentina - Gina's Back

Tiny sexpot Gina Valentina is back on Throated because she's amazing at sucking cock! She tells us about her special tricks, such as blowing bubbles and making it really sloppy!

Danica Dillon Dans '- Boss Lady'

Danica Dillon - - Boss Lady

Working for his wife's best friend becomes unmanageable for Ryan when he can no longer resist her physical advances.

India Summer Dans '- How To Train A Hotwife'

India Summer - - How To Train A Hotwife

Carl seeks advice from a friend who's frequently hired as a bull by other husbands, that hot MILF India Summers even heads out to a bar to practice flirting with other men.

Kenzie Taylor Dans 'Secret Luvrz'

Kenzie Taylor - Secret Luvrz

Kenzie waits in a hotel room booked under her friend's name, her husband will never know that she's meeting with Ryan Mclane to get that good dick. She puts on her little black dress and fuck-me pumps before he arrives. She's impatient, she's been waiting for days to feel his cock inside her. No words are said as he arrives, it's straight to the business of pleasure.

Briana Banks Dans 'Makeup Sex'

Briana Banks - Makeup Sex

Briana Banks has been married for a few years now and she is going to tell you how hard it has been to be in a relationship. There are highs and lows but everything can be fixed with some hot steamy makeup sex. Ryan McLane and Briana keep fighting over stupid little things and finally one day Briana can't take it anymore. Watch Briana Banks and Ryan McLane have the most intense Makeup Sex ever. Ryan pounds her extremely hard and even fucks her tight sexy asshole. Remember there is nothing that a good sex session can't fix. More to cum.

Kenzie Taylor Dans 'Bush League 12'

Kenzie Taylor - Bush League 12

Kenzie Taylor has what Ryan Mclane wants....Big Tits, a big ass, and most importantly a BIG BUSH. Ryan can't help himself and devours it as he fucks her holes until he blasts his load all over her amazing bush.

Sophia Leone Dans 'Bedroom Eyes and Ass'

Sophia Leone - Bedroom Eyes and Ass

Sophia Leone packs an incredibly round ass on an otherwise petite frame. She loves showing it off in sexy lingerie and stockings for Ryan. After teasing her body she pulls his cock out and shows him her dick sucking skills before taking that big cock in her tight cunt. Her luscious booty bounces on his rod until he's about to cum, taking his dick down her throat, swallowing every drop.

Janna Hicks Dans 'Fucking The Neighbors 3'

Janna Hicks - Fucking The Neighbors 3

Janna is a very strong advocate for the neighborhood council and goes canvassing the neighborhood to get the votes she needs. Since the son of her neighbor saw her masturbating she might as well start there. Visiting the single dad and his grown son she soon has both of their cocks in her mouth as she stumps for the vote. Pounding her wet pussy mercilessly this father and son tag team duo take a round robin of turns doing the old in and out. Powering away on that wet snatch they reward Janna with a cascade of man juice all over her sweaty happy face in a riveting finale.

Adriana Chechik Dans 'Future Darkly: Eyes In The Sky'

Adriana Chechik - Future Darkly: Eyes In The Sky

Nominated - Best Art Direction, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Special Effects, AVN 2020


SCENE OPENS on an empty suitcase sitting in the middle of a woman's bed. While the radio plays in the background, items get tossed in as Alex (Adriana Chechik), a 21-year-old college student, hurriedly packs for the weekend. It's her anniversary with Derek (Seth Gamble), her boyfriend of several years. He's booked a cottage up north and she couldn't be more excited to get away from school and her roommates for some quality time alone.

She wipes the frame, packing and repacking items including clothes, underwear, hiking boots, a book of erotica and box of condoms, and an anniversary card she made for him. She wants it to be a special weekend. As she frets over the final items, the camera pulls out to reveal her fully for the first time. A car honks in the driveway and Alex's roommate calls out -- 'Derek's here!' She zips up her bag and, with a big smile on her face, turns off the radio, exits her room and rushes to the front door. Derek is waiting outside, by his car, and the camera lingers as she runs out, gives him a big hug, and gets inside.

A birds-eye shot of Derek's car driving down a tree-lined road, occasionally passing other vehicles. After a few moments of ambiance, an overlay of Alex's voice cuts in. She is playing a trivia game and Derek is trying to guess the correct answers.

CUT TO a closer birds-eye shot of Derek's car isolated on the road, as the sounds of the couple playing and laughing over their game are heard. Finally, Derek loses and tells his girlfriend jokingly to turn the app off.

CUT TO inside the car. Alex closes her phone and looks out the window at the trees passing. The sun is starting to set behind them and she smiles at the beauty of it all.

CUT TO a front-mounted car shot. Derek notices his girlfriend's gaze and starts to talk up the cottage he rented. It's rustic but right by a lake and near many hiking trails. He just knows she's going to love it. Best of all, there is a hot tub on the deck! Alex turns back to him and squeezes his hand. 'I love you,' she says affectionately. 'I love you back,' Derek says leaning in to give her a kiss. They keep driving for a few moments in silence, as the camera cuts between angles. Alex thinks about what she packed -- the book of erotica she plans to ask Derek to read to her, the lingerie she purchased for tonight. She bites her lip in anticipation and sneaks a glance at her boyfriend's lap while he drives. Maybe she should start their celebration a little early?

'Hey, pull over for a moment,' she coos in his ear. 'Why? I want to get there before dark and we're still over an hour away,' he replies, not getting the hint. Alex grabs his crotch. 'Not even for a little road head?' She whispers flirtatiously. Derek looks down at her hand before a smile crosses his face. He shakes his head and pulls the car to the side of the road.

CUT TO a profile shot of the parked car in front of the woods. Inside, Alex is unbuckling Derek's pants while he leans his head back. This weekend is starting off perfectly, he thinks to himself as he braces for her mouth. But something suddenly catches his eye. A red glowing light in the trees just past their car. He stops his girlfriend and pulls her back up to her seat. 'Do you see that?' He says, pointing. Alex looks in the direction of his finger at the ominous crimson glow. It's almost pulsating. 'What the hell is that?' She asks quietly.

Derek zips himself up quickly and gets out of the car. Alex rushes out beside him. 'What are you doing?' She asks nervously. He hushes her. 'What if its an ambulance or something? Maybe someone's hurt. Just stay there. I'll be right back.' The boyfriend disappears into the woods, leaving Alex alone on the roadside. The sun has fallen behind the trees and it is getting dark. Crickets chirp loudly, and she shivers, not knowing whether to get back inside or not. She calls out a few times but no reply.

Finally, Derek yells: 'Babe, come here ... you've got to see this!' A dolly zoom emphasizes Alex's reaction as she sees her boyfriend step out with something very unusual dripping in his hands. They are covered in red slime and he is holding what look like large fish eggs. Alex carefully walks over to examine them. As she leans in, the eggs pop and fizzle like something frying. The smell is horrible. 'Gross! What are those?' She asks Derek. 'And why did you get them all over your hands -- what if they're toxic?' Derek's eye gleam, his adrenaline pumping, as he tells her that he found a whole nest of them. They are cooking or something, maybe incubating, under a light that's coming from the sky! They must be on classified land - like you read about online. Government tests. She has to see it. He grabs her hand and pulls her into the trees.

CUT TO a pile of eggs, oozing in slime and membranes, underneath a red spotlight. Derek crouches down beside them and starts poking at them with a stick. Each time the stick strikes one, it makes a buzzing noise, almost like an electrode. Alex is extremely nervous. 'Stop that,' she whispers. 'You don't know what you're doing!' Derek tells her to relax. He's held one. They are clearly harmless. And they seem to be multiplying. 'What?' Alex mouths in fear. Alex points the stick to the middle of the pile, where a cluster of smaller eggs are growing. They are grouped close together and making a lot of static noise. From a low angle, Alex and Derek lean over the cluster as the static amplifies. 'Derek ...' Alex says slowly as the noise increases. 'They're moving.' Derek nods slowly. The static reaches a deafening pitch as the couple instinctively cover their ears and the red glow turns into a bright white light. Alex looks up just as the light blinds her and a shower of red eggs fall on them. Fade to white.

CUT TO a black chamber, illuminated only in the center by a small white spotlight. Alex and Derek lay like slugs, their bodies wrapped tightly in plastic-like cocoons. Only their unconscious faces are visible. The room creaks and echoes, as the distant sounds of inaudible conversation and movement are heard. It sounds like a crowd is gathering.

Alex slowly stirs, her eyes going wide in horror as she realizes her confinement. She gasps out Derek's name, barely making a sound, as he too regains consciousness. Their breaths quicken as they struggle to free themselves ... but they can't. Suddenly, the light goes out and the room goes black. There is a moment of silent panic before a loud cranking is heard and the ceiling starts to open up, letting colorful flashes of light pour in to illuminate the chamber.

On either corner of the small vapid space, two other humans (Kristen Scott, Ryan McLane) lay curled up and motionless in fetal positions. They are naked and covered in slime. The couple stare up into the lights, horrified, as the distant sounds grow closer. Pops, whizzes, screeches, hisses, and unrecognizable voices fill the room from the ceiling. The voices sound excited and boisterous but are not in any language that Derek and Alex can recognize. Soon, an even louder alien voice comes over a speaker and the crowd fall silent. In a bone-chilling tongue, it begins to speak and, as it talks in pops and clicks, the crowd erupts into more hisses, banging, and cheers. The lights beam down on the couple as they wriggle.

The two humans in the corner suddenly stand up, as if instructed by the speaker. They crawl towards each other and over top of the couple. Without saying anything, they begin to have sex. Their bodies slap together, and they moan while the faceless crowd cheers on from above. Alex and Derek try to say something, but nothing comes out of their mouths. The man pounds the woman until she is just about to orgasm and the crowd hushes itself to listen. She lets out a large moan before falling back on top of the couple. The crowd erupts triumphantly, and the lights roll up as the ceiling closes again with a crank, leaving only a small spotlight left in the darkness.

Alex and Derek start to writhe frantically but are surprised when the other couple quickly hush them. They have snapped out of whatever state they were in and appear normal. 'Be quiet, we don't know how long we have,' the man says, his hand clasped over Alex's mouth. His partner gets up and starts chewing at the side of Derek's cocoon to release him, while the man pats Alex's head sympathetically. 'It only takes a few minutes to get you out,' he reassures her.

Soon, Derek is loose, and the trio help to get Alex out of her casing. When they are both free, the couple embrace and hold each other tightly, while Derek demands to know what is going on from the others. The man steps forward and explains that they don't know how long they've been here, but they know they're being watched. 'We're like some kind of fucked up puppets to them,' the woman chimes in bitterly. 'And they all love a good show!' Alex shakes her head in confusion. 'Why were you having sex?' She asks meekly. The woman stares at her coldly. 'We do whatever that voice tells us to do, that's how we've lasted' the man replies. 'Well, what the fuck is it saying?' Derek cuts in, his voice raising.

A loud crank deafens the room and the ceiling opens again, letting the flashing lights and sounds of cheering back in. Alex stares up, squinting to see. 'What do you want from us?' She screams. The voice on the speaker chimes in, saying something inaudible. All of a sudden, Alex stops. She nods and, turning to her boyfriend, says 'yes' before dropping to her knees to begin blowing the other man. Derek goes to break them up, furious, when the other woman latches onto his cock as well and starts sucking. The men both begin to moan, as the woman suck harder and harder. The voice on the speaker speaks again, its voice raising and almost angry, as the crowds begin to whisper amongst themselves. They don't seem pleased. The men moan loader and Derek is just about to cum when suddenly, the lights are cut.

The two couples fall back down to the floor, breathing heavily. Alex's mind is racing. She knew what she was doing. She agreed to what she was doing. But it felt as if something was inside of her the whole time motivating her actions. She starts trying to piece it all together. Was it a terrorist attack? Are they now being held at some kind of prison camp? Derek jumps in with his own theory. Maybe they're having an allergic reaction to the stuff that he found, and this is all just a dream or hallucination.

The other couple shake their heads. 'They're not human,' the woman says. 'We think it's like an alien game show ... or a boxing match,' the man adds. Derek threatens to deck him for stepping in on his girl. 'Hit me all you like,' he snarls. 'It won't do anyone any good. They hate us guys anyway ... we're the first to die.' The woman breaks them up and urges them to be quiet. They need each other to survive. They have to try to get out of here.

Alex asks her to explain what they meant by a game show. 'The lights come on and it's like a curtain is lifted so the spectacle can begin,' She says. 'We don't know how many are up there but it's like a fucking stadium!' The man adds that it seems as if they are placing bets on who will cum first. And they always want the women to win. If a guy cums, the host comes and takes him away. 'The host?' Derek asks. 'The one on the loudspeaker,' the woman replies.

Alex, meanwhile, has been quietly listening and pacing. 'How many other people have you seen here?' She asks. The couple look at each other in desperation. '18 to 20 ... but we're the only ones who've survived,' the man replies. 'And they only ever come down here if a guy, you know, finishes first?' She asks. They nod. 'What do they look like?' Derek whispers. The man turns to him. 'Like the devil!' He says, terrified. Alex bites her lip before turning to the group and saying, 'Have you ever tried to trick them?'

CUT TO a loud crank. The ceiling opens again, letting the flashing lights and sounds of cheering back in. The voice on the speaker chimes in and the crowd erupts in excitement. Alex finds herself spinning around to drop to all fours, ass up in the air, her hands spreading her cheeks frantically to expose her pussy. Derek drops to his knees to enter her while the woman crawls underneath him to lick her pussy as well. The other man puts his dick in Alex's mouth, which she begins to suck furiously. She finds herself getting crazier and crazier, moaning loudly to the excitement of the crowds. This is exactly what they want, she thinks to herself. So, she makes herself even louder, grabbing the man's shaft and working it with both her hands and her mouth. It cannot go deeper down her throat. She mouths at Derek to pound her, fuck her harder. He does obediently, his eyes transfixed by what is happening before him. This seems to be revving up the crowd to an uncontrollable pitch.

Suddenly, just as she is about to cum, Alex screams 'NOW!' at the top of her lungs.

Alexis Avery Dans 'Night Swim'

Alexis Avery - Night Swim

Ebony babe Alexis Avery is bringing some sparkle to the night with her bling and her bright white bikini by the pool, before she she strips down to show off her full moon! This stunning athletic cutie has a set of big tits and a perky booty that she oils up as she poses on her chaise longue. Ryan McLane brings a glowstick to illuminate her brown skin, teasing her pussy with it and even slipping it between her big boobs before tittyfucking her with his cock instead. Alexis doesn't need to get in the pool when she can enjoy Ryan dipping his dick in her wet pussy, and he gives her a facial she won't forget!

Skyla Novea Dans 'The Cum Spattered Bride'

Skyla Novea - The Cum Spattered Bride

Not-so-blushing bride Skyla Novea is all dressed for her big day, but she's having some cold feet. When her father-in-law-to-be Ryan McLane comes in to see whether she's ready to walk down the aisle, Skyla confesses that she's worried she won't be faithful because her fiance can't fuck her the way she wants. Ryan recognizes just what Skyla needs, and he gives it to her! He takes control of the slutty submissive, holding her by the throat as he fingers her pussy. Skyla loves when Ryan sucks her huge tits and bends her over to fuck her pussy and then her ass, and she fingers her pussy as Ryan slides the secret dildo hidden in her bouquet into her tight asshole! Skyla's future father-in-law covers her face with his jizz, but it's not going to be a white wedding!

Penny Pax Dans 'Caught Between'

Penny Pax - Caught Between

Cheating Wife Takes Turns Fucking Her Husband And His Best Friend

SCENE OPENS on a young wife, Tess (Penny Pax), in the hallway of her residential house, wearing a fashionable billowing day-robe hurriedly tied together with a sash, glimpses of her lacy elegant underwear peeking out. She is ushering an attractive-looking and stylish man, Xavier (Ryan McLane), into a bedroom connected to the hall. She has a pensive, conflicted expression on her face as she heads into the room herself and closes the door behind her.

'Are you sure nobody saw you?' she starts to say as she closes the door and turns to face him, but she's interrupted with a steamy, passionate kiss from Xavier, gripping her face with both hands and his body pinning hers against the door slightly. 'I've been waiting all week for this,' Xavier says in a low voice and moves back in for another kiss on the lips. Tess lets out a gasp of pleasure, but her face continues to look conflicted and her brow furrows with concern. She starts to lightly push on his shoulder or chest and tells him to wait. Xavier pulls back, confused, and asks her what's wrong.

Tess explains that she can't keep doing this with him anymore. Xavier grins and takes her by the waist, pulling her in slightly. That's what she said the last three times she called him, he says suavely. She pulls away more emphatically this time and tells him to stop, and his smile drops. She says that she's serious this time - it isn't fair to Rick. Xavier moves in closer to her and says in a soft voice that he doesn't care. How can he say that? Tess asks. Rick's his best friend! Xavier replies so? It shouldn't just be about what Rick wants. What about what HE wants? Or what SHE wants? This thing between them is real, it's undeniable, why should they both be miserable just for the sake of someone else? 'Because I still love him,' Tess says desperately and adds that she can't keep lying to him. It's tearing her up inside.

Xavier points out that she's going to have to keep lying to him anyways, she can't just erase the past eight months. The lying isn't going to end unless she tells Rick about ALL of it... Tess shakes her head no, it would break his heart, she could never do that to him. Xavier says that he could be the one to tell Rick, and then they could be together without anyone in the way. Tess tells Xavier no, nobody is telling Rick, the past is going to stay in the past where it belongs. Xavier asks then what's the difference if they enjoy themselves this one more time or not? Tess struggles for an answer, but Xavier's charms are working on her, and as his hands move sensually up and down her body, opening her robe to expose her underwear, she finds her resistance crumbling. This has to be the last time, she insists as she gives in and bends down, taking his cock out of his pants.

Just as she slips his dick into her mouth, the same familiar click of the front door lock from earlier can be heard. What was that? Tess says in a panic. Xavier says he didn't hear anything, and tries to keep the moment going, but Tess pushes him off and remarks that she thought it sounded like the front door. Then from off-screen her husband Rick's voice calls out 'Tess? Honey?' Tess says in a panicked whisper 'Shit! It's Rick!' Rick remarks softly that he thought Rick wasn't supposed to be home for hours, and Tess instructs Xavier to stay in the room and keep quiet. She rushes to retie her robe and straighten her hair before leaving the room.

Rick, sweetheart, she gushes as Rick (Ricky Johnson) rounds the corner into view, and she approaches him to give him a cordial kiss on the cheek - what is he doing home so early? He says he took a half-day and wanted to surprise her, he knows he's been really busy with work lately and he wanted to make it up to her. Plus, he couldn't stop thinking about her today. He leans in close and says he thought they could have some... intimate time together. Tess glances back nervously at the master bedroom door behind her and then back to her husband, and says she's not sure she's in the mood right now. Rick looks disappointed but understanding and says that it's his fault, he thought it would be fun to surprise her but maybe it would have been better for him to call her first instead of spring it on her. He knows she doesn't like to be as spontaneous as he does. He says it's fine, at least they can still spend the day together, just let him change out of his work clothes and they can do whatever she wants with the rest of their day. He takes a step towards the bedroom to get undressed but she stops him. NO! Tess says suddenly, and then catches herself. She means no, actually he's right, maybe they SHOULD be a bit more spontaneous. What if... they get a bit frisky in the guest bedroom instead? she suggests. Rick smiles but looks a bit confused, the guest bedroom? Tess smiles and plays with the tie draped around his neck - yeah, she says, why not a change of scenery to shake things up? Rick smiles and shrugs, sure, why not?

They go into the guest bedroom and begin to kiss. Just as things are getting intense, Tess comes up with an excuse to go to the master bedroom, saying that she wants to go and get Rick's favorite lube. Rick is all for it, and Tess bounces out of the room. Tess enters the master bedroom where Xavier has been waiting impatiently on the bed. She hurries over to him and whispers that the coast is clear, she's busy distracting Rick, but he'll have to be quiet and sneak out the back door. Xavier seems stubborn, and in a quiet voice asks her how long is this going to go on for? Tess pleads with him and says she doesn't have time for this conversation right now, he has to leave! Xavier stands up calmly, crosses his arms and says no. No? Tess asks in a panic. Xavier repeats no, he's not leaving. If she doesn't want to tell Rick, then he will. Rick can burst in and find him here for all he cares. Desperate, Tess asks him why he would do this, and Xavier says that he can't stand the thought of her being in there with Rick, fucking him, because... 'because I love you'. Tess is shocked, but firm in her resolve. She looks at Xavier and tells him he has to leave. Now.

Meanwhile, Ricky is getting tired of waiting for his wife and walks towards the master bedroom. He rounds the corner only to find...Tess, alone on the bed. Hi honey, she purrs. Tess tells him that she changed her mind and was waiting for him to find her all sprawled out for him. She quickly takes off her husband's pants, helping herself to his huge cock. It doesn't take long for him to slide that cock inside Tess's tight pussy, fucking her hard. She squeals with ecstasy, jumping on top of him and riding his dick. He fucks her hard and deep, flipping her over and pounding her doggystyle before dropping a creamy load in her mouth. Kissing him softly, she leaves the room to clean up. Rick calls from the other room, telling her that he just got a call from work and has to go back. She leaves the room to kiss him goodbye, but doesn't see...that Xavier is still there, hiding behind a door. Tess will find out soon enough that her lover never left...and he's far from done with her...

Mercedes Carrera Dans 'My Husband Brought Home his Mistress 12'

Mercedes Carrera - My Husband Brought Home his Mistress 12

Keira Croft was invited over to dinner and she thought it was going to be innocent. Well not when Mercedes Carrera lets her know she knows she has been fucking her husband Ryan Mclane and now she wants her to watch and learn how to get on her mans dick.

Gigi Skye Dans 'Getting Messy With Gigi'

Gigi Skye - Getting Messy With Gigi

My girlfriend Gigi Skye is a sight for sore eyes. She's the bustiest Asian slut you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting. We were out to go look for furniture but all I could really focus on was how huge her tits looked in her tight orange tank top. We were driving down the road when Gigi couldn't help but want to distract me from driving by showing off her fantastic tits! At every stop light we got to, I'd take my eyes off the road and focus on her massive jugs! It wasn't too long before I had to pull over and let her suck my cock dry! I'm a lucky man to have such a busty Asian beauty for a girlfriend!

Lexi Foxy Dans 'Twisted Encounter'

Lexi Foxy - Twisted Encounter

Lexi Foxy enjoys a comfort fuck from her former student and current lover, Ryan Mclane, after she discovers that her own son is now having an affair with his teacher! Escaping into the arms of her younger lover, the pleasure of him deep inside her fills the ache of her twisted dilemma. Lexi forgets all that ails her and soon her mind is only on one thing - Ryan's cock, as he gives Lexi the ultimates orgasmic release from her troubles.

Alexis Avery Dans 'White Out 7'

Alexis Avery - White Out 7

Stunning newcomer Alexis Avery gets four white men for her pleasures in this new white out scene. Only in the biz for a few months, Alexis decides to do her first ever gangbang and boy does she do it with a bang! This debutante gets introduced to lots of anal and double penetration. Her holes are spread wide and pleasured with piston-like pounding of long dick white boys. It's fun for everyone watching this young girl get her pussy pounded to sweet oblivion and her asshole opened up for all the world to see. And of course, she gets the obligatory facial to send her home happy.

Nia Nacci Dans 'Nia Gets Cleaned and Fucked'

Nia Nacci - Nia Gets Cleaned and Fucked

Ryan is looking for his friend Johnny, as no one answers the door, he enters the house thinking nobody is home to wait for his friend. He walks to the kitchen and sees sultry Nia Nacci, who came out of the shower, dancing, in a very sexy way, headphones on and completely naked. He is shocked and so is she. He wants to leave but she wants something different. Nia seduces Ryan, mesmerizing him with her hot body. He cannot resist her and Nia gets fucked all over her kitchen, in several different positions, then they go to the living room and Nia gets fucked again until she makes him cum all over her face.

Brooklyn Chase Dans 'A Load for Brooklyn's big tits'

Brooklyn Chase - A Load for Brooklyn's big tits

Today we get to check out Brooklyn Chase's great big tits. She wears a very sexy outfit that showcases her great ass and tits. She gets her body oiled up before she starts sucking on cock. She give a good blowjob and tit fucking. She gets her pussy pounded hard from different positions. She bounces her ass on his cock until she ends with his messy load all over her.

Cassidy Klein Dans '- How To Train A Hotwife 2'

Cassidy Klein - - How To Train A Hotwife 2

Ryan and Cassidy have the dream marriage both emotionally and sexually. But after a heated sexual encounter one night, Ryan confides in Cassidy a desire to have her sleep with other men. Taken aback, but curious nonetheless, Cassidy takes to the Internet and discovers the erotic world of hotwifing.

Keely Jones Dans 'Jamming With Bae'

Keely Jones - Jamming With Bae

Ryan's got his new jam studio all set up and he's excited to film the spot where he and his band will write all their future hits, but as he sees his sexy blonde girlfriend Keely sitting at his drum kit, he starts thinking about making a different kind of beautiful music together! At first Keely is shy to get freaky when he's got his video camera pointed at her pierced tits and perky booty, but soon this tanned blonde goddess is matching Ryan's rhythm as she sucks his cock, then riding him with her moans in perfect harmony! Ryan captures every second of her stunning performance up to and including the climactic facial finale!

Jennifer Jacobs Dans 'Neighborhood Swingers 21'

Jennifer Jacobs - Neighborhood Swingers 21

Summer is among us and these four are taking in the sun. The drinks are flowing and the chips are good. Jennifer Jacobs is really admiring Honey Gold's bathing suit and asks to try it on. The girls decide what the hell and they strip the tops off right there. Ryan Mclane notices that Honey's hands are full so he wants to play a little joke with her and asks her to get him a chip. She needs to improvise and use what she has available, her mouth!

Arya Fae Dans 'Highway Home Scene 3'

Arya Fae - Highway Home Scene 3

After a harrowing altercation between her stepfather and stepbrother, Lily leaves home on a search to find her true self. Five years later and missing her mother, Lily decides to travel home. Along the way, she meets a couple of troublemaking travelers who will fuck anyone to get what they want, including each other.

Summer Brooks Dans 'My Daughter's Boyfriend Vol. 15 - Part 3: Patient-Therapist Relations'

Summer Brooks - My Daughter's Boyfriend Vol. 15 - Part 3: Patient-Therapist Relations

Ryan and Summer - Ryan, a manipulative therapist sets his sights on naive patient, Summer who's terrified of intimacy. He has her right where he wants her...offering up his own body to help her get over her fears. With the innocent, young patient willing to explore her sexuality right in his therapy office, Ryan quickly slips off her panties and buries his tongue inside her tight little snatch. Aroused beyond belief, Summer explodes with pleasure and now, eager to please her therapist, returns the favor by swallowing his cock in her tight little mouth. Before long all of Summer's inhibitions are gone as the two get lost in the heat of the moment. But little does Ryan know, his girlfriend's mother is onto his sadistic therapy practices...

Anna Bell Peaks Dans 'She's Full Of Squirt 2'

Anna Bell Peaks - She's Full Of Squirt 2

While Ryan Mclane is out playing basketball, Anna Bell Peaks figures that it's a good time for a little workout of her own. Ryan, a bit tired and thirsty, makes his way into the house where he stumbles on his wife master-bating and squirting all over the place. Being as thirsty as he was Ryan figured that Anna's watering hole is as good as any for him to quench his thirst.

Melissa Moore Dans 'A Girl's Dream Of A Faceful Of Cream'

Melissa Moore - A Girl's Dream Of A Faceful Of Cream

Melissa Moore takes on a gang of cocks in her very first blow bang scene. She doesn't even flinch from the challenge to milk five hard cocks of their creamy loads!

Pristine Edge Dans 'Forbidden Affairs Vol. 8 - Part 2: Cum Back To Me'

Pristine Edge - Forbidden Affairs Vol. 8 - Part 2: Cum Back To Me

After Ryan ends this affair with Pristine because he wants to work things out with his wife, Pristine is left heart broken, trying to pick up the pieces. However, it isn't long before Ryan regrets his decision and soon he shows up at her house having just left his wife. The two enjoy a passionate encounter as he buries his cock into her wet and willing pussy. Pristine finally has everything she wants. The overwhelmingly emotional encounter leaves both of them desperate for more of each other and before long the two explode in intense orgasms

Summer Day Dans 'Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 8'

Summer Day - Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 8

Ryan is a world famous photographer and Summer has always wanted to take photos with him, but there is one problem, he is her best friend's husband. Summer was always a little apprehensive because she never wanted to reveal too much in front of her BFF's man. When they are done with the photo session, they review the pictures and Summer is blown away by how great they look. She really wanted to thank Ryan for making her feel comfortable.

Jade Kush Dans 'Fucking To Go To A St. Patrick's Day Party'

Jade Kush - Fucking To Go To A St. Patrick's Day Party

Jade Kush got ready and is trying to go to a St. Patrick's day party but her stepdad isn't letting her go dressed like that. Jade wears a very sexy outfit where she shows off her great body. She begs him to let her go with her friends and she pulls out her tits and takes off her shorts to convince him to let her go. She tells him what else does she need to do before she starts sucking hard on his cock. This chick gets fucked hard on cowgirl, doggy style and cowgirl before she takes his cum all over her face and mouth.

Kali Roses Dans 'Star Stroked'

Kali Roses - Star Stroked

Cute teen groupie Kali Roses breaks into her celebrity crush Ryan Mclane's house, hoping to come away with a souvenir, so she can claim to all her friends that she fucked a big TV star. Horny Kali finds a T-shirt hanging on a chair, and the smell gets her so excited, she starts touching herself on the couch. Mr. Mclane arrives home and finds her like that, and picks her up to throw her out of the house. Good thing for him, because the teen temptress that is the incredibly sexy Kali Roses convinces him to indulge in some groupie sex instead, now that she's legal age to fuck. This innocent looking eighteen-year-old can't wait to suck and fuck this star's big cock as she shows why she's such a cock craving cutie! Kali gets the dicking she deserves and an autograph too--as Ryan covers her in his cum just like this slut likes it!

Jenna Reid Dans 'Bubble Bath'

Jenna Reid - Bubble Bath

Jenna runs herself a bath, but decides to get a little dirty before getting into the tub. She gets carried away rubbing her tight pussy until Ryan comes home and catches her in the act. Ryan bathes Jenna with the attention she deserves.

Katrina Jade Dans 'Sexy Escort With A Great Body Gets A Creampie'

Katrina Jade - Sexy Escort With A Great Body Gets A Creampie

Escort Katrina Jade meets up with her new client to give him one date. He wants to get some excitement back into his life and called the perfect girl for it. She blindfolds him before she goes to the room to undress and put on her sexy outfit. She teases him before taking his blindfold off which then leads to them exchanging oral. He finally gets to makes her big ass bounce on his dick until he gives her a cream pie to push out.

Moka Mora Dans 'Dangerous Craving'

Moka Mora - Dangerous Craving

Despite her therapist urging her to stay away from dangerous men, Moka cannot. She's got a thing for her Dad's married friend, Ryan and no amount of warning is going to stop her. She shows up at his office, closes the door, and after a weak attempt at resistance, Moka reaches for Ryan's belt buckle and immediately yanks out his thick cock. Ryan's wife isn't even an afterthought as he plunges into Moka's sweet, tight pussy. With her sneakered feet wrapped around his waist, he gives her what she has clearly been wanting and Moka isn't gonna let him stop until she has all of his hot, load on her tight, tanned little body.

Cherie DeVille Dans 'Getting Everything You Want'

Cherie DeVille - Getting Everything You Want

Mark, a professor at Elle's university, shares with her the secret to getting anything you might want - inflate the truth about who you are. Seem more important and people will believe you're more important. A skeptical Elle tells Mark it's ultimately lying and would never work out. But Mark is quick to share his story about how it worked with him and his wife, Cherie. Apparently on Mark's first date with Cherie, he pretended to be a successful Hollywood producer and brought her back to his friend's mansion in the Hollywood Hills - he told her it was his. Impressed by his wealth and prestige, Cherie quickly succumbs to Mark's sexual advances, pulling out her gigantic tits and sliding her wet pussy all over his rock hard dick. Convinced that her own social status will change by landing a man of his stature, Cherie makes sure that this is the best fuck of Mark's life - milking him of every ounce of sweat and cum.

Carolina Sweets Dans 'My Daddy's Good Friend'

Carolina Sweets - My Daddy's Good Friend

When her Dad's friend crashes at her home for a few weeks, Carolina develops a friendly relationship that surprising grows romantic as she discovers her budding sexuality needs some expressing of its own. The older man courageously volunteers to usher this innocent youth into the wonderful world of womanhood.

Yello Dans 'The Nudist Next Door'

Yello - The Nudist Next Door

Officer Ryan Mclane has a message for naughty neighborhood slut Yello Jay that he wishes he didn't have to deliver: the other neighborhood women have complained about all of her parading naked in front of the windows and hanging her laundry outside in the nude. But Yello knows how to stay on the good side of the law: she answers the door with her sexy ebony skin on display, giving Officer Mclane an eyeful before inviting him in to talk in private. As soon as she has him inside, Yello lays back and fingers her dripping wet pussy, explaining that she doesn't want to be harassed, she just wants a big cock to satisfy her desires. What kind of peace officer would Ryan be if he didn't oblige? Yello takes the long arm of the law down her throat, then bends over for a doggystyle disciplining that has her moaning on Ryan's cock. The next time Yello has trouble with the neighbors, she knows who to call for some service and protection.

Kimmy Granger Dans 'Kimmy Gets Tied Up All For Her Man'

Kimmy Granger - Kimmy Gets Tied Up All For Her Man

Kimmy, Ryan, and their friend Ramon are getting together for an adventurous sexual encounter. Only this time, Ramon asks to tie Kimmy up, and the couple gladly obliges.

Karlee Grey Dans 'The Catfish Gets Caught'

Karlee Grey - The Catfish Gets Caught

After finding out that his very tempting stepdaughter's been catfishing him online, Andrew slips into her room to call her on her bullshit. When he finds out the reason for her deception wasn't malicious but rather a genuine crush - his resolve and anger begins to fade. Before reason can get the better of him he closes the door and unleashes a sexual fury on her dripping wet pussy and perfect big breasts.

Katana Dans 'Restaurant'

Katana - Restaurant

Ryan is sitting in his girlfriends favorite Pho restaurant, when he gets a call that she is not coming. The waitress explains to him that they are closing soon. She asks him is everything is ok with his food becausehe did not really even touch it. Ryan explains that he does not know how to use chopsticks, Katana Laughs at him. She sits next to him to help him and direct his hands in the right direction so that he can 'learn' howto use the chopsticks.

Nadya Nabakova Dans 'Shoe Horny'

Nadya Nabakova - Shoe Horny

Returning home from a long day at the office, Nadya sighs with pleasure as she strips off her staid business attire and sky-high stilettos. When she hears a noise, she goes to investigate and finds her husband Ryan has come home early to surprise her with a gift! Knowing his wife's passion for shoes, Ryan has brought Nadya a new pair of heels, and she eagerly models them for him before thanking him with a kiss. Their embrace becomes more passionate as Ryan can't help but get turned on by seeing his lover in just a bra, panties, stockings, and high heels that perfectly show off her slender body and big tits! Soon, Nadya is showing her appreciation for her husband's thoughtful gift with a blowjob that has him yearning for more! Before long, she's slipped off her new shoes so that she can ride Ryan's cock and treat him to a romantic foot job!

Marica Hase Dans 'Hot Wife's Afternoon Delight'

Marica Hase - Hot Wife's Afternoon Delight

Eager to give his wife her first hot-wifing experience, Ryan invites over her personal trainer and then asks the two if he can record the fuck session on his phone. Isiah excited by a taste of Marica's tight, Asian pussy quickly consents as the two rip off each other's clothes in the middle of Ryan's living room. Isiah's gigantic cock is more than Marica could have hoped for and she cannot help but thank her supportive husband for giving her such an afternoon delight. Ryan watches Isiah plunge into Marica's wet and ready hole, excitedly capturing every moment of their fuckfest so that he can relive it later

Quinn Wilde Dans 'Black Friday Lay'

Quinn Wilde - Black Friday Lay

His worst nightmare Black Friday shopping with the bitchy girlfriend. Luckily, the sexy shop girl helps him escape to the back room to suck and fuck the day away. Talk about a dream deal!

Andi Rye Dans 'Welcome Horny Babe Andi'

Andi Rye - Welcome Horny Babe Andi

Sexy and tall beauty Andi Rye is brand new and already is in love with all you fans! She is excited to be LIVE and do whatever you guys request! She gets Ryan McLanes cock all to herself and wraps her hot pussy lips right around that hard shaft fucking his cock hard! Ryan spreads out her legs giving you boys the best view of her pussy while its fucked and she smiles and begs for more until Ryan releases his hot load for her to eagerly consume! Archived from 8-10-2017 5pm LIVE show!

Luna Star Dans 'Loves Deep Throating and Sex'

Luna Star - Loves Deep Throating and Sex

You can tell that Luna Star LOVES sex and we love watching her! She enjoys being teased and pleased in every position and enjoys that you all like watching her. She can't wait to deep throat Ryan's hard cock and then have him pound her pussy till she cums hard!

Akarra Summers Dans 'Welcome Sexy Akarra Summers'

Akarra Summers - Welcome Sexy Akarra Summers

Cute natural babe Akarra Summers is a natural in front of the camera and loves being live with all her fans! She is happy to have Ryan McLane to fuck and is eager to feel that hard cock inside her tight little pussy! She rides him with a smile letting all us watch as her tits bounce from all hot action!!

Casey Calvert Dans 'Nothing But a Shirt On'

Casey Calvert - Nothing But a Shirt On

Casey Calvert sure is looking hot in your shirt that you left from the night before! She loves showing off that sexy bra and panty set but really wants to see it on the floor! She unbuttons your shirt showing off those beautiful tits and what a hot pussy under those panties! It's time to fuck to start this day off with a truly good bang!

Megan Rain Dans 'Pigtails and Pussy'

Megan Rain - Pigtails and Pussy

Petite babe Megan Rain is hungry for some cock and loves hearing her fans excitement over joining her LIVE on camera! She listens to their suggestions giving Ryan one hot blowjob knowing just how she wants to fuck him! They get in a 69 and Ryan buries his face in Megan sweet little pussy! He craves that taste and is eager to fuck this girl hard!

Kiki Daire Dans 'Fucking The Neighbors'

Kiki Daire - Fucking The Neighbors

Ryan McLane and Kiki Daire are a married couple. Though they are a happy couple,things have gotten a bit boring. They decide to invite their hot, young neighbor, Aviover to spice things up a bit. And boy do they ever...

Sidney Alexis Dans 'Make Her Dreams Cum True'

Sidney Alexis - Make Her Dreams Cum True

Long legged and busty babe Sidney Alexis is one smoking hot eighteen-year-old who came all the way from great state of Indiana for her first time audition! Her journey from a small town to the sunshine state of Florida will have you feeling all warm and tingly inside--or maybe that's just because you're staring at her sweet cleavage! Sidney Alexis talks about how its been her dream to be a porn star since this sexy slut absolutely loves sex and getting fucked! We had Ms. Alexis get ready for her audition by getting her hair done and make-up prepped. Once Sidney Alexis turned 18, she was juggling two sugar daddies at once who spoiled this busty babe with all the riches she could imagine! It was one of her sugar daddies who highly recommended that Sidney audition for porn--and we owe that man a great service because we're excited to be working with the amazing Ms. Alexis! While getting ready for her audition we saw Sidney's perfectly round ass peeking out from her panties and couldn't help but drool all over her 36DD rack! Sidney absolutely loves her huge tits because it draws the attention of several males, which instantly gets this busty slut's pussy dripping wet! Sidney loves getting fucked and she loves having her big tits manhandled! Sidney isn't much of a masturbator--she's got no trouble getting dick since she loves putting her tempting titties to work! Sidney can't wait for her big dick for the day, so without further ado we sent in Ryan Mclane who gave this cock craving cutie the dicking she deserves! And we finally got to see these massive tits bouncing on a cock! After an amazing first time audition, we can't wait to see what sexy Sidney and her big boobs get up to next!

Bailey Brooke Dans 'Showering With Bailey'

Bailey Brooke - Showering With Bailey

Bailey Brooke is one dripping wet teen--even before she stepped into the shower! Bailey has been watching her brother's friend Ryan Mclane working in the yard. Bailey's always found her brother's best friend attractive and this blonde babe can't help but want to flick her clit to the thought of sucking his dick! Bailey decided to go into the shower since she figures Ryan's going to want to wash himself after a hard day's work. Little does he know that this sneaky slut is waiting for him to come in as she lathers her luscious body fondling her beautiful boobs and rubbing her pussy with a vibrator! So when Ryan enters the bathroom, he's shocked to find the beautiful Bailey butt naked and completely soaking wet! Bailey can't help but notice that Ryan's got a hard-on for her, so seems like this tempting teen is going to get the dicking she's been dreaming of! But will Bailey's brother catch his best friend plowing his sister's pretty pussy?

Alice Coxxx Dans 'Lost Ride'

Alice Coxxx - Lost Ride

I was out for a jog when I noticed it was about to rain. I was about to head home when I couldn't help but notice a damsel in distress on the other side of the road. She got out of this truck that just sped off, leaving her stranded. Concerned, I approached this redhead cutie who let me know her name was Alice Coxxx and how her boyfriend just ditched her! Without a phone, a purse and any money to get home, Alice was in desperate need of some help! I offered to bring her back to my place where I offered to lend her some money to call for a cab. But Alice really wanted to get revenge on her boyfriend, so she was more than willing to thank me for my generosity! This redhead slut couldn't wait to wrap her slutty lips around my cock! She stripped out of her clothes, showing off her tight pussy and juicy ass! I pounded her pussy while fondling her perky tits and knew just from fucking her that Alice's soon to be ex-boyfriend is the real loser--after all, Ms. Coxxx can really suck and fuck dick like a professional whore!

Jillian Janson Dans 'Splurging On Jillian'

Jillian Janson - Splurging On Jillian

Jillian Janson returns home from college looking to talk to her dad. She's just recently broke up with her boyfriend and is feeling a little heartbroken. To make matters worse, Jillian's dad isn't even home to hear her out! Luckily for Jillian, her dad's best friend Ryan Mclane is there to be the shoulder for her to cry on. Only all Jillian wants is to get over her boyfriend by getting under someone else! In order to cheer Jillian up, Ryan offers to take her on a shopping spree by using the company credit card to splurge on this hot sexy college teen. But Mr. Mclane soon realizes that Jillian doesn't need a new outfit--she looks hot as fuck just the way she is! Eager to make sure that Jillian feels better about her break-up, Ryan tries to seduce her into taking his cock deep inside her dripping wet pussy! Even if Jillian was looking forward to talking with her dad, she's more than happy that Mr. Mclane was around--because all Jillian really wanted was a cock to suck and fuck!

Alexis Adams Dans 'Celebrating Titty Tuesday'

Alexis Adams - Celebrating Titty Tuesday

It is always a treat when Alexis Adams is here for a LIVE Show and she was stunning as usual! She has such hot body and we all loved watching her play with those amazing tits of hers! She loved getting Ryan's cock hard and giving her fans every position they desired! Afterwards she loved licking up the huge load she received on her pretty face!

Nari Park Dans 'Asian Strip Mall Massage 04'

Nari Park - Asian Strip Mall Massage 04

Ryan has been sore lately so he comes into the massage parlor where he is taken care of by Nari. As she starts to undress and really take care of him, he gets freaked out: he's a married man. Nari calms his fears and gives him a happy ending.

Jill Kassidy Dans 'Jill Cums To The Right Place'

Jill Kassidy - Jill Cums To The Right Place

Jill Kassidy arrives to the door of the Cum Fiesta. She has heard all the good things about this naughty place from her slutty friends. Jill shows off the password--her perky pretty tits! We can't wait to get Jill inside and find out what she's all about! We soon learn that this naughty teen can't find the right, huge cock she's been looking for! It's suspicious how such a hot, sexy slut like Jill Kassidy can't find some good dick. Jill absolutely loves cock, but after searching everywhere for a great dick, she's frustrated at being unable to find anything to suit her slutty needs. This long legged babe has cum to the right place--as Ryan McLane gives her the dicking she's been craving!

Lisey Sweet Dans 'Sweetheart Lisey Gets Pounded'

Lisey Sweet - Sweetheart Lisey Gets Pounded

We are so excited to have Lisey Sweet for you all today and this blonde babe is excited to give you guys a great show! She can't wait to strip off her denim shorts and get pounded hard while all her fans watch! She rides Ryan's cock like a champ and takes his load all over her pretty face!

Zelda Morrison Dans 'Seduced By Stepdad'

Zelda Morrison - Seduced By Stepdad

Zelda Morrison comes home after sneaking out of the house for a weekend getaway. Zelda is shocked to see her stepdad Ryan Mclane waiting for her in the living room. Ryan tells Zelda that her mother's been worried, but all Zelda really wanted was to find some cock to suck and fuck! Ryan tells his slutty stepdaughter that if she wanted to get fucked, she should've came on his dick! Zelda's pussy gets dripping wet just thinking about sucking her stepfather's dick dry! Looks like this cock crazed teen will be cumming home more often!

Natalia Starr Dans 'The Whole Package'

Natalia Starr - The Whole Package

Natalia Starr is stunning in her sexy black lingerie and accessories with a black collar with a gold chain. She is excited to fuck LIVE for you guys today and show you guys a great time! Natalia is the full package and Ryan cannot wait to pound that pussy for hers! She deep throats his large cock and gets it nice and hard for her. He can't wait any longer and soon bends her over and fucks her in all your favorite positions! The best part is when he cums all over her pretty mouth!

Jessica Ryan Dans 'Orgasming For You'

Jessica Ryan - Orgasming For You

Jessica Ryan is excited to be there with her unicorn colored hair and teal bush! She is feeling playful and is ready to fuck LIVE in front of her fans. She teased her pussy and got it nice and wet for Ryan's cock to come pound it hard!

Dillion Harper Dans 'Giving Dillion Every Inch'

Dillion Harper - Giving Dillion Every Inch

Beautiful Dillion Harper is looking hot as a blonde and this babe can not wait to fuck in front of all you!! Ryan McLane is more than happy to give her his cock drilling her hard!! He thrusts in her from behind until she wants to take control and gets on top consuming every inch of his hard meat in her wet pussy! Dillion stares down Ryan with her loving eyes with his cock deep in her throat begging him to cum all over those perfect natural tits of hers!

Adriana Chechik Dans 'Oh So Naughty'

Adriana Chechik - Oh So Naughty

Adriana Chechik loves to get down and dirty and is not afraid to make it extra messy when she is fucking! She just won AVN Performer of the Year and is about to show everyone why she was very deserving of it! Ryan McLane is up for the challenge fucking this wild babe any way she pleases! Her fans can not get enough of her sloppy blowjobs and appetite for sex! Adriana gets her wet pussy fucked hard making her moan and scream out in delight eagerly awaiting a hot load for her to swallow!

Alexis Fawx Dans 'Wet Food 8'

Alexis Fawx - Wet Food 8

Busting out of a skimpy black leather bikini, MILF stripper Alexis Fawx takes on a crew of eight giant cocks! The stacked blonde kneels, surrounded by throbbing meat, and hungrily services the team of studs, gagging and drooling on her giant titties as she deep-throats them all. Eric John, Ryan Mclane, Robby Echo, Jake Jace, Brad Hart, Rob Carpenter, Ike Diezel and Filthy Rich face-fuck this talented slut without mercy, leaving Alexis' face slathered with hot cum and slimy spit.

Britney Amber Dans 'Ready To Orgasm Hard'

Britney Amber - Ready To Orgasm Hard

Britney Amber loves to fuck and is happy that Ryan is here to help her out. He buries his face in her muff making her moan out instantly. Britney is eager to get his cock in her mouth though and gets nice and sloppy sucking him off. She soon turns and takes it doggie; letting him fuck her any way he pleases. She fingers her ass while he rams her hard getting the full pleasure of his thrusts!

Natalia Starr Dans 'Fucking The Photographer'

Natalia Starr - Fucking The Photographer

Ryan McLane is loving being behind the camera photographing Natalia Starr's sweet pussy and tits! Natalia wants him to get a little closer though and soon his cock is in her mouth and she sucking him down. It only takes so long until Ryan wants some more shots of her pussy only this time with his cock buried deep. He gets the shots he wants and Natalia gets the cum shot she wants all over her ass!

Keely Jones Dans 'Money shaker'

Keely Jones - Money shaker

Its that time of year again for some holiday action and Money Talks is ready to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! So what better way than to have a girl dress up as a turkey and get shot in the ass by a bow and dildo! Then its on to some shopping and thats when Keely Jones walks through the door. A few titty flashes later and we got to some fucking for the right price!

Saya Song Dans 'Wet Food 7'

Saya Song - Wet Food 7

Asian doll Saya Song poses and spreads her tight, tattooed body. She buzzes her pussy (which sports a heart-shaped bush) as seven naked, hard cocks surround her. Her circle-suck fantasy comes true -- Saya hyperactively strokes, sucks and gags on the dicks encircling her head as the nasty-talking dudes cock-whip her face. The slut deep-throats competitively. Choking, spanking, manhandling face fucks (plus Saya's masturbation) make her howl in orgasm. She crams two cock heads in her mouth at once. For the cr?me de la cr?me, an upside-down oral blow bang makes her eyes water as heavy spit runs down her face into her hair and ball sacs seal her nostrils. In a bukkake climax, seven loads thickly glaze Saya's entire, happy face.

Amara Romani Dans 'Nasty thoughts'

Amara Romani - Nasty thoughts

Amara was understandably nervous about her audition so we did the best we could to make her comfortable. She awkwardly answered our interview questions and looked like a deer in headlights. It didn't matter much to us as we focused on her nice, plump butt and cute, perky boobs. All of the nervousness was immediately replaced with excitement once she saw Ryan pull out his dick. She most definitely loves sucking cock and was even more enthused to hop on it and ride to her heart's content. It was extremely difficult to believe she had never done a scene before but she did say she had tons of practice even before she ever considered getting in front of a camera.

Keely Jones Dans 'Lusty lingo'

Keely Jones - Lusty lingo

Keely Jones came back to visit us and as soon as I found out I was going to shoot her today I got excited! I'm a huge fan of hers but an even bigger fan of her ginormous ass! She was as thrilled to be back as we were to have her back and boy does she have back! She let us drool over her while she posed and shook her butt until Ryan couldn't take it anymore and he buried his face between her cheeks. When she was good and ready she returned the favor and sucked his dick. It seemed as if his penis was about to explode and she hopped on top of him to drive him even crazier. Ryan of course insisted on hitting it doggy style. I mean, with an ass like that, who wouldn't want to do the exact same thing? I know all of you guys out there in member's land would probably agree. Enjoy!

Richelle Ryan Dans 'Mean Cuckold 06'

Richelle Ryan - Mean Cuckold 06

Busty blonde Richelle Ryan wears a revealing leather dress and heels -- to save wimp husband Dominik Kross' job, she's doing dinner with his boss. The nasty, shrill wife requires kneeling pussy worship before the date. Many anxious hours later, Richelle and Ryan McLane arrive, kissing. Throughout the scene they pepper the loser with vicious verbal humiliation. Richelle makes Dominik worship her feet as she makes out with his boss, and as she sucks the boss' cock, the cuckold demonstrates his one talent: licking her asshole. She sits on Dominik's face as Ryan fucks her face! Dominik watches from up close as his faithless wife gets pounded. She announces how much better the boss fucks, and after cumming on her big butt, Mr. McLane decides that he'll keep fucking the heartbroken zero's wife.

Dani Daniels Dans 'The Whore of Wall Street Ep-4- Double Teamed On The High Seas'

Dani Daniels - The Whore of Wall Street Ep-4- Double Teamed On The High Seas

Dani Daniels was just hanging out on her boat when a couple of federal agents showed up to ruin her good time. She tried everything from bribery to seduction to keep them off of her trail, but in the end, the pair was just too determined. Dani figured, if she's going to go down, she might as well have some fun first, so she stripped down and started sucking on both their fat cocks. She took both those big dicks, fucking one and sucking the other, and came hard as they thrust their way deep inside her. The agents take turns giving Dani some nice creamy facials, and as she licks her lips, she reflects on her predicament. How is the Whore of Wall Street going to get out of this one?

Austin Lynn Dans 'Mean Cuckold 03'

Austin Lynn - Mean Cuckold 03

Busty, tattooed student Austin Lynn is a real troublemaker, but she's got a special relationship with teacher Ryan Mclane. Mr. Mclane and Austin enjoy abusing Principal Jimmy Broadway, a wimpy beta male who doesn't get any respect. In fact, Austin has decided to make the principal worship her ass while she services the cock of a real man! Jimmy must grovel, tongue-clean her anus and lick her fragrant, bare feet as the hot student blows his most hated employee. Austin crushes the principal's face and his spirit under her mighty ass, then makes Jimmy lick Mclane's splooge from her ass!

Lea Lexis Dans 'Devious damsel ties you up so you can take her down.'

Lea Lexis - Devious damsel ties you up so you can take her down.

Imagine what you could do to her if you could JUST BREAK OUT.Horny slut demands facefucking, anal pounding, double penetration, and she wants it hard!

Cali Carter Dans 'Mean Cuckold 02'

Cali Carter - Mean Cuckold 02

Sultry, young blonde Cali Carter is fed up with pathetic boyfriend Dominik Kross. She seeks counseling from a priest, Father Ryan Mclane, who agrees that she deserves better. Fr. Mclane and Cali command Dominik to sit on the floor as they get more intimate. She hungrily sucks the clergyman's stiff cock. Cali orders Dominik to undress her, then smothers him with her sweet ass and makes him suck her pretty toes as she services a Man of God. The good pastor pounds her pussy, and her cuckolded servant submissively kisses Cali's ass as she rides on the priest's throbbing dick.

Sarah Shevon Dans 'The Neighbors - Featuring Sarah Shevon'

Sarah Shevon - The Neighbors - Featuring Sarah Shevon

Beautiful girl next door submits to her fantasy of being taken down by her neighbors and gangbanged! Brutal airtight penetration, fisting, and more!!

Jessica Jaymes Dans 'Devine Passion'

Jessica Jaymes - Devine Passion

Sexy Jessica Jaymes has a romantic night of passionate sex planned for when her boyfriend Ryan comes home from work. Dressed in nothing but his button up white shirt, she is ready and horny to get fucked. Her big throbbing clit is ready to be manipulated by his warm mouth and hard cock. And he gives her his nice warm load she had been craving all day!

Claudia Valentine Dans 'Jessica Wants More'

Claudia Valentine - Jessica Wants More

Pornstars Jessica Jaymes and Claudia Valentine are two cock hungry sluts. That's when Ryan Mclane cums to satisfy their needs. Enjoy watching these pornstars share a penis just how the like it. And enjoy a nice creamy facial!

Jessica Jaymes Dans 'Role Play Hooker'

Jessica Jaymes - Role Play Hooker

Pornstar Jessica Jaymes has no idea what to expect when she shows up to Ryan Mclane's hotel room door. After paying her $2000 and giving her a maid outfit to change in to. Jessica begins making Ryan's hooker role play fetish come true. He makes Jessica fulfill his every fantasy, then shoots a huge wad of cum all over her slutty body!