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Dernières mises à jour avec Sara Jay

Sara Jay Dans 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom

Sara Jay remplace le médecin normal d’Apollo pour effectuer son examen physique annuel. Il est super surpris que la mère de son ami fasse son examen, voir qu’il lorgne ces gros seins et son gros butin juteux depuis un certain temps. La grosse bite palpitante d’Apollo a besoin de soins médicaux et le Dr Sara Jay est prêt à relever le défi.

Sara Jay Dans 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Sara Jay interviewe quelqu’un pour un poste vacant dans son entreprise. Cet homme ne sait pas que Sara cherche à embaucher un gigolo. Si cet homme veut le travail, il va devoir lui montrer ce qu’il a en premier. Il la baise volontiers pour prouver qu’il a ce qu’il faut pour être son prochain gigolo en tête.

Sara Jay Dans 'Naughty America'

Sara Jay - Naughty America

Sara Jay appelle Juan pour l’empêcher d’être un tyran. Une fois qu’un intimidateur est toujours un intimidateur est ce que Sara découvre que la seule façon de résoudre ce problème est de se faire intimider par la grosse bite de Juan.

Sara Jay Dans 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom

Sara Jay arrive à la maison après une longue journée au gymnase et est super endolorie. Heureusement, l’ami de son fils, Tyler, est là pour lui donner un massage. Sara est tellement impressionnée par la façon dont Tyler peut la faire se sentir bien qu’elle décide de le faire faire en sorte que sa chatte se sente bien aussi.

Sara Jay Dans 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Le réparateur d’ordinateurs de Sara Jay est bon avec les cartes mères et les disques durs, mais un klutz à la plupart des autres choses. Ainsi, lorsqu’il renverse de l’eau sur son ordinateur portable, les seules excuses que Sara acceptera sont son disque dur dans son emplacement!!!

Sara Jay Dans 'Naughty Office'

Sara Jay - Naughty Office

Sara Jay est la patronne et appelle un employé pour le laisser partir. Venez découvrir qu’il y a des faveurs en cours. Voyez qu’elle est à la recherche d’un employé avec une approche plus pratique et qui est prêt à rester après les heures de travail et à faire rebondir son gros cul rond et ses seins au fil du temps.

Sara Jay Dans 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom

Sara Jay rentre à la maison pour trouver l’ami de son fils, Apollo, en train de se morfondre sur son canapé. La petite amie d’Apollo a rompu avec lui et il n’est pas très heureux, alors Sara décide de remonter le moral d’Apollo en le baisant comme son ex n’a jamais pu. Elle comprend bientôt que son ex ne pouvait probablement pas supporter son ÉNORME bite. Heureusement, cette MILF le peut certainement!

Sara Jay Dans 'My First Sex Teacher'

Sara Jay - My First Sex Teacher

Sara Jay remarque qu’un de ses élèves est un peu dégoûté, alors elle demande ce qui ne va pas. Il s’avère que certains des garçons se sont moqués de lui parce qu’il n’a pas encore eu de relations sexuelles. Alors Sara fait ce qu’elle fait de mieux, elle aide son élève... en le faisant baiser tout de suite en classe. Tout est en une journée de travail pour cet enseignant de l’année.

Sara Jay Dans 'wants a penetration massage!!'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Sara Jay est en vacances et a appelé une masseuse qui donne à leurs clients un massage très spécial. Elle mérite ce cocooning spécial d’un massage complet du corps et de faire travailler sa chatte! Cette MILF sera certainement très détendue après son frottement et la couverture de son gros cul juteux de cum.

Sara Jay Dans 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom

Sara Jay a l’ami de son fils, Lucas, pour aider avec des choses autour de la maison, parce que son fils est vraiment paresseux. Lucas s’est blessé et Sara se précipite pour montrer à quel point elle est bonne avec ses mains.

Sara Jay Dans 'and her nice big round ass'

Sara Jay - Ass Masterpiece

Sara Jay a une ordure entière dans le coffre et elle va 'secouer pour vous! Asseyez-vous et laissez ses rires ludiques obtenir votre jus qui coule tandis que Will Powers baise ce beau dos et seins pour servir un collier de perles épaisse!

Sara Jay Dans 'enjoys her chocolate cream pie'

Sara Jay - Mrs. Creampie

Sara Jay aime tout ce qui est rempli de crème et aime partager ses choses remplies de crème avec tout le monde. Jax vient pour un dessert et finit par avoir de la chance et de donner Sara un creampie avec sa grosse bite noire!

Sara Jay Dans 'plays dirty'

Sara Jay - Dirty Wives Club

Sara Jay est une femme Dirty House, et son mari aide! Elle a des cours de yoga privés et son instructeur ne peut pas garder son dur sur le bas. Avec le yoga sexy chaud, son mari a également fourni de la lingerie sexy pour Sara et ne peut pas attendre d’entendre parler de la chaleur de sa séance de sexe yoga a été.

Sara Jay Dans 'prefers a young mans hard cock any time, anywhere'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom

Codey Steele est en congé et excité comme baise. Tout en parcourant l’Internet, il tombe sur la mère de son ami dans une vidéo porno amateur. Codey va à la maison de son ami pour parler avec sa mère, Sara, pour voir s’il peut avoir autant de chance que le gars dans la vidéo qu’il regarde.

Sara Jay Dans 'Brenda Phillips takes a big black cock'

Sara Jay - Big Cock Bully

Brenda Phillips (Sara Jay) reçoit un appel de Rob, son patron maris, de venir chercher le téléphone de son entreprise qu’il a quitté. Rob voit des photos d’elle au téléphone qui va à l’encontre de la politique de l’entreprise. Rob voit que Brenda est dans les grosses et évoque un accord. Son mari restera employé si elle prend sa grosse bite.

Sara Jay Dans 'fucks her personal trainer'

Sara Jay - Watch Your Mom

MILF bébé, Sara Jay, a besoin de son cul martelé grand temps, alors elle embauche un entraîneur personnel fuck boy, elle peut monter quand elle veut.

Sara Jay Dans 'My First Sex Teacher'

Sara Jay - My First Sex Teacher

Le professeur Sara Jay aide son élève après la classe à prononcer un discours oral. Elle lui apprend à se détendre et à être confiant. Sa leçon se concentre sur certains cunnilingus oraux pour briser ses nerfs.

Sara Jay Dans 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friend's Hot Mom

Lucas aime les gros culs et le cul de sa mère d’ami. Dans un moment incontrôlable pour photographier ses seins, Sara l’attrape dans l’acte. Mais au lieu d’être en colère, elle est très flattée et accueille l’attention. Puis elle l’invite dans sa chambre pour un en tête-à-tête séance de photographie privée suivie d’un sexe chaud et chaud.

Sara Jay Dans 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Sara Jay - Tonight's Girlfriend

J’aime tout juteux, ce qui rend la star du porno Sara Jay l’ajustement parfait pour moi. Gros seins juteux, gros cul juteux - elle a tout. Et maintenant je l’ai toute pour moi ce soir, dans ma suite d’hôtel. Tu peux vraiment avoir ce que tu veux.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Tyler Steel in Seduced By A Cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Sara Jay sait ce qui se passe. Son voisin Tyler espionne sur elle prenant une douche tous les matins et tous les soirs, baver comme elle savonne ces gros seins et son cul énorme - et Sara le sait! Mais elle ne dit rien. Au lieu de cela, les parcelles de couguar cornée pour obtenir ce qu’elle veut - grande bite de Tyler dans sa bouche! Alors, après qu’elle se masturbe dans la douche pour le cul rampant Tyler à l’extérieur de sa fenêtre de salle de bains, Sara l’appelle et lui demande de l’aider à retourner un matelas. Il est fini en un coup, bien sûr, mais attendez... il ne voit pas de matelas ! Et Sara sort en soutien-gorge et culotte. Surprise! Il est temps pour Tyler de payer Sara ce qu’elle doit pour tous les spectacles peep gratuit qu’elle lui a donné - une crème chaude dans son humide, la chatte envie!

Sara Jay Dans 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Sara Jay - Tonight's Girlfriend

Je suis un grand fan de seins et le cul, mais pas n’importe quel seins et le cul. Gros seins, et gros cul. Et heureusement pour moi, j’ai trouvé une star du porno qui correspond à la facture pour me s’il vous plaît tout autour: Sara Jay. Elle est juteuse dans tous les aspects, et elle va être dans ma suite d’hôtel pour la nuit, où je vais sucer et baiser ses seins, et gifler et claquer son cul par derrière. Quelle nuit ça va être.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Rion King in Naughty Office'

Sara Jay - Naughty Office

Pas de travail, salons! C’est la fête du Travail, de sorte que vous pouvez enfin fap dans le milieu de la journée à votre bureau ... À la maison! Mais qu’arrive-t-il aux gens qui pensent encore qu’ils doivent travailler aujourd’hui? Prenez Sara Jay et Rion, par exemple. Ils se rendent au travail sans se rendre compte qu’ils ont un jour de congé jusqu’à ce qu’ils appellent un collègue après être entrés dans un bureau vide. Se sentant comme des idiots, ils ont un grand rire, et puis un grand FUCK! Ils sont tous les deux seuls, ils sont tous les deux excités, Sara a de gros seins et un gros cul, et Rion a une grosse bite... alors pourquoi pas?! Si vous vous trouvez dans le bureau aujourd’hui avec un seul collègue, faire comme Sara et Rion et célébrer en baise sur vos bureaux et le bureau de quelqu’un d’autre! Bonne fête du Travail!

Sara Jay Dans 'and Preston Parker in Seduced By A Cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Ride-share pilote Preston est si gentil avec sa cliente Sara Jay quand il l’aide avec ses sacs à l’intérieur qu’elle lui permet de se détendre sur son canapé après qu’il découvre que sa voiture ne se retournera pas. Mais alors qu’il attend une dépanneuse, Sara se glisse dans quelque chose d’un peu plus confortable, comme la lingerie! Preston suce les gros seins du couguar puissant avant qu’elle sort son énorme bite et va à la ville sur elle. Sara voulait dire littéralement quand elle voulait être le cavalier de Preston!

Sara Jay Dans 'and Lucas Frost in My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Qu’est-ce que cela signifie d’être libre? La façon dont la nouvelle divorcée Sara Jay l’explique, elle peut faire ce qu’elle veut avec qui elle veut! C’est frais et un peu maladroit pour les oreilles de Lucas, l’ami de son fils qui l’aide avec certaines choses en livrant des courses à sa maison. Mais ce que MILF Mme Jay veut, c’est que Lucas livre sa viande - droit dans sa chatte humide! Le jeune homme oblige et réchauffe la cuisine avec la maman chaude et plantureuse de son ami avant qu’ils ne passent à la chambre à coucher pour une défoulement! Qui a dit que le divorce est une mauvaise chose ?

Alyssa Lynn Dans 'and Sara Jay and Lucas Frost in My First Sex Teacher'

Alyssa Lynn - My First Sex Teacher

Les étudiants de nos jours! Les professeurs Sara Jay et Alyssa Lynn sont tellement malades et fatigués de leurs étudiants paresseux et autorisés, ils ne peuvent pas attendre pour le semestre à être terminée. Prof. Lynn devient jaloux quand le professeur Jay admet qu’elle a tendance à se déstresser tout au long de la journée en se faufilant aux toilettes de la faculté d’utiliser son vibrateur, alors le professeur Jay lui donne une leçon de détente 101 avec une petite fille-sur-fille d’action! Mais tandis que les enseignants busty sont seins et les langues dans juste là dans la salle de classe, l’un des élèves du professeur Lynn entre directement dans! Il est là pour ramasser son téléphone portable qu’elle avait confisqué, mais les enseignants excités sont trop agités pour faire autre chose que 1) le faire taire sur ce qu’il a vu, et 2) obtenir sa bite dure afin qu’il puisse finir ce qu’ils ont commencé! Regardez ce trio étudiant-enseignant pour apprendre la bonne façon de respecter vos enseignants dès aujourd’hui!

Sara Jay Dans 'and Tyler Nixon in My First Sex Teacher'

Sara Jay - My First Sex Teacher

C’est le dernier jour de Tyler en tant qu’assistante de Sara Jay et Sara veut lui donner un cadeau de s’en aller afin qu’elle déballe son pantalon et va en ville sur sa bite.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Sean Lawless in My Friend's Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Sara Jay vient de faire une fête pour son fils et l’ami de son fils est resté derrière pour aider à nettoyer. C’est alors que Sara et l’ami de son fils jouent à un jeu de beer pong où le perdant doit faire tout ce que le gagnant veut. Sara gagne et la seule chose qu’elle veut, c’est la bite de l’amie de son fils.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Marco Ducati  in My Friends Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Sara a l’ami de son fils, Marco, qui passe quelques jours avec elle. Sara voir ce qu’est un homme Marco est devenu et le séduit en martelant sa chatte.

Sara Jay Dans 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Sara Jay découvre que le copain d’étude de sa fille, Damon, veut être plus qu’un copain d’étude, il veut être un copain de lit ainsi. Comme sa fille ne sort pas pour lui, Sara décide de prendre la relève. Elle invite Damon et lui montre combien moins d’une prude qu’elle est que sa fille.

Sara Jay Dans 'in Seduced by a cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Un simple merci d’avoir fait un tour de l’un des travailleurs ne montre pas assez d’appréciation dans l’esprit de Sara. On dit parfois que deux vaut mieux qu’un et elle tire deux de ses plus grandes récompenses, puis bourre le visage de Bill en eux. Le plaisir ne s’arrête pas là! Elle les enroule autour de sa bite et plus tard en espérant sur sa bite pour un autre tour. Il semble qu’elle n’a pas non plus eu assez à son restaurant parce qu’elle avale le rafraîchissement liquide de Bill. Il semble que la bonté va un long chemin.

Sara Jay Dans 'in I Have a Wife'

Sara Jay - I Have A Wife

Sara a quelques problèmes chez elle avec son ventilateur de plafond et son chauffe-eau. Preston qui fait l’entretien vient pour évaluer la situation et les chiffres qu’il doit y avoir quelque chose de mal avec la boîte de fusible. Sara agit comme si elle ne savait pas où il se trouve. La vérité est Sara certainement savoir où sa boîte de fusible et veut que cet homme marié pour s’assurer que tous ses boutons sont en état de marche.

Sara Jay Dans 'in Seduced by a cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Sara Jay est un agent immobilier qui a besoin de vendre sa prochaine maison rapidement. Son travail en dépend. Heureusement, son client est très riche et désireux d’acheter une nouvelle maison, mais il est moins enthousiasmé par les choix que Sara lui a présenté. Sara a vraiment besoin de lui pour acheter cette maison immédiatement et est prêt à faire n’importe quoi pour conclure l’affaire. Sa cliente lui fait prouver jusqu’où elle ira.

Sara Jay Dans 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Ethan s’arrête pour rendre visite à son ami, mais son ami est toujours occupé au travail. La mère de son amie, Sara Jay, demande à Ethan de rester un moment. Sara sait que le 21e anniversaire d’Ethan était seulement il ya quelques jours et elle voulait lui donner un cadeau, alors elle le conduit dans la chambre, s’habille dans une lingerie sexy, et a Ethan bang son cerveau.

Sara Jay Dans 'in My First Sex Teacher'

Sara Jay - My First Sex Teacher

Bruce a échoué à l’examen final du professeur Jay et est venu voir s’il y avait un crédit supplémentaire disponible qu’il peut prendre afin qu’il ne échoue pas la classe. Le professeur Jay n’arrive pas à croire qu’il ait échoué quand il avait trois semaines pour étudier et lui fait savoir qu’il n’y a rien qu’il puisse faire. Bruce avait un as dans sa manche et il se trouve que le professeur Jay utiliser pour faire du porno et il est prêt à montrer le doyen. Elle le laisse tomber et va changer sa note, mais, elle ne le laisse pas partir sans mettre dans le travail!

Sara Jay Dans 'in Naughty Office'

Sara Jay - Naughty Office

Sara Jay vient de commencer son nouveau travail dans un bureau. Elle est heureuse d’être hors de sa dernière ligne de travail, mais il revient la hanter. Son collègue, Mark, commence à discuter avec elle et lui faire savoir qu’elle a trouvé quelqu’un en ligne qui lui ressemble beaucoup. La personne qu’il a trouvée qui lui ressemble se trouve être une star du porno. Sara nie que c’est elle, mais finalement fesses jusqu’à son passé porno et finit par donner Mark un sucer et baiser pour assurer son silence à son nouveau lieu de travail.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Johnny Castle in Seduced by a cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Il a toujours été l’un des fantasmes de Sara Jay d’avoir des relations sexuelles avec un homme gay, alors elle décide de séduire l’organisateur de mariage de sa nièce. Il y avait un malentendu si, juste parce que l’homme porte une chemise rose et est un planificateur de mariage, il ne le rend pas gay. Depuis qu’elle était au milieu d’une fellation quand cela a été révélé, elle décide ce que le diable et continue d’aller à la ville sur sa bite avant de le monter.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Tyler Page in My Friends Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Sara Jay ne peut pas attendre jusqu’à ce que son fils quitte pour l’école le matin afin qu’elle puisse avoir un peu de temps seul. La première chose qu’elle fait une fois qu’il quitte est sort son vibrateur fidèle et commence à aller à la ville sur elle-même dans le salon. À son insu, l’ami de son fils, Tyler, passait la nuit et rôdait toujours autour de la maison. Tyler arrive sur Sara en jouant avec elle-même. Sara décide que la vraie chose est beaucoup mieux que son vibrateur et bandes Tyler vers le bas afin qu’elle puisse prendre sa bite chaude dans sa chatte humide.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Alan Stafford in Seduced by a cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Lorsque Sara Jay engage une femme de ménage pour nettoyer sa maison, elle ne s’attendait pas à ce qu’un jeune homme beau se présente à sa porte. Elle montre Alan autour de son pad, mais l’endroit est déjà presque impeccable, donc il ne sait pas ce qu’il va faire. Jusqu’à ce que, c’est- Sara le couguar lui dit qu’il va avoir un enfer d’un gâchis à nettoyer ... après qu’il jizzes partout sur elle! Sara et ses gros seins bondissent sur le jeune goujon et baisent son cerveau, en soutenant son gros cul gros dans sa bite dure jusqu’à ce qu’il gicle son plein de sperme. Elle avait raison !

Sara Jay Dans 'and Danny Wylde in My Friends Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Danny est chez son pote depuis quelques mois, et quand sara Jay, la mère de son copain, l’a secoué, il essaie de le cacher. Mais elle a trop d’expérience pour être dupée, mais elle est compréhensive à ses besoins, aussi, et lui pardonne de se masturber dans ses chaussettes. Elle va encore plus loin pour lui dire que l’auto-fucking n’est pas nécessaire quand elle est juste au fond du couloir! Danny ne peut pas croire ses oreilles, mais quand la mère de son ami met sa bouche sur sa bite, il croit ses yeux et aime chaque minute de celui-ci! La prochaine chose que vous savez qu’il colle sa bite entre ses gros seins et gifler son gros gros cul pendant qu’il baise le MILF!

Sara Jay Dans 'and Bruce Venture in Seduced by a cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Le jardinier de Sara Jay a la grippe, donc son fils Bruce travaille pour lui aujourd’hui, et elle veut qu’il déterre la cour et plante une longue rangée de jonquilles pour elle. Mais quand le couguar busty voit comment jeune et j’espère accroché Bruce est, elle complote d’autres façons de le mettre au travail - en fourrageant sa bite dans sa chatte assoiffée! Elle schémate un moyen d’obtenir Bruce à l’intérieur, lui demandant de l’aider à ziper sa jupe que son string-portant gros cul est coincé dans. Bruce est heureux de donner un coup de main, mais quand elle plie son butin juteux plus, son plan fonctionne et Bruce lui prête sa langue d’aide et grosse bite!

Sara Jay Dans 'and Chris Johnson in My First Sex Teacher'

Sara Jay - My First Sex Teacher

Le professeur Jay a appelé M. Johnson pour une deuxième entrevue. Il veut être son nouveau TA. Elle le connaît très bien et a quelques questions pour lui. La principale chose qu’elle veut savoir est "comment pouvez-vous lécher ma chatte?"

Sara Jay Dans 'and Johnny Castle in My Friends Hot Mom'

Sara Jay - My Friends Hot Mom

Sara prépare sa maison afin qu’elle puisse se déplacer à travers le pays, alors elle demande sur l’ami de son fils, Johnny, pour aider. Johnny se demande pourquoi elle lui demande toujours de faire des tâches quand son fils n’est pas là. Ils connaissent tous les deux la réponse à cela et se mettre au travail.

Sara Jay Dans 'and John Strong in Ass Masterpiece'

Sara Jay - Ass Masterpiece

Sara a un gros cul qui attend juste que tu martèles. Regardez-la traîner dans la piscine dans son petit maillot de bain minuscule comme elle rebondit son cul dans l’eau. Viens jouer avec moi, dit Sara, et mon gros cul

Scènes d’autres sites mettant en vedette Sara Jay

Sara Jay Dans 'Professor Sara Jay is on the prowl for a teacher's assistant with a big cock'

Sara Jay - Professor Sara Jay is on the prowl for a teacher's assistant with a big cock

You are interviewing to be Sara Jay's teacher's assistant. She thinks you're right for the job, but needs to make sure you can take instruction well so she instructs you to remove your pants and give her your cock.

Sara Jay Dans 'She's Fine With It'

Sara Jay - She's Fine With It

When Rome meets with Harlow they hit it off and start fooling around when suddenly Rome's girl Sara walks in on them! Rome apologizes to Harlow for not telling her about Sara but she's cool with him getting naughty with other girls so… Harlow seems to be fine with it too! Threesome anyone?

Sara Jay Dans 'The Time Of Her Life'

Sara Jay - The Time Of Her Life

Busty redhead mylf Sara has the time of her life as she gets fucked by lucky stud Shaundam. His huge cock fits perfect into her hungry pussy!

Miss Raquel Dans 'Making It Up To My Boss'

Miss Raquel - Making It Up To My Boss

Miss Raquel is lecturing co-worker Shorty about his poor results when he asks if there's anything he can do to make up for it. Turns out there is, Miss Raquel instructs him to lick her pussy! When Sara catches them in the act, she points out Shorty's boner and Miss Raquel invites her to join her as they take care of Shorty's huge cock!

Sara Jay Dans 'Anything For The Green Card'

Sara Jay - Anything For The Green Card

Dru really wants to live the american dream and get his citizenship. Dru asked his friend Nina Kayy to help him out, they go and see the a lawyer, Sara Jay. Sara instantly thinks there is something suspicious about the couple. Sara starts to test them and to see if they are really a couple, Sara decides she needs Nina to suck Dru off to see if she has been dating him like they say! Sara watches as Nina starts sucking off Dru, but Sara can not just sit and watch, Sara jumps in to give Nina a helping hole! Sara and Nina take on Dru's big cock until he explodes all over the both of them!

Summer Bailey Dans 'Cock, Interrupted'

Summer Bailey - Cock, Interrupted

Summer Bailey is filming a porn with lucky stud Jack Cummings when busty mylf Sara Jay interrupts. While Summer takes a bathroom break, Sara takes over and starts working on Jack's cock! Soon, things turn into a hot steamy threesome!

Sara Jay Dans 'A Closer Look'

Sara Jay - A Closer Look

In a sexual education class, Ms. Jay teaches Alex and Lance about female anatomy. The boys have a hard time grasping the abstract pictures drawn by their teacher, so she offers to teach them the wonders between a woman's legs in a more personal way.

Sara Jay Dans 'Naughty Principal'

Sara Jay - Naughty Principal

Principal Jay is feeling hot and horny, and isn't afraid of getting what she wants. Her eyes have been on Mr. Knight, and after seeing him walk by one two many times with his big cock bulging out of pants, she figures it's time to call him over for an intimate meeting.

Sara Jay Dans 'Seducing The Driver'

Sara Jay - Seducing The Driver

Busty mylf Sara Jay orders a share ride and lucky stud Shaundam is the one to pick her up. Given that Sara is feeling super horny, she seduces the driver and takes him back to her place for some fun over the sheets!

Sara Jay Dans 'Three's Always Better'

Sara Jay - Three's Always Better

When Sara and her hubby Moe decided that they mutually wanted to add another woman to their love sessions, they didn't hesitate to give a call to an agency. Moments later, a sexy blonde nurse arrives at their doorstep, and it doesn't take her long to examine the bodies of both Sara and Moe.

Sara Jay Dans 'Pool Sharks'

Sara Jay - Pool Sharks

Sara, Nicky, and Shaundam play a game of pool, but there are no losers when it comes to this match. After sinking ball after ball, everyone puts their sticks down to play an entirely different, but much sexier game.

Sara Jay Dans 'Suns Out Buns Out'

Sara Jay - Suns Out Buns Out

Sara Jay is working on achieving the perfect tan, and Moe Johnson can't help but notice her stunning body. When she sees Moe checking her out, she wants to give him a taste of what she's working with.

Sara Jay Dans 'Room for One More'

Sara Jay - Room for One More

Ralph Long and Maserati XXX think they have the house to themselves but are surprised when Sara Jay walks in during their private time. Sara isn't mad—she just wants in on the fun. Now a threesome, the trio makes this wicked sexual encounter one they'll never forget.

Sara Jay Dans 'Cougars On The Prowl'

Sara Jay - Cougars On The Prowl

Dee Williams and Sara Jay are all dressed up and ready to go out and have some fun. But since it's been so long since they've done so, they don't really know how to take the first step, that is, until handyman Shaundam shows up. They don't hesitate in urging him to show his big, erect, black dick and begin giving these hot MYLFs the hot fuck they desperately need to get back on the dating horse.

Sara Jay Dans 'Mature Sara Jay fucking in the bed with her big ass'

Sara Jay - Mature Sara Jay fucking in the bed with her big ass

Sara Jay's gardener has the flu, so Bruce is working for him today, and she wants him to dig up the yard and plant a long row of daffodils for her. But when the busty cougar sees how strong and hopefully hunk Bruce is, she plots other ways to put him to work -- by stuffing his dick in her thirsty pussy! She schemes a way to get Bruce inside, asking him to help her zip up her skirt that her thong-wearing big ass is stuck in. Bruce is happy to lend a helping hand, but when she bends her juicy booty over, her plan works and Bruce lends her his helping tongue and big dick!

Sara Jay Dans 'Mature Sara Jay fucking in the pool with her big ass'

Sara Jay - Mature Sara Jay fucking in the pool with her big ass

Sara has a big fat ass that's just waiting for you to pound. Watch her hang out in the pool in her tiny little bathing suit as she bounces her ass in the water. Come play with me, Sara says, and my big fat ass & tits.

Sara Jay Dans 'Friend Sara Jay fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Sara Jay - Friend Sara Jay fucking in the living room with her big tits

Sara is preparing her house so she can move across country, so she asks over her son's friend, Johnny, to help. Johnny is wondering why she always asks him to do tasks when her son isn't around. They both know the answer to that and get down to business..

Sara Jay Dans 'Curvy MILF Sara Jay fucking in the couch with her big ass'

Sara Jay - Curvy MILF Sara Jay fucking in the couch with her big ass

Sara Jay's favorite hobby is trolling for hot young cock, so imagine her excitement when she visits her young neighbor Johnny and finds him at home with a big boner. She wants his 22 year old cock, and this cougar won't take no for an answer.

Sara Jay Dans 'Wife Sara Jay fucking in the gym equipment with her tattoos'

Sara Jay - Wife Sara Jay fucking in the gym equipment with her tattoos

Sara Jay loves a good workout. And she's always on the lookout for new ways to burn some calories. When her and hubby find some time together in their gym, Sara treats herself to some sexercise with his love muscle.

Sara Jay Dans 'Student Sara Jay fucking in the classroom with her big ass'

Sara Jay - Student Sara Jay fucking in the classroom with her big ass

Sara Jay is a pretty giving professor so she's been letting Daniel "cat nap" in her classroom since his dorm mates keep him up to all hours. But if Daniel is going to treat her classroom like his bedroom, he'd better fill her pussy with his collegiate cock and blow his load where she wants it!

Sara Jay Dans 'Blonde Sara Jay fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Sara Jay - Blonde Sara Jay fucking in the couch with her big tits

Sara Jay has a master plan. She's throwing a party for her friend, and wants her friend's husband to help. He's happy to lend her a hand, but Sara just wants his cock! Sara likes her friend, but loves the cock, and feels so good doing something so bad!!!

Sara Jay Dans 'fucking in the bedroom with her tits'

Sara Jay - fucking in the bedroom with her tits

Sara Jay's got a whole lotta' junk in the trunk and she's gonna' shake it up for you! Sit back and let her playful giggles get your juices flowing while Will Powers fucks that beautiful backside and titties to serve up a thick pearl necklace!

Sara Jay Dans 'Student Sara Jay fucking in the bathroom with her tattoos'

Sara Jay - Student Sara Jay fucking in the bathroom with her tattoos

Ms. Jay's math student is early for his lesson this week. He's going to have to wait because she's finishing up in the shower and Ms. Jay wants to be fresh and clean for the "fucking" math lesson. Math will never be the same again.

Sara Jay Dans 'Collecting More Than Rent'

Sara Jay - Collecting More Than Rent

When busty landlady Sara Joy knocks on Brickzilla's door to collect the rent, she wasn't expecting him to be wearing nothing but a towel that could hardly contain his huge cock! Sara can't seem to resist temptation and decides to collect way more than the rent as she takes on Brickzilla's enormous dick!

Sara Jay Dans 'The Landlord Gets A Large Cock'

Sara Jay - The Landlord Gets A Large Cock

Sara Jay visits a tenant to collect the rent. She immediately loses interest in collecting cash, she wants the renter's dick for her ass. She hurries him into the bedroom and marvels at the intercontinental ballistic cock. She starts spitting and slobbering all over it then says 'I don't think I've ever seen a dick this big'. Miss Jay has a huge rack and a wide, plump ass. She will not let this dick go to waste. She suffocates the cock between her two melons then strips down naked. She backs her donka up onto the timber producing a major ass-quake. Jay says proudly 'I needed that big fucking dick'. The diabolical doggy continues with Sara lying flat and the renter causing more 'ass-itation'. Jay moves to cowgirl and those twin cheeks completely consume the massive member. Each cheek hypnotically waving. She switches to reverse-cowgirl and continues her work, creating a flapping sound from the pound. They move back to doggy, this time Jay's legs closed. Her ass up high, swaying during the drill. This gets the renter to deliver a large liquid payment all over Sara's huge knockers...

Sara Jay Dans 'Baddest MYLF in the Galaxy'

Sara Jay - Baddest MYLF in the Galaxy

Busty MILF Sara Jay is our stunning MYLF of the Month. Watch her entice young Jedi padawan Jay Romero and lure him into the dark side with her powerful force-choke and huge tits. This sith lord MYLF is out of this world and Jay will gladly submit to her will. May the Fourth be with you!

Sara Jay Dans 'Double Dip On The Magic Stick'

Sara Jay - Double Dip On The Magic Stick

Someone's getting married! And lucky for them they have two wild and crazy gals, Sally D'Angelo and Sara Jay, planning their bachelorette party. And boy do they have some tricks up their sleeves. Sally has secretly hired Mazee The Goat to strip for them. Too bad their prudish friend isn't into the hanky panky they've got planned. She's not even interested in a little game of throw the hoop at the forehead dildo. Mazee shows up and tears off his pants to start the party. Sally isn't afraid to get down to business and takes a swing at his banana hammock. Sara gets down for some doggy and Sally jumps on her back for her own version of humpy leapfrog. This party is lit! A MILF and a GILF and Mazee with his upside-down handstand for double blow job positions... what a party to be at!

Sara Jay Dans 'King Noire and Sara Jay Train Angelina Castro'

Sara Jay - King Noire and Sara Jay Train Angelina Castro

King is back to dominate Sara Jay again, but this time he has a helper. The scene opens with Angelina Castro interviewing King on what he and Jasmine do professionally to help people embrace and get the most out of their fetishes to enhance their relationships to a more fulfilling level. After the interview, King, Sara Jay and Angelina begin to play. Sara is the submissive, ready to follow all of King and Angelina's commands. King guides Angelina in regards to how to dom Sara. Angelina really wants to see Sara wrap her lips around King's dick. Sara follows orders well on her knees, and Angelina helps her sex slave work his dick. They have Sara service both of them orally, then King fucks both of them until Sara sucks the cum out of his dick. After all that play, Angelina is very intrigued by the power exchange and is eager to play again.

Sara Jay Dans 'Bring Me The Manager!'

Sara Jay - Bring Me The Manager!

Sara Jay's husband doesn't like her new jeans so she angrily marches into the store and demands that Lil D take them back, but he refuses - because she's still wearing them! So what does Sara do? She takes them off in the store of course! Lil D agrees to find Sara another pair in order to get her out of sight of any customers, and once she's in the changing room, it's obvious that Sara doesn't just want a new pair of jeans, she wants Lil D's dick!

Sara Jay Dans '- Glory Hole - Scene 2'

Sara Jay - Glory Hole

Sara Jay is a hustler. Everyone knows this. It's part of the reason she's so popular. Sara has a new side-hustle, too! Dogfart has employed Sara as a point-of-purchase manager. You heard right: in this day and age of online streaming, there's still 'dinosaurs' that exist in the form of video stores. People still buy DVD's! And they need a place to preview them. Enter this old-school, mom-and-pop video store and their preview area. Sara knows what's up, and after talking to the bookstore manager on how to better Dogfart's product placement in the store, Sara Jay will do what she does best. Suck and Fuck. Right through a 'hot hole' drilled through the wall!! Let's talk super-anonymous, super-hot, super-taboo sex!

Bailey Brooke Dans 'Whore in Law'

Bailey Brooke - Whore in Law

What's the best way to initiate your new bride into the family Let your sister take her for a long wet ride! Siblings love to share...

Sara Jay Dans 'Fashion Frenzy'

Sara Jay - Fashion Frenzy

Kiley Jay is an aspiring model who arrives at the house of a hot fashion photographer Sara Jay for a private photo shoot. The MILF photographer is immediately mesmerized by the teen and can't keep her eyes off her smoking hot body! She even peeks over her shoulder as Kiley gets changed next to her. Kiley is shy at first, but with Sara's encouragement, she begins to relax, and it isn't long then before she seduces more than just the camera... When Kiley asks for help adjusting her bikini top, the horny photographer finally gets her hands all over Kiley's tight little body and perky tits! Then, the busty MILF convinces the hot model to pose naked for her! Naked against the backdrop, Kiley starts masturbating as Sara feverishly captures the moment with her camera! When the teen finally invites the MILF to join her, they can't resist letting hot sex interrupt “art.”

Sara Jay Dans 'fucks the thief'

Sara Jay - fucks the thief

This panty thief almost gets caught after breaking into the house to smell Sara's sexy panties. While Sara is trying to figure out what happened to her underwear she is grabs from behind by the ski mask man. She gets scared for moment and when the guy starts choking her she ended up getting some pleasure out of it. She starts seducing the guy while he touches her tits and she quickly goes down to start sucking on his cock. After giving a good blowjob she takes him to the bedroom where her boyfriend is sleeping. She tells the thief that her boyfriend is a deep sleeper as she gets her pussy licked. They end up fucking in various positions where we get to see her huge ass and big tits bounce until they finally wake her man up. After quickly moving to the bathroom she keeps fucking until she makes him cum on her mouth and face.

Lola Fae Dans 'Curious Teen Gets A Mature Romping'

Lola Fae - Curious Teen Gets A Mature Romping

Sara Jae is a family friend and tutor to the sexy teen, Lola Fae. She's cleaning up around her place and waiting for Lola to stop in. While she is straightening up, she finds Lola's phone and decides to snoop through it. She finds freaky sexual photos and slutty texts. Sara has a dirty mind herself, and is waiting for Lola to arrive. Lola shows up in her schoolgirl skirt, looking really sexy hot. She is a petite teen redhead with a killer body. When Sara confirms that Lola's mother will not be coming up to join them, she immediately informs Lola that she found her phone and went through it. She tells Lola that she isn't going to get away with being that vulgar. Just then she puts Lola up against the breakfast bar and lifts her skirt up. This gives you such a great view of Lola's tight ass and panties. She starts spanking Lola and it appears that this turns the dirty minded Lola on. Then, Sara drags Lola upstairs and strips her nude. Then she throws Lola on the bed and starts licking her pussy. Lola enjoys it so much that she is grabbing her own legs as they dangle in the air and are spread open with Sara chowing down on her box. Then Sara demands that Lola takes off her clothes. Goodbye blouse and pencil skirt! Hello, hot, mature, and horny woman! Now it's Sara's turn to get fingered and licked. Both women will need to drink water because of how wet they got during this romp.

Sara Jay Dans 'Putting Her Tits To Good Use'

Sara Jay - Putting Her Tits To Good Use

Having recently lost her job, Sara Jay is trying to keep her head above water while not getting drowned in debt. Kyle Mason arrives to Ms. Jay's house to chill with his buddy but can't help but notice all of Sara's unpaid bills. When Kyle realizes Sara Jay's in need of some bones, he decides to seduce this busy honey with the power of money!

Sara Jay Dans 'Principal Photography'

Sara Jay - Principal Photography

Teacher Sara Jay has been busted for having an affair with her student and Principal Jax Slayher is not happy. He demands that Sara end the relationship immediately. However when her student refuses to accept being dumped, Sara and Jax decide to show him it's over by sending him selfies of their teacher on principal fuck session.

Sara Jay Dans 'Makes that Dick Spray'

Sara Jay - Makes that Dick Spray

Sara Jay returns, and she brings her glorious ass to Ass Parade. Sara is a well know porn star that has been around for quite some time, her addiction to the game keeps her going and going. She loves to suck dick and to tweak her big ol' booty. After sinking head first into that ass, our boy Sean gives her a nice little pounding. Enjoy the grand return of a great one!

Sara Jay Dans 'Miami Milf Adventures I'

Sara Jay - Miami Milf Adventures I

Sara Jay is on vacation in Miami, but is bored as hell. When she sees a news report of a robber is in her neighborhood, she goes bananas over the possibility of the wanted Jmac fucking her pussy! Suddenly, her vacation isn't so boring after all!

Sara Jay Dans '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

Sara Jay - Watching My Mom Go Black

Let's face it, some of our Moms are really nuts. Take Zac's mom, Sara Jay. She's an unabashed Black Cock Slut, as her son knows all too well. He's witnessed the cheating his mom pulled while his parents were together, and now that Dad's left the house, it's only gotten worse. Sara doesn't care who's around to watch now -- if there's a black man around, Sara's gonna figure out a way to fuck him. So when the AC repairmen finish up their work on a hot summer day and catch Sara masturbating in the backyard, they know they're in for a real treat.Her son is such a pervert, he'll watch and jerk it, too. His perversions are only surpassed by Sara Jay, who takes the three bulls on until they drain their balls wherever they please. Sara's a cumdumpster by the time it's all said and done...which makes for a happy mother and son.

Sara Jay Dans 'Throated Contest 2014 - Sara Jay'

Sara Jay - Throated Contest 2014 - Sara Jay

Super MILF Sara Jay takes a shot at the Deepthroat Champion of the Universe in this bout of Throated Contest 2014. She likes big meaty cocks, she likes them way down there in her throat and having sucked on miles of cock in her distinguished career, she's got experience on her side.

Sara Jay Dans 'Glenn King's Maneaters 03'

Sara Jay - Glenn King's Maneaters 03

Busty, big-assed bombshell Sara Jay wants some big black cock, so the dick-hungry slut gets director Glenn King to set her up with Isiah Maxwell for a session of uninhibited interracial fucking. Sara slurps on Isiah's throbbing pole and aggressively thrusts her huge, white ass in his face, demanding tongue service. Soon this voluptuous brunette is riding his hard shaft -- and dominating him with her sexy bare feet. Sara enjoys a messy splatter of cum on her massive titties.

Sara Jay Dans 'A BBC for the big-assed white chick'

Sara Jay - A BBC for the big-assed white chick

I once asked Sara Jay why she stopped being a lapdancer, and she said, "I just don't like it. It's not as much fun as fucking. I do what I love. I like dancing on stage, but I don't like hustling guys. I don't like saying to them, 'It's better in the champagne room,' when we all know it's not better in the champagne room. I'd rather fuck a guy than give him a lap dance. It's much more honest."

Sara Jay Dans '- Cuckold Sessions'

Sara Jay - Cuckold Sessions

We have the ultimate MILF participating in the ultimate cuckold session. We're giving to you the humiliation of a white boy served hot and fresh by Sara Jay and Charlie Mac. Sara Jay's love for big black cock and dominating white boys come together in this display of interracial carnage. We begin with Sara laying down the law on the pathetic cuckold right before she turns her attention to his thick, black meat. The cuckolds heart nearly stops when Charlie calls him on being a pecker checker. The pussy of Sara Jay continues to get slammed by Charlie as the cuckold can only watch in sheer curiosity. Sara rides her black bull in between laying down further assaults on the cuck's self-esteem. The dinner bell rings when Charlie's jizz is licked off the perfect ass of Sara Jay by the hungry cuckold.

Sara Jay Dans 'Big Ass Sara Jay takes some black dick'

Sara Jay - Big Ass Sara Jay takes some black dick

Sara Jay is in Miami bitch! Who else better to bless today's AssParade update. She was suppose to get her car washed, but of course rolling with Sara Jay you better be ready for anything. We would rather see her get that big ass waxed instead. That's exactly what yo get. The second she saw Stallion's cock protruding through his pants. She whipped it out and shoved in her mouth. Sucking it until she wanted to get fucked. Stallion went toe to toe with Sara Jay. We all know you have to come with it if you want a shot at the title. Enjoy!

Sara Jay Dans 'Sara Jay's Huge Ass Fucked On The BangBus In Miami!'

Sara Jay - Sara Jay's Huge Ass Fucked On The BangBus In Miami!

Yeah ok, fuck it. Were late who gives a fuck. Valentines day was a month ago, but we decided that we dont care and we'll make our version of a Valentines day. Porn-o-graphic Valentines Day. We got the perfect pick up partner to help us fuck this shit up. Sara Jay said shes gonna fuck anyone we pick up...ANYONE! So any lucky dumb schmuck could of got their dick sucked this day and we we mean Schmuck! We picked up some doozies and they were willing to forget they had girlfriends for just a moment when they saw Sara Jays big booty that just shakes with the wind and her illustrious big round tits. She got her Valentines wish this year and we were happy to tag along. Check out this episode fools!

Sara Jay Dans 'Sucks A Big Black Cock Until It Cums!'

Sara Jay - Sucks A Big Black Cock Until It Cums!

Big tit Sara Jay gives this lucky guy one of her amazing blowjobs. Stallion doesn't have and average dick. This guy pack a big dick. Exactly what Sara Jay loves. Big dicks in her mouth. She also has huge tits and a juicy thick ass. She sucked the dick until Stallion busted a huge load on her big tits. If you never seen Sara Jay give a blow-job. Then you my friend are in for an awesome update. Enjoy!

Sara Jay Dans 'Porn Star Threesome'

Sara Jay - Porn Star Threesome

We bring you another awesome classic Assparade update. This 2006 update features Jessi Summers and the always sexy Porn Star Sara Jay. These two ladies want dick in their tight pussy. Who else better, but Preston Parker. This is one lucky guy. Surrounded by horny ladies that are ready and willing to fuck at a drop of a hat. They both have amazing bodies. We're talking big tits, a sweet pussy and juicy thick asses. Perfect for a big dick. Come and se this awesome update. Enjoy!

Ruby Dans 'Big Ass Orgy Beach Day'

Ruby - Big Ass Orgy Beach Day

Here's a throwback for the ages! This AssParade from 2006 is a good one. We have big asses for you on the beach. Ruby, Sara Jay and Scarlett strut their asses. These girls got big ones. That will take your breathe away. J.T and JMac meet up with these hotties and do the damn thing. Non-stop ass shaking, cock-suckin and pussy pounding on this sunny day here in South Beach. Enjoy!

Sara Jay Dans 'Interracial Big Ass Big Tit Oil Slick'

Sara Jay - Interracial Big Ass Big Tit Oil Slick

Sara Jay Interracial Big Ass Big Tit Oil Slick. A very big ass. Two very, very large tits. Tits and ass covered in baby oil. Add Lexington Steele and his, way too big, black cock to said tits and ass belonging to Sara Jay and you've got an interracial fuck fest that rocks. In a string bikini that covers very little covered by a see thru dress that covers nothing Sara oils herself up, special attention to tits and ass, then turns her slutabilities on that big black cock. Especially hot is how Sara gets that cock between her huge tits and works it. This is tit fucking par excellence. Sara Jay puts on a show of shows, don't miss it.

Sara Jay Dans 'Is A Big-Titted Star'

Sara Jay - Is A Big-Titted Star

So Sara Jay walks into the SCORELAND studio one morning and says, "Sorry I'm late. My boyfriend was fucking my throat."

Sara Jay Dans 'The Girl Who Invented The Blow Job'

Sara Jay - The Girl Who Invented The Blow Job

I have three favorite stories about Sara Jay, who sucks cock and fucks P.O.V.-style in today's posting.

Yasmine Loven Dans 'Yasmine The Lightening Bolt Loven Returns with a Vengeance'

Yasmine Loven - Yasmine The Lightening Bolt Loven Returns with a Vengeance

Rookie Sara Jay faces off against one of US's strongest wrestler, Yasmine The Lightening Bolt Loven! Brutal female wrestling with sexual domination!

Sara Jay Dans 'Big tits and a big ass'

Sara Jay - Big tits and a big ass

A MilfLessons classic. Courtesy of BangBros. Sara Jay was reading a Japanese how to Sex book, and Sara found some new techniques she wanted to try out on our young Demitri Long. Sara Claims she hasn't had a young cock in quite some time and she was down for playing teacher. She wanted to teach this young buck some new tricks. She wanted young Demitri to lick her asshole. Yeah ladies and gentlemen you read it right. Sara wanted her salad to be tossed and she was going to show Demitri how to do it right. After all Sara is always down for the kinky shit. See how this crazy lesson turns out. Enjoy!

Sara Jay Dans 'Claire's Day Off'

Sara Jay - Claire's Day Off

Orlando returns to torment amazing flexible MILF Sara Jay with sybians, hand held fucking machines, breast bondage, and his specialty PAIN!

Sara Jay Dans 'Donkey punch her butt'

Sara Jay - Donkey punch her butt

Boxing can be a difficult sport, but when you throw in some sexy babes, boxing turns out to be fun. This week we took AssParade.Com to the boxing ring, and our boy "Puck" or how we like to call him in the ring "Bad News Puck" was out there fighting for his honor or best of all "Fighting for Booty". We knew he could take the beat, against the "Hialeah Bomber". It was a knock out but the best part was how he got the sexy ring ladies to give him some love. These two had a pair of asses that would drive you crazy and make you cum for hours. First sexy "Kristina Rose" striped down for us to give a peek of her toned voluptuous ass and then our veteran "Sara jay" came along for a fuck session. They just went crazy with puck's dick; one was licking it and the other was touching herself while wearing the boxing gloves. Then "Kristina" jumped in, to ride that cock hard for a nice finish into their mouth, that was more like a Knockout.

Sara Jay Dans 'has one sexy big ass'

Sara Jay - has one sexy big ass

Who else better than to have the sexy Sara Jay on today's new update

Courtney Cummz Dans 'Pornstar party at a house party'

Courtney Cummz - Pornstar party at a house party

The girls at it again. This time a whole new trio is out and ready for action! Courtney Cummz, Sara Jay and Jamie Valentine are a smoking hot trio and I dont think these boys are ready for this type of action. First they got a whole new meaning to body shots, shooting balls at titties and cute butts. Then Some Bangbros Baseball, the girls vs. the boys who ever wins has to suck the other off. But thats not where the fun ends. Not until you see Courtney Cummz tackle two dicks at the same time and and get fucked royally well. You have to see Jamie Valentine and Sara JAy tag team in all fat ass action too!

Sara Jay Dans 'Phat Bottom Girls 4'

Sara Jay - Phat Bottom Girls 4

Dirty blonde MILF Sara Jay seductively unleashes her epic hooters from a straining halter top and fondles the gigantic globes. She presses her jugs into her man's crotch, pinches her tender nipples and greases up the massive fun bags. She's not teasing when she runs a black dildo in her heaving cleavage - Sara follows up with a delicious blow job, and when her mouth isn't consuming cock her oily knockers are slickly squeezing the shaft. And when that cock creams her curves, it bejewels her silver necklace with fresh pearls!

Sara Jay Dans 'The Big Bust 2: Drug Lords Take Revenge'

Sara Jay - The Big Bust 2: Drug Lords Take Revenge

Two female cops are captured by thugs and sexually dominated and fucked!

Sara Jay Dans 'Pornstar heaven with Bangbros'

Sara Jay - Pornstar heaven with Bangbros

Who can kick in a dorm, flip it on its ass and fuck the shit out of it? BANGBROS thats who! Diamond Kitty is a hot ass kitty looking for action! And this time she brought with her a cast of equally hot and deviously horny girls. We got Sara Jay who came here because she wanted to show these boys what a fat Ass can do! Sara Jay loves to fuck and adding her wildness to get the college co-eds pumping is whats up! And finally Phoenix Marie! She is fucking smoking hot and looking to fuck too! You have to come check this out!

Sara Jay Dans 'Dorm invasion at college party'

Sara Jay - Dorm invasion at college party

The Dorms are a Buzz after this weekends events. Thats right we did it again. We found another dorm full of young horny co-eds and threw in some Porn Stars into the mix. Thats right this week we brought the big guns. Sara Jay and her fat ass! She wants to fuck around with these young boys and turn them in to men with the power of her enormously good ass. Yurizan Beltran who is on of the cutest latinas to be in the industry and truly a fan favorite. And finally, the ring leader Alexis Fawx, who knows how to stir the pot and get the party rolling. Check it out!!

Sara Jay Dans 'Drooling BJ Queen'

Sara Jay - Drooling BJ Queen

Sara Jay has the ass of a BootyLicious Girl, the tits of a SCORE Girl and the mouth of a...well, let's say that she is one of the best, sloppiest, messiest deep throaters in all of porndom.

Sara Jay Dans 'Titty Creampies'

Sara Jay - Titty Creampies

Dirty blonde MILF Sara Jay seductively unleashes her epic hooters from a straining halter top and fondles the gigantic globes. She presses her jugs into her man's crotch, pinches her tender nipples and greases up the massive fun bags. She's not teasing when she runs a black dildo in her heaving cleavage - Sara follows up with a delicious blow job, and when her mouth isn't consuming cock her oily knockers are slickly squeezing the shaft. And when that cock creams her curves, it bejewels her silver necklace with fresh pearls!

Sara Jay Dans 'BangBros College Invasion'

Sara Jay - BangBros College Invasion

What do you get when you have the baddest bitches in Porn show up to your frat party? You get a party of the Fucking millenium! Alexis Fawx, Anastasia Morna, Sara Jay& Jayden Jaymes Are the finest, craziest mother fucking pornstars to come and fuck it up! These frat boys dont know what hit them. This party was so epic that the Fuck Team Five even fucked their girlfriends. There was so much pussy poppin and so much dick sucking and whole lot of fucking! Epicness in true fashion and whole lot of delicious ass bouncing. If you dont watch this, you just missed the Frat party of the year.

Sara Jay Dans '- Blacks On Cougars'

Sara Jay - Blacks On Cougars

Sara Jay's been at odds with her husband and it's reached a boiling point. The constant flirting with other women and his inadequacy in the bedroom is all she can take. Sara Jay's afternoon only gets better when one of the college's students overhears the commotion. Sara, completely smitten by Chilly Chill's smooth ways and skin complexion, invites him over for some marital payback. Once it's been assured that her husband won't be home for a while, Chilly undresses Sara as her enormous tits plop out of her bra. Those massive tits get felt up before Sara Jay's fascination with black cock gets extremely oral. This cougar lets her lipstick run off on that big, black cock as she makes her way down towards that enlarged nutsack. That dripping wet pussy tells Sara Jay it's time to ride that young black cock. Sara Jay lowers herself onto that black firehouse pole until Chilly's balls are massaging her clit. The slapping sounds coming from her pussy are matched in decibel level by the screams coming from a cougar that hasn't felt a real man in a long time. Sara Jay decides to ride that cock so hard that her tits hit her chin, nearly giving Sara Jay black cock whiplash. As 5'o clock approaches Sara keeps letting that big, black cock fuck her as her husband is inevitably on his way back home. Sara Jay's pussy gapes one more time before Chilly drenches her with his black gravy. Sara Jay's husband calls and notices a different tone in her voice. The reason? Sara Jay's just had the best interracial sex of her life and she's on cloud 9.

Sara Jay Dans 'We Got Sara Jay-ed'

Sara Jay - We Got Sara Jay-ed

Ryan drenched Sara in the backyard with oil and made her shake her big wooty around while Kelly watched and fingered her own pussy. When they couldn't take it any longer, the three went at it and stuffed that hard meat right into their soft wet cunts. Sara bounced her big ass and made Kelly cum more than five times, and made Ryan bust his l...

Sara Jay Dans 'Mistreated: Sara Jay'

Sara Jay - Mistreated: Sara Jay

Big tit MILF fucked in hard bondage and humiliated!

Mahina Zaltana Dans '12th vs 7th: 2 big titted wrestlers battle to avoid elimination Loser fucked as punishment in RD4'

Mahina Zaltana - 12th vs 7th: 2 big titted wrestlers battle to avoid elimination Loser fucked as punishment in RD4

Wrestler with monster EEE breasts battles hot Hawaiian. Both girls of almost equal skill, Big titted wrestler gets fucked for punishment in RD4.

Sara Jay Dans 'Home Alone MILF: Double Vag Machine Fucking'

Sara Jay - Home Alone MILF: Double Vag Machine Fucking

Voluptuous MILF, Sara Jay, machine fucked, EE tits machine paddled, double vag fucking that has her screaming, and a squirting orgasm in pile driver!

Samantha Sin Dans 'Tiny Blond vs Monster Boobage A modern day David and Goliath, where Goliath has Monster EE tits'

Samantha Sin - Tiny Blond vs Monster Boobage A modern day David and Goliath, where Goliath has Monster EE tits

Tiny blond vs Huge titted Amazon. Can the the monster boobed rookie beat the smaller veteran? Non-scripted brutal wresting, winner fucks the loser!

Sara Jay Dans 'Wife Swap'

Sara Jay - Wife Swap

Wife lured into swinging with kinky couple, double vaginal penetration.

Sara Jay Dans 'An Ass That You Want to Bury Your Face In A Pussy That Swallows Cock'

Sara Jay - An Ass That You Want to Bury Your Face In A Pussy That Swallows Cock

Rare & absolutely worthy MILF machine fucking -Sara Jay-Size ENORMOUS tits, HUGE jiggly ass - machine fucked DEEP by THICK cock that makes her squirt!

Sara Jay Dans 'Sara Jay, Spicy J and Sarah Vandella! Stomp the Beach'

Sara Jay - Sara Jay, Spicy J and Sarah Vandella! Stomp the Beach

Hey people. I am glad we could start the week out with Sara Jay, Spicy J & Sarah Vandella. Yes... I said that. In this weeks update these three fine porn stars bare all. I think your all gonna love the hot lesbo action with some hard dick riding by Sara Jay. these girls put such a show on for Champ he could hardly keep from spraying his load all over the place. Fuck I couldn't either! LOL Watch and enjoy! Happy Monday!

Sara Jay Dans 'MILF with EE tits has so many orgasms ripped out of her Cries from the brutal emotion of it all'

Sara Jay - MILF with EE tits has so many orgasms ripped out of her Cries from the brutal emotion of it all

Hogtied MILF with HUGE EE breast suffers brutal breast bondage incorporated to a back breaking suspension. Made to cum so hard & often she cries.

Sara Jay Dans 'The Submission of Sara Jay'

Sara Jay - The Submission of Sara Jay

Sara Jay fucked and dominated in real bondage!

Sara Jay Dans 'MILF with HUGE EE tits gets them severely bound Pulled brutally to tippy toes! Yea that hurts'

Sara Jay - MILF with HUGE EE tits gets them severely bound Pulled brutally to tippy toes! Yea that hurts

Q. Who doesn't like Double EE breasts? Who doesn't like a big titted whore, with her boobs bound and pulled to her tip toes by them? A. No one..

Sara Jay Dans 'Lust for a Bust'

Sara Jay - Lust for a Bust

Scott is looking for some flowers for his fiance at the local florist shop. He asks Sara, who works there, to help him find some roses. She instead shows him a flower with pheromones that will intoxicate any man with lust and desire. After just one sniff, Scott can't resist Sara's huge titties and biggums ass.

Sara Jay Dans 'and Lexxxi Lockhart'

Sara Jay - and Lexxxi Lockhart

What up? Todays Assparade is completely absurd! We have got Sara Jay and Lexxxi Lockhart in the line up. These girls are fine and they both have insane asses. There is no need for hesitation. Get your ass in gear and watch this video because you're not gonna wanna miss Sara and Lexxxi shake their asses and get there pussies pummeled. I have to say - and I think you will all agree - that Tony Rubino is one lucky SOB! Check this shit out!

Sara Jay Dans 'Cock-A-Dildo-Doo'

Sara Jay - Cock-A-Dildo-Doo

Sara is one horny milf out on the hunt for something to grind. While on the look out for some cock in the park, Sara is accosted by a dildo. When she tries to grab it for her own personal enjoyment, it takes off. A wild chase ensues until Sara is lured into Mr. Strange's lair. In this lair is where Mr. Strange cajoles Sara into some serious sex.

Sara Jay Dans '80 Lbs. of Ass!'

Sara Jay - 80 Lbs. of Ass!

Here we go Assparade lovers... Today we have two of the best babies in the business Ms. Sara Jay and Ms. Phoenix Marie are back in South Beach and they brought 4 big rump roasts for our enjoyment. Man do these ladies got some ass. It is quite a treat to see these two stars get fucked side by side. While I was filming this... All I thought was about how great it would be to get in on the action and get my cock wet. As you know I take my work serious so there was no fucking for me but Sascha got a dream fuck! Lucky SOB! Watch Sara Jay and Phoenix Marie rock the shit out of South beach!

Sara Jay Dans 'Picture This- Bumpin Uglies'

Sara Jay - Picture This- Bumpin Uglies

Sara Jay's financial status has plummeted substantially because of the economy crash. Her husband, a court stenographer, isn't pulling in the dough he used too. Sara believes she can "rack in" (pun intended) some dough of her own by using her bodacious bosoms. Interestingly enough she gets a lot more than she intended to bring home. A fat paycheck, a long hard penis, and many wild orgasms.

Sara Jay Dans 'Hot Milf Seeking Big Black Cock Tenant'

Sara Jay - Hot Milf Seeking Big Black Cock Tenant

Sara put an add in the paper for someone to sub rent one of her rooms and is surprised to see Jody knocking at the door. A big Tough Black Guy that seems like a all-around big guy, all the way to the dick looks apetizing to Sara, who is starting to crave a big cock. Jody being an exhibitionist doesn't help Sara's craving and she is dying to see that cock and get some action from her new tenant.

Sara Jay Dans 'Mile-HIGH hook up'

Sara Jay - Mile-HIGH hook up

This week we got the amazing Sara Jay on our show. She said she wanted to go on a blind date to maybe find true love or at least get fucked good by a complete stranger. Thats why we hooked her up with J Boy. This guy is Spaced out! He's a mess right from the beginning. He came in sporting a wrinkled shirt and a messed up top knot he called hair. Yeah we were feeling a little chancy with this one, because we figure hey maybe they hit it off and look just don't matter to a Porn Star. Also, To make things fun and interesting we added a few interesting activities that they can enjoy together, like a nice tour of Miami Beach on a helicopter and then a we took them to a studio to do some body painting. Super Sexy! Yes all that and we threw in a hot tub because we want to see if J boy can pull off the unthinkable and answer the question. CAN HE SCORE?

Sara Jay Dans 'Farewell Party'

Sara Jay - Farewell Party

Miss.Jay is throwing a farewell party for her son and his friends. Her Son and his friends are off to college soon. Miss.Jay is a hip mom and fits in well with his friends, she jokes around with the girls and flirts with the boys. During the party she has her eye on her son?s friend Scott and wants to make sure that he is prepared for all the college woman he will meet?.so she pulls him away and teaches him how to handle a real woman!

Sara Jay Dans 'Another Day at the Beach!'

Sara Jay - Another Day at the Beach!

Today we have a special assparade with one of the biggest asses in porn! She goes by the name of Sara Jay! Sara is amazing from her ass to her big tits. Shooting with Sara is awesome because she is down for whatever you have to offer. For example, a lesbo scene with Krystal Star! Krystal has a hefty size ass on her as well! These two ladies go at it right on South Beach, doing all kinds of ass play and finger fucking. They move on by taking there little beach party in doors where they get nasty on each other's pussies with dildos and anal beads. Soon after, they attack the photographer sucking and fucking him until he pops a nut all over! It was a good day for assparade! Check it!

Sara Jay Dans 'Hypnotised by her Big Tits!'

Sara Jay - Hypnotised by her Big Tits!

Billy goes to Dr.Jay?s office, a therapist with a knack for curing any problem that comes her way. He tells her that he can?t seem to ever fuck right! Dr. Jay suggests hypnosis, she uses the necklace that is sitting ever so nicely on top of big tits and Billy becomes hypnotized by her juicy tits instead of her necklace. This causes him to become outright horny and throws himself all over Dr. Jay. She tries to resist him but once he begs to lick her pussy she decides to take him up on the offer and finds herself in a wild, unethical sex romp with Billy.

Holly Halston Dans 'Big Cock  and  Scotch equals Fun!'

Holly Halston - Big Cock and Scotch equals Fun!

Holly Halston and Sara Jay are hanging around in the living room, having coffee and doing what bored women their age do best: talk and gossip. To add spice to it, alcohol comes in and before they know it, they're sharing their love for big cocks. Criss happens to pass by and they choose to bring him over and fuck his big young cock.

Sara Jay Dans 'What goes inside our studios'

Sara Jay - What goes inside our studios

so let say I can make a decision of what porn-star to hire and take them both out running around the Bang Bros production offices and just pick up random guys so they can fuck them. That will be a hot scene, and you also can understand what goes inside our studio. So in this episode of I choose two of not only assparade the hottest porn-stars but also the most freaky ones. This two amazing girls, with amazing bodies there are not only fun, they are also sexy ass hell and they both carry a beautiful and delicious behind. Let me take you behind what goes inside our studios with Gianna and Sara Jay. This two hot girls fucked own of our new studs so good that this kid couldn't handle them. Then I took the scene outside, where someone with real experience can fuck this two sexy mamas. so I took them to our famous Ramon. men let me tell you this is a hot scene. So check this double fuckfest, I know you are going to love it.

Sara Jay Dans 'Licking Ass with Sara Jay'

Sara Jay - Licking Ass with Sara Jay

Sara Jay is no newbie when it comes to sex. She is always looking at new ways to please herself, and the guy she happens to be banging. This week we caught up with Sara while she was reading a Japanese how to Sex book, and Sara found some new techniques she wanted to try out on our young Demitri Long. Sara Claims she hasn't had a young cock in quite some time and she was down for playing teacher. She wanted to teach this young buck some new tricks. She wanted young Demitri to lick her asshole. Yeah ladies and gentlemen you read it right. Sara wanted her salad to be tossed and she was going to show Demitri how to do it right. After all Sara is always down for the kinky shit. See how this crazy lesson turns out, and enjoy ;)

Sara Jay Dans 'FuckTeam Fanboys'

Sara Jay - FuckTeam Fanboys

While one would probably never expect a porn signing to be anything less than wild and crazy, chances are this isn't what you would expect (wish for maybe but never truly believe possible). So Britney Amber, Sara Jay, and Gianna are in Myrtle Beach South Carolina for a signing in a porn shop downtown. We brought a camera crew with them thinking we might be able to capture some interesting footage. We couldn't have been more right. Let's just say this shoot will reinstate the meaning of the early bird getting the worm. The worm being these 3 gorgeous girls and the bird being a handful of horny fanboys...just incase you didn't get the metaphor.

Sara Jay Dans 'Co-ed Locker Room'

Sara Jay - Co-ed Locker Room

There doesn't seem to be any place we are safe from these milfs nowadays. Now they're even invading our locker rooms. Seriously is there anywhere us guys can go and be at peace without some milf such as Sarah Jay barging in and torturing us with her amazing ass, her voluptuous tits, and her incredible ability of swallowing a huge cock. The two dudes in this shoot were just done working out and about to head into the showers when Sarah Jay comes along and acts like she owns the place. Apparently there was something wrong with the ladies locker room.

Sara Jay Dans 'Taking a Big Bite Out of Crime'

Sara Jay - Taking a Big Bite Out of Crime

Ramon is posing as an exterminator when he comes to Sara Jay's house to solve a mite problem. After telling her to get out of the house because he's using strong chemicals, he heads for her jewelry case and starts filling his pockets. She catches him red handed but instead of calling the cops, she decides to take advantage of his huge attributes...

Sara Jay Dans 'Remembering The Past'

Sara Jay - Remembering The Past

Sara Jay's daughter was getting ready to go to prom when she told her mom about the change of plans. Instead of going to the prom with Keiran, she went with Lex. Sara Jay was upset by this and when Keiran arrived it brought back memories that she just had to share. Once the story was over Keiran was already face first in her tits. One thing led to another and Keiran gave this mom the biggest dick she has ever seen...

Sara Jay Dans 'Fighting for Booty'

Sara Jay - Fighting for Booty

Boxing can be a difficult sport, but when you throw in some sexy babes, boxing turns out to be fun. This week we took AssParade.Com to the boxing ring, and our boy "Puck" or how we like to call him in the ring "Bad News Puck" was out there fighting for his honor or best of all "Fighting for Booty". We knew he could take the beat, against the "Hialeah Bomber". It was a knock out but the best part was how he got the sexy ring ladies to give him some love. These two had a pair of asses that would drive you crazy and make you cum for hours. First sexy "Kristina Rose" striped down for us to give a peek of her toned voluptuous ass and then our veteran "Sarajay" came along for a fuck session. They just went crazy with puck's dick; one was licking it and the other was touching herself while wearing the boxing gloves. Then "Kristina" jumped in, to ride that cock hard for a nice finish into their mouth, that was more like a Knockout.

Sara Jay Dans 'MILF pussy in the morning'

Sara Jay - MILF pussy in the morning

Horny MILF Sara Jay was surprised to get home and find her son's friends passed out in the living room after partying hard the night before. She was so mad, she sent her son to his room and kicked everybody out except for Jordan, who she knew had a big cock. Jordan knew it wasn't right to fuck his buddy's mom. But when Sara Jay took her clothes off, he couldn't help it and gave this cock craving MILF the banging she was asking for.

Sara Jay Dans 'Fingering technique'

Sara Jay - Fingering technique

Zane realized that no matter what he tries, he doesn't seem to be able to make his girlfriend cum so he hired the services of SexPro Sara Jay to help him with his situation and show him what women REALLY like in bed. SexPro Sara Jay is and expert in foreplay so she showed him how to eat pussy like a pro and finger his girlfriend's pussy just right. Zane proved to be a fast learner and made SexPro Sara Jay cum many times during the session...

Sara Jay Dans 'Fuck homework!'

Sara Jay - Fuck homework!

TJ was at his friend's doing some homework but when his friend left for a while he started watching porn online instead. He was suprised by his friend's hot mom Sara Jay who went into the bedroom looking for dirty clothes to add to her laundry. Sara Jay soon noticed what her son's friend was doing online and, being the young cock craver she is...

Sara Jay Dans 'Third Party Action!'

Sara Jay - Third Party Action!

Sex Pro Sara Jay is dealing with a couple today that each have their own issues in the bedroom. The guys complaint is that he can get a better blowjob from the breeze outside and his girlfriend equally unsatisfied complains that her boyfriend doesn't fuck her hard. A huge task was laid ahead for the pro but handled it is what she did!

Sara Jay Dans 'Missed The Test'

Sara Jay - Missed The Test

Since Jack had spent all his time with Mia, he fell asleep during his mid-term. Since his teacher, Sara Jay, knew what they were doing in school and was very lenient, she found a great way for Jack to make up the extra credit...

Sara Jay Dans 'Back 2 VegASS!!'

Sara Jay - Back 2 VegASS!!

Back 2 Back Las Vegas episodes, we must be out of our fuckin' minds, HELL YEAH, we are!! This time around we're bringing back my little fuck buddy, the amazing Sara Jay and her new ASSTASTIC friend Kiara!! I met up with the girls in the Las Vegas Convention Center, at the BangBros Booth, the girls where signing autographs for all our fans, You should of been there man!! Anyways, the girls new your boy wanted to see some ass so they volunteered to show me what there working with, and damn, they got plenty of ass to work with!! Let me tell you something this new hottie Kiara has one amazing booty, her ass is like WHOA!! She loves to shake her little moneymaker all over the place!! And you know Sara Jay loves to play with ass, she was in heaven!! After some amazing public ass worship, we decided to head back to the hotel for some hardcore fucking!! You know I would have represented, but I had my homie Robert Rosenberg, from fame, do his thing with these amazing ass vixens! These girls went wild when he pulled put out his cock, they sucked that thing like crazy, you know he loved that shit cause he proceeded to pound those two amazing butts. He lined them up, stacked there amazing asses and then came on there cum loving faces, this shit was wild!! A Legendary Shoot!! Assparade Forever! Preston Parker OUT.

Sara Jay Dans 'Stress Reliever'

Sara Jay - Stress Reliever

Dr. Jay whose been under a lot of stress lately, working long hours is in need of a stress reliever...and bad! Not able to take a vacation anytime soon, she needs some good ole hard dick. Dr. Jay finds opportunity in her next patient a young, strong football player and Dr. Jay who is in heat wastes no time to get what she's been longing for. Sometimes good sex is the best medicine.

Darryl Hanah Dans 'Office Threeway'

Darryl Hanah - Office Threeway

Sara Jay and Darryl Hanah are always in competition. So when they notice that they're both attracted to Van, one of their fellow employees, they start to compete to see which one can get him. Let's just say that Van ended up being the real winner...

Sara Jay Dans 'is back!'

Sara Jay - is back!

This week, invited Sara Jay! Not only can Sara suck and fuck like a champ, but she's got one serious huge rack! This is why we had to bring in Jack Venice to take care of her.but she ended up taking care of him. Sara fucked and Sucked Jack so hard, we weren't sure if he was going to survive.and he couldn't resist grabbing and sucking those huge melons the whole time.

Ruby Dans 'Booty Beach Bash'

Ruby - Booty Beach Bash

You know that here on Assparade I'm always stepping the game up...With this new episode I'm taking it to a whole new level...Let me break it down for you: 3 Girls with exquisite bubble butts, 2 guys and 1 deserted my girl Sarah Jay (there shouldn't be a need for an introduction: i you hane seen her legendary ass and deliscious tits) calls me up...She lets me know that two of her friends want to go to the beach, and you know I

Sara Jay Dans 'Rooftop Rump'

Sara Jay - Rooftop Rump

So My girl Sara Jay calls me up...telling me that she is back in town and wants to introduce me to one of her new friend from Portland...I was like why not, Sarah is known to hang out in circles with sexy ass I set up this plan to have her meet me at this bar...I had almost forgoten what a sexy broad Sara was, this girl has a serious applbottom we are at the bar and walking up comes Jessi, her friend...what a fucking pleasure to meet this girl...What a beatiful chic, a perfect face , a nice pair of percky tits and a perfect meaty round ass...So peep the scene...I got thess two gorgeous vixens and acess to a rooftop on one of the buildings here on Miami Beach..put the two together and we got oursrlves another vintage Assparade Classic!!!So we hit the roof and the girls go at it...both of them with their asses in the air, eating each other out...a perfect ass worshiping moment...Sara got in a cock craving mood, that's when my boy Preston comes up to get a piece of the action....their is too much women for one man to handle...All I can say is..this man is lucky!!!...Thi adventure was great...don't miss it...Enjoy!!!.The dirty One...

Sara Jay Dans 'sara n' candy'

Sara Jay - sara n' candy

There's double trouble in the latest addition of Tugjobs. That's right a double handjob. Sarajay and kandikream bring thier unique cock stroking tag team skills for our viewing enjoyment. JT was in heaven with double the huge tits and double the fat gorgeous ass all up in his face. This movie is hot. JT's cock explodes with lots of cum for the girls to share. They even make out with loads of cum in their mouth. Watch n' Enjoy!!!

Sara Jay Dans 'Sara Jay'

Sara Jay - Sara Jay

I was at a fast food spot when my friends MILF mother walked in and recognized me . She was lookin tight and deep . I had to act fast , I have always had a thing for my boys mom. So after telling her how I was doing , I told her how i would do her . MILF was turned on by my eager , young and dumb sexual comments. MILF loved the fact that she could fuck and take advantage of my young cock. When we got back to the house she put me in her mouth and sucked me off , then she opened her deep pussy and let me in . The good thing 'bout MILF's is that they love to fuck with no commitments. Which is why they are a MILF dream come true. ENJOY!!!

Sara Jay Dans 'Good Times!'

Sara Jay - Good Times!

Ass Heaven is what we should call this site from now on... that's the only explanation I can come up with for our perpetual march towards ass worshipping infamy! Check this one out... Sara Jay liked us so much that she decided to visit us one more time and bring along a friend!! Kandi "The Dream" Kream came along and brought her big bubble butt by with her! Sara's round ass cheeks are an incredible sight! I've yet to come across another white girl with such a juicy butt. Both of these broads had huge sets of tits to go along with the asses.. lucky fucking Preston... he wastes no time in getting in the shower for some hot wet action. Then the real fuck movie filming commenced! Amateur ass play is always great to catch... and this was no different! Sara and Kandi vying for Presto's cock piece makes for great blowjob footage I tell ya! Oh shit, I almost forgot to mention the great anal action I caught! This was almost too much fun... hope you feel the same.. Enjoy!

Sonia Carrere Dans 'WOW!'

Sonia Carrere - WOW!

Have any of you guys ever heard of Sara Jay??? well my dear friends.. if you haven't... I'm about to put you on to one of the juiciest pieces of ass that I've ever seen.. did I mention that she's a white girl? Sheesh... what the hell are these broads eating? I was on a photo shoot with the already infamous French Connection.. Sonia.. somewhere on South Beach when JT noticed good ol' Sara layed out with her ass in the air in all it's ripe glory! Not to mention the huge set of tits that this chick has... coupled with Sonia's natural big breasts....well... it was insanity once Sara agreed to come back to my place and shoot a little film... what unraveled after this is pure gold! Titty fucking, ass worship, messy wet blowjobs, hardcore fuck scenes, tits, wet pussy.. and two of the pieces of ass that I wish I would've fucked.... yep... all that and more..yes more.... is right here! I like to call this update... the TRUTH! Dirty Fuckin' Sanchez...