Ashley Adams at

Dernières mises à jour avec Ava Addams

Ava Addams Dans 'I Have a Wife'

Ava Addams - I Have a Wife

Jack doit se rendre à une réunion, mais sa voisine Ava aux gros seins s’arrête pour rendre l’ordinateur portable qu’elle a emprunté. Avant qu’il ne parte, elle lui demande si son mariage est OK, car lui et sa femme Caroline voyagent beaucoup séparément pour le travail. Quand Ava évoque les photos qu’elle a vues sur l’ordinateur portable, de lui baisant Caroline en Jamaïque, elle ne peut s’empêcher de supplier pour sa grosse bite. Jack est très obligé et insère consciencieusement son pénis dans sa bouche. Bon voyage, ma femme !

Ava Addams Dans 'gets needs meet by dancing instructor her husband hired'

Ava Addams - Mrs. Creampie

Ava Addams a le temps de sa vie quand son professeur de danse pousse ses hanches dans la sienne.

Ava Addams Dans 'needs money and cock'

Ava Addams - Milf Sugar Babes

Je dois dire que c’est un peu bizarre. Je n’ai jamais rien fait de tel, mais on a besoin d’argent. Stacey, ma meilleure amie m’a suggéré de faire ça, alors me voici, rencontrant Alec dans une chambre d’hôtel pour le sexe et l’argent. Il m’a mis à l’aise avec la situation et ça m’allume. Je vais me glisser dans quelque chose de sexy pour lui afin que nous puissions passer un bon moment.

Ava Addams Dans 'fucks her son's friend'

Ava Addams - My Friend's Hot Mom

Masseuse Ava vient d’annuler et son fils est parti avec sa petite amie au centre commercial et personne n’a dit Van que le jour de la piscine a été annulée, donc Ava est frustré et van est là alors elle demande van de lui donner un massage et la seule façon de faire un massage est tout nu et Van a un dur sur et a besoin de masser sa bite.

Ava Addams Dans 'Big Cock Hero'

Ava Addams - Big Cock Hero

Kassandra (Ava Addams) mari est sorti et elle a besoin d’un peu de bite, alors elle envoie des textes Jason son instructeur de yoga certains pix coquine et lui dit de venir et baiser, mais elle les a envoyés au mauvais Jason, le mauvais Jason est son mari meilleur ami alors il doit maintenant finir ce cheati ng avec d’autres personnes et il suffit de le baiser à la place.

Ava Addams Dans 'comes home and show's you her new Lingerie'

Ava Addams - Housewife 1 on 1

Presque prêt à aller à la fête, mais d’abord Ava vous montrera sa nouvelle robe et lingerie qu’elle a acheté. Comme il est encore temps pour une baise rapide, il est temps de mettre cette lingerie au travail.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Preston Parker in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Ava Addams - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Pervy Preston ne peut pas se contrôler. Il ne peut pas garder ses mains hors des soutiens-gorge d’Ava Addams, et elle est la meilleure amie de sa petite amie! Elle reste avec eux, alors il se faufile dans sa chambre quand elle est dehors, fusils à travers ses tiroirs, et sort un de ses soutiens-gorge et commence à se masturber à elle. Mais Ava arrive à la maison de shopping et l’attrape fouetter le dauphin à sa brasserie, juste dans sa chambre! Preston est gêné, mais lui dit qu’il ne peut penser à rien d’autre que ses gros seins, d’autant plus que sa petite amie est tout sauf bien doté. Il va même jusqu’à dire à Ava que s’il voyait ses frappeurs géants nus, il serait satisfait, et tout le monde serait en mesure de passer à autre chose avec leur vie. Mais une fois qu’elle libère les chiots, Preston est partout sur eux! Ava ne peut pas s’en empêcher non plus parce qu’elle sait que Preston a une grosse bite, et qu’elle veut se faire baiser. Hé, peu importe ce qui marche !

Ava Addams Dans 'and Charles Dera in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Ava Addams - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ava Addams est allé sur un rendez-vous horrible, et elle cherche à tout renverser à son BFF, qui n’est pas à la maison. Mais son mari BFF Charles est, et il pourrait juste continuer pendant des jours avec Ava sur la datation, le sexe et l’amour. Et en fait, il le fait! Après avoir donné à l’ami de sa femme ses pensées profondes et sincères sur la rencontre du bon homme, il sort sa bite dure dans l’espoir d’une profonde baise sincère avec un homme marié! Au début, Ava ne peut pas croire ses yeux, et puis elle ne peut pas croire qu’elle a obtenu ses gros seins et slurping sur la bite du mari de son ami!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Preston Parker in Seduced By A Cougar'

Ava Addams - Seduced By A Cougar

Il est temps d’appeler le plombier ! Ava Addams a des problèmes d’eau chez elle, et savez-vous ce qui s’avère être le coupable ? Son dilet préféré! Le plombier trouve le jouet sexuel coincé dans le drain pour une raison quelconque, dont il admet qu’il se trouve être un thème commun dans ce quartier particulier de couguars et MILFs. Jamais un à être timide, Ava libère ce couguar très à l’intérieur d’elle et dit au plombier que si elle n’a pas une grosse bite faux à baiser plus, elle va avoir besoin d’un vrai - le sien! Quelques secondes plus tard, les gros seins et le gros cul d’Ava sortent et elle fait mal au sort !

Ava Addams Dans 'and Charles Dera in Housewife 1 on 1'

Ava Addams - Housewife 1 on 1

Happy Steak et Blowjob Day! Femme au foyer Ava Addams vous apprécie tellement qu’elle a fait des faits pour s’assurer que votre jour préféré de l’année est célébrée à vous êtes le désir de votre. Ses gros seins sont prêts à tomber de sa robe, et Ava est prêt à tirer votre bite de votre pantalon! Alors mettez ce portier de côté pour se reposer et laisser les jus de tenir, et tout le temps Ava sucer a votre viande pour l’obtenir bon et prêt à pour ses jus succulents!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Bambino in Dirty Wives Club'

Ava Addams - Dirty Wives Club

Le mari d’Ava veut qu’elle se retrouve avec Bambino et partage quelques photos d’elle obtenir une bonne action.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Preston Parker in Housewife 1 on 1'

Ava Addams - Housewife 1 on 1

Ava est à la recherche chaude pour son cours de yoga et essaie de motiver son mari à faire quelques corvées autour de la maison. Une fois que ses seins massifs sortent, il ne peut pas résister à les baiser.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Van Wylde in I Have a Wife'

Ava Addams - I Have A Wife

Ava Addams fait nettoyer ses fenêtres et fait un petit spectacle pour le nettoyeur. Le nettoyeur obtient Ava vraiment humide, mais il est marié, donc il est un peu hésitant à lui donner sa bite, mais Ava lui assure qu’elle ne dira pas une âme.

Ava Addams Dans 'My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava et Phoenix sont sur le canapé se tenant l’un l’autre pendant qu’ils regardent un film effrayant quand Brick apparaît lentement derrière le canapé et leur donne une peur de son propre. Il se fait frapper au nez pendant sa tentative puis se trouve un endroit agréable de s’asseoir entre eux. Après qu’ils le réprimandent pour ce qu’il a fait, il pourrait au moins être là pour eux de s’accrocher pendant les moments effrayants du film. Vous pouvez dire Brick aime la vie par le regard sur son visage et Phoenix peut le sentir avec sa jambe est à travers son entrejambe. Phoenix l’appelle sur son boner et Brick blâme rapidement sur son nouveau pantalon. Malheureusement, il ne peut pas confondre sa main comme elle glisse sur sa bite.

Ava Addams Dans 'My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

India Summer s’amuse au bord de la piscine avec son amie Ava Addams. Ils commencent à parler du divorce de l’Inde et comment elle a été frapper l’ami de son fils depuis qu’elle a quitté son mari. Ava est intriguée et chanceuse pour son Inde a obtenu l’un des amis de son fils s’arrêter par cet après-midi. L’ami de son fils, Clover, s’arrête et Ava saute immédiatement sur lui et obtient un chaud trois voies va.

Ava Addams Dans 'in Naughty Office'

Ava Addams - Naughty Office

Ava Addams est responsable du service à la clientèle. Elle reçoit une lettre de plainte par la poste lui disant combien son entreprise suce. La lettre dit aussi à Ava d’aller se baiser avec le gode que le client inclus. Ava décide pourquoi pas et commence furieusement se masturber avec ledit gode. Son collègue marche sur Ava baise elle-même et Ava décide que son coq collègues serait un meilleur outil de baise que le gode plainte.

Ava Addams Dans 'in Seduced by a cougar'

Ava Addams - Seduced By A Cougar

Tyler nettoie la piscine d’Ava Addams quand elle remarque qu’il l’a vérifiée. Ava est un peu excité par cela alors elle tire Tyler dans la piscine avec elle, se déshabille de son bikini, et a Tyler aller en ville sur son corps chaud.

Ava Addams Dans 'in Dirty Wives Club'

Ava Addams - Dirty Wives Club

Ava Addams a un emploi du temps complet, son mari aussi. Ils se voient rarement et Ava n’a pas été baisée depuis longtemps. Tout ce qu’elle veut vraiment, c’est bite, alors elle fait ce que toutes les femmes réussies sans temps sur ses mains ferait, prend la première bite qu’elle voit. Heureusement pour son stagiaire, il se trouve être cette bite et Ava lui promet une carrière réussie aussi longtemps qu’il continue à lui fournir sa bite dure.

Ava Addams Dans 'in My First Sex Teacher'

Ava Addams - My First Sex Teacher

Mme Addams arrive sur M. Bailey en passant par son sac à main qu’elle a laissé dans la salle de classe. Bill tente de cracher une histoire qu’il pensait qu’il a laissé son téléphone cellulaire en classe et pensé qu’elle l’aurait ramassé pour le garder en sécurité. Mme Addams sait déjà que Bill était à la recherche des résultats des tests pour tricher sur le test à venir. Bill admet qu’il avait tort et tente de la persuader avec un tour de passe-passe.

Ava Addams Dans 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava Addams a trompé son mari avec un jeune goujon chaud. Lorsque l’ami de son fils, Tyler, la attrape dans l’acte, il lui demande à ce sujet. Eh bien Ava n’est pas du genre à laisser les choses au hasard, elle veut garder sa belle maison et sa famille. Afin de s’assurer que Tyler ne laissera pas le chat notre du sac au sujet de ses infidélités, elle fait de lui une proposition. Elle baise Tyler comme s’il n’avait jamais été baisé en échange du silence de Tyler. Il serait fou de refuser une offre comme ça alors il oblige.

Ava Addams Dans 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava Addams appelle l’amie de son fils pour l’aider à réparer une lumière dans sa chambre. En réalité, Ava voulait juste un peu de bite et elle a utilisé la lumière cassée comme un stratagème pour le faire passer. Ava sait que l’amie de son fils la veut parce qu’elle l’attrape toujours en regardant ses énormes seins. Ava s’est toujours demandé ce que sa bite ressentait à l’intérieur d’elle. Elle l’a finalement eu seul, déshabillé, et a obtenu cette grosse bite de son intérieur d’elle.

Ava Addams Dans 'Naughty Office'

Ava Addams - Naughty Office

Ava, Bridgette et Preston sont des agents immobiliers qui ont tous été affectés à vendre la même maison par leur patron. Au début, ils ne peuvent pas trouver un moyen sur qui arrive à vendre la maison jusqu’à ce que, Preston a l’idée de celui qui obtient le plus grand orgasme gagne. La tension sexuelle était déjà forte entre ces trois et à la fin tout le monde gagne, à moins que quelqu’un décide de le simuler.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Johnny Castle in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Ava Addams - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Johnny a été envoyé pour passer du temps chez son père parce qu’il n’a rien fait de bon. Il n’y a vraiment pas grand-chose à faire là où son père vit et Johnny s’ennuie vraiment. La seule chose qui l’aide à passer le temps, c’est que tous les jours à 16 heures la petite amie chaude de son père se déshabille en face de la fenêtre avec son rideau ouvert et la fenêtre de Johnny est juste en face de la sienne. Il a même acheté un télescope pour avoir un meilleur aperçu de ses gros titties tous les jours. La petite amie de son père, Ava, l’attrape en train de lorgner et l’appelle dans sa chambre, mais la vérité est qu’elle s’est déshabillée avec les rideaux ouverts exprès. Elle voulait que Johnny la regarde et maintenant qu’elle fessed jusqu’à elle, elle donne Johnny un regard plus attentif à son corps nu chaud. Non seulement cela, elle prend aussi la grosse bite de Johnny dans sa chatte humide avant que son père rentre à la maison.

Ava Addams Dans 'My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava Addams et McKenzie Lee marchent sur Preston, qui est l’ami du fils d’Ava, alors qu’il se douche. Ils sont un peu gênés de marcher sur lui au début, mais ils ont bientôt jeter un oeil à sa bite et toute timidité sort par la fenêtre. Ces deux chauds vont en ville sur lui.

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava addams, pluie romi et johnny péchés dans ma maman chaude amis'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Johnny et Romi sont venus chez l’ami de Johnny pour célébrer Thanksgiving avec sa famille. Ava est déjà dans la cuisine pour préparer la nourriture tandis que son fils est allé au magasin pour recueillir des choses de dernière minute. Ava les remercie de vouloir aider, mais, Romi n’avait pas l’intention de cuisiner quoi que ce soit! Elle se faufile à la salle de bain à l’étage et Johnny suit plus tard pour aller changer dans l’un des t-shirts de son ami. Comme il monte les escaliers Romi est dans une chambre dans son soutien-gorge et culotte prêt à savourer la bite de Johnny dans sa bouche. Ava se demande ce qui leur prend si longtemps et les attrape baise, elle est tellement excité par la vue de celui-ci, elle commence à se toucher à la porte. Johnny voit que les deux sont éclatés et Romi qui aime aussi les filles, invite Ava à se joindre à si elle aime ce qu’elle voit. Johnny peut ne pas être bon à farcir les dindes, il sait sûrement farcir leurs chattes!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Xander Corvus in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava Addams est d’une beauté hypnotisante. Elle n’a pas besoin d’apprendre l’hypnose pour obtenir n’importe quel homme qu’elle veut, mais elle décide de l’apprendre de toute façon. Elle décide d’appeler l’ami de son fils, Xander, plus et d’essayer sa nouvelle compétence sur lui. Dès qu’il est sous son charme, elle le conduit à la chambre où elle lui fait baiser comme si elle n’avait jamais été baisée avant. Xander a un petit secret cependant, il n’a jamais été hypnotisé pour commencer et juste allé le long de la balade.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Danny Mountain in Seduced by a cougar'

Ava Addams - Seduced By A Cougar

Ava Addams est lier désespérément pour vendre sa maison, mais son agent immobilier ne semble pas faire le travail. Peut-être qu’il a juste besoin d’un peu de motivation. Ava monte à l’étage pour mettre quelque chose d’un peu plus confortable et descend vêtue d’une robe blanche sexy qui accentue son beau décolleté. Son agent remarque et n’arrive pas à se concentrer. Ava décide que la meilleure façon de lui faire vendre sa maison rapidement est de le motiver avec sa chatte humide. Il livre cette chatte dans la maison même qu’il essaie de vendre. Maintenant, avec le sexe hors de son esprit, il peut enfin se concentrer sur ce qui est important, la vente de cette maison.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Johnny Castle in I Have a Wife'

Ava Addams - I Have A Wife

Ava Addams se débarrasse de sa chaise, trop de mauvais souvenirs de son ex-mari. Johnny est très intéressé, et le prix est juste. Sa femme n’aimera pas la chaise, mais c’est bon, Johnny veut vraiment la chaise. Ava veut vraiment la bite de Johnny. Elle se fiche qu’il soit marié, ça la chauffe. Elle sort ses seins massifs et monte Johnny sur la chaise avant qu’il ne la ramène à la maison.

Ava Addams Dans 'My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Trois MILFs de mèche - Julia Ann, Ava Addams et Brandi Love - conspirent tous dans l’espoir qu’ils peuvent entrer dans le showbiz avec l’aide de l’ami de son fils Pete, qui vient de devenir un producteur hotshot. Ils meurent d’envie d’être les ménagères de n’importe où, et il est en route pour discuter d’une opportunité potentielle avec eux. Tout ce que les mamans sexy savent, c’est qu’elles veulent être riches et célèbres, mais quand Pete réalise qu’elles ne savent pas grand-chose d’autre, il est sur le point de partir. Mais ils répètent leur mantra, «Quoi qu’il en coûte», et faire exactement cela ... même si cela signifie arracher leurs vêtements et sauter sur la grosse du producteur Pete! Gros seins, lumières vives --- c’est l’heure du spectacle!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Xander Corvus in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Xander retourne à l’école demain, mais avant qu’il ne le fasse, il laisse tomber une boîte pleine de trucs de son pote chez lui. Son copain déjà dirigé vers le campus, mais sa mère Ava Addams est heureux de prendre les affaires de son fils de Xander. Il connaît Mme Addams depuis toujours, mais quand elle se présente à la porte en sous-vêtements et une robe ouverte, il est nerveux et sans voix. Ava lui dit qu’il devrait être habitué à elle dans son bikini, mais Xander est encore mâchoire-tombé sur le site de ses gros seins sortant de son soutien-gorge. Il tourne le MILF busty sur tellement qu’elle ferme la porte et se déshabille pour l’ami de son fils, seulement pour envelopper ses lèvres autour de sa grosse bite et baiser bon avant qu’il ne parte pour le semestre d’automne.

Ava Addams Dans 'My First Sex Teacher'

Ava Addams - My First Sex Teacher

Deux des professeurs de Giovanni, Tanya Tate et Ava Addams, ont une réunion privée avec l’étudiant pour discuter de la perte potentielle de sa bourse en raison de ses mauvaises notes dans leurs classes. Conscients de sa faiblesse pour leurs gros seins et leurs manières sexy, ils commencent à déboutonner leurs vêtements tout en lui demandant comment il est distrait dans la salle de classe. Bientôt, les deux professeurs agressifs sont bondissant sur le joueur de balle pauvres, en tirant leurs seins et le séduire! L’heureux étudiant sort un trio avec ses deux professeurs busty, laissant tomber une charge massive dans leur bouche ... et d’agrandir ses notes pour garder sa bourse.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Danny Mountain in Seduced by a cougar'

Ava Addams - Seduced By A Cougar

Ava Addams loue une chambre dans sa maison, et quand elle découvre que son locataire potentiel est un mec britannique, elle obtient sa chatte dans un vertige! Il arrive à sa nouvelle maison, mais le mec ne s’attendait pas à piquer! Ava et ses gros seins bondissent sur lui, prenant en charge la façon dont un couguar devrait! Le garçon chanceux est en crainte que le couguar sexy suce sa grosse bite et lui donne un beau tour droit jusqu’à ce qu’il soit prêt à pop. Au revoir!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Johnny Castle in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava Addams rentrer du travail tôt et est surpris de trouver son cul paresseux d’un fils a sauté le travail pour rester à la maison et jouer à des jeux vidéo. Elle le met au travail, puis découvre le cul paresseux de son fils d’un ami Johnny qui se cache derrière le canapé. Lui aussi, a sauté le travail pour jouer à des jeux vidéo et ne voulait pas se faire choper par elle, mais plutôt que de démarrer son immature, juvénile, mais hors de faire de l’argent, Mme Addams le garde autour de jouer à l’un de ses jeux: cacher le cornichon. Johnny comprend une fois qu’elle tire son pantalon vers le bas et commence à sucer sa bite! Le MILF sort ses seins massifs et nous allons l’ami de son fils tittyfuck eux jusqu’à ce que sa chatte rose est humide et prêt pour sa bite! Jeu sur!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Danny Mountain in Seduced by a cougar'

Ava Addams - Seduced By A Cougar

Ava Addams prend des signatures pour aider à lutter contre la mesure B dans le comté de Los Angeles, une mesure visant à forcer l’utilisation de préservatifs dans le porno. Elle s’arrête chez un homme au hasard pour lui demander son aide pour s’opposer à cette terrible mesure, et il est consterné que quelqu’un veuille voir des préservatifs dans la pornographie. Mais plutôt que de simplement prendre son John Hancock sur son presse-papiers, le couguar busty prend sa grosse bite dans sa bouche et entre ses gros seins avant de lui montrer combien sa chatte chaude ne veut pas être baisée par une bite avec un préservatif sur elle!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Chad White in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava Addams a été la réalisation d’un tryst coquine avec l’ami de son fils, Tchad. Le MILF busty fait irruption dans la chambre de son fils, où Chad dort sur le sol, et lui plie avec son soutien-gorge et culotte, en essayant de lui faire baiser à nouveau. Il essaie de lui dire que ce qu’ils font n’est pas juste, et qu’il doit s’arrêter, mais quand ses gros seins flop de son soutien-gorge et elle secoue son gros cul dans son visage, il a l’option de savoir, mais pour obtenir une pipe d’elle et tittyfuck elle et percer sa chatte dans Soumission!!!

Ava Addams Dans 'Neighbor Affair'

Ava Addams - Neighbor Affair

Ava Addams a pris son ancienne petite amie de collège Raylene en vacances depuis qu’elle est en instance de divorce et a besoin d’un peu de R-R. Quand ils voient par hasard le voisin d’Ava Marco à la même station, Raylene veut renoncer au reste et plonger dans la baise! Ava est gênée au début, mais quand elle voit la grosse bite de Marcos, sort ses gros seins et sa volonté d’apprendre à connaître son voisin un peu mieux!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Giovanni Francesco in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Giovanni va à la maison de son copain pour lui montrer qu’il a fait du travail porno dans certains magazines et vidéos. Mais, bien sûr, il dit juste à la mère de son ami Ava Addams qu’il a fait un peu de "modélisation" de travail ici et là. Quand elle part chercher son fils pour lui, Giovanni commence à feuilleter les mags qu’il va montrer à son copain; ce qu’il ne sait pas, c’est que Mme Addams se faufile à l’étage et regarde par-dessus son épaule et voit ce qu’il a été jusqu’à. Elle le surprend, lui disant que son fils n’est pas à la maison . et qu’elle veut qu’il lui montre comment il baise pour le travail! Elle fouette ses gros seins, suce sa bite et la chevauche comme si elle était une star du porno!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Seth Gamble in My First Sex Teacher'

Ava Addams - My First Sex Teacher

Le nouveau TA du professeur Adams, Kaci, a essayé de se faire baiser par Seth, l’un des étudiants en difficulté du professeur. Seth venait rencontrer le professeur qui a été appelé pour une réuni on d’urgence avec le doyen. Pendant qu’ils sont seuls, ils commencent à être fringants jusqu’à ce qu’ils entendent le professeur Adams arriver. Après son départ, le professeur Adams trouve la culotte de Kaci sur sa chaise. Elle demande à Seth à ce sujet et il nie tout, alors elle lui donne une dernière option: laisser tomber son pantalon pour passer la classe.

Ava Addams Dans 'and Will Powers in Housewife 1 on 1'

Ava Addams - Housewife 1 on 1

Ava Addams et son mari viennent d’acheter une nouvelle table de roulette, et un couple qu’ils connaissent se dirigent vers jouer avec eux. Mais cornée Ava dit à son mari un petit secret: elle leur a dit de ne pas venir jusqu’à beaucoup plus tard, alors elle et son mari ont beaucoup de temps pour "briser" la nouvelle table en baissant sur le dessus de celui-ci!

Ava Addams Dans 'and Ryan Mclane in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ryan est sur le point d’aller jouer au basket-ball avec son copain James, mais la mère de son copain Ava Addams corrals lui à la dernière minute pour lui demander son avis sur ce qu’elle devrait porter pour la nuit. Alors qu’elle lui montre quelques robes sexy, Ryan ne sait pas exactement quoi faire. Elle décide de les essayer pour lui, mais quand elle sort de la salle de bain en lingerie seulement, il n’y a vraiment qu’une seule chose Ryan peut faire à ce point: baiser la merde de sa mère MILF-y de son ami, et sucer ses gros seins!

Ava Addams Dans 'and David Loso in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ava Addams - My Friends Hot Mom

Ava attrape David dans l’atelier d’art de son fils et David explique à Ava pourquoi il était dans le studio. David traverse des moments difficiles et voulait obtenir quelques idées de l’œuvre d’art de Jack. Ava s’assied David pour donner quelques conseils à David. David a besoin de trouver de l’inspiration. Et où est le meilleur endroit pour le trouver? C’est avec Ava !

Ava Addams Dans 'and Clarke Kent in Neighbor Affair'

Ava Addams - Neighbor Affair

Ava est revenue d’un week-end à Las Vegas et a été enfermée hors de sa place par son ex-petit ami maintenant. Clarke est le voisin d’à côté qui l’invite à l’intérieur hors de la chaleur. Elle explique qu’elle s’est un peu saoulée au week-end de bachelorette de son ami et qu’elle a peut-être envoyé des textes et des photos inappropriés. Clarke la console et lui dit qu’elle ira très bien. Ava doit encore être d’humeur parce qu’elle essaie d’embrasser Clarke, qui comme un vrai messieurs repousse ses avances. Mais quand elle veut un homme, personne ne peut résister à ses charmes.

Scènes d’autres sites mettant en vedette Ava Addams

Ava Addams Dans 'Red, White And Nude! The Best Of Independence Day'

Ava Addams - Red, White And Nude! The Best Of Independence Day

To celebrate Independence Day this year - Brazzers has put together the sickest of compilations. Suns out, buns out to commemorate the 4th of July with the wildest & most iconic porn stars to ever grace the screen. Big wet tits, sloppy blowjobs, intense anal action & screaming orgasms are all on the menu. Join in on the patriotic spirit with us & hit play so you can get your rocks off today! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!!

Ava Addams Dans 'If You Can't Stand The Heat... The Best Of Kitchen Sex'

Ava Addams - If You Can't Stand The Heat... The Best Of Kitchen Sex

There's just something about kitchen sex. Maybe it's the cold, sterile tiles. Maybe it's the warm oven & all that sweet batter or even the sneaky thrill of the getting caught! Getting some in the galley is always a tasty treat. Brazzers has stewed up a compilation of some of the finest refrigerator coochie, cupboard cock & stovetop pop shots this side of the Kitchen counter. Feast your eyes on some Michelin star fucking, cooked to perfection in the Brazzers' Kitchen!

Ava Addams Dans 'What A Pair! The Best of Big Natural Boobs'

Ava Addams - What A Pair! The Best of Big Natural Boobs

There's just something about a big pair of titties when they're au naturel! Sit back and enjoy watching some of the hottest Brazzers babes' juicy big naturals bounce, titty fuck and get worshiped in this boob-tastic compilation!

Peta Jensen Dans 'Ho Ho Ho! The Best of The Holidays'

Peta Jensen - Ho Ho Ho! The Best of The Holidays

Tis the season to be filthy, tra-la-la-la-la sit-on-that-cock. Featuring: Angela White, Romi Rain, Ava Addams, Nicole Aniston, Peta Jensen, Keisha Grey, Jenna Ivory, Tyler Nixon, , Keiran Lee, Levi Cash, Mick Blue, and Oliver Flynn. Check out this Brazzers best of the holidays cum-pilation where even Santa makes the naughty list!

Mia Malkova Dans 'Best of ZZ - Yoga Stars'

Mia Malkova - Best of ZZ - Yoga Stars

Yoga is arguably the sexiest form of exercise and the Best of ZZ - Yoga Stars will give you a hundred reasons why! Tight yoga pants, big tits stuffed into tiny sports bras, and a sea of tight, fit bodies are just a few. Tune in and watch the best and hottest of ZZ get stretched out!

Adriana Chechik Dans 'Best of ZZ - Fully Stuffed DPS'

Adriana Chechik - Best of ZZ - Fully Stuffed DPS

With their pussies wet and asses ready for some tag team action, the biggest Brazzers stars get a double dose of big dick in this epic double penetration compilation!

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF goddess Ava Addams gives you a spooktacular, or shall we say boobtacular, experience as a special Halloween Treat'

Ava Addams - MILF goddess Ava Addams gives you a spooktacular, or shall we say boobtacular, experience as a special Halloween Treat

Happy Halloween!! You're celebrating with your big tits babe Ava Addams this year, and you're to go to a spooktacular party! But you're too busy watching a scary movie to get ready. Ava bounds across the room, big boobs a-bouncin' trying to get your ass off the couch…but wait…there's someone else in the house! A crazed, killer clown pops up behind her, but vanishes as soon as she turns to see what you're pointing at it! Is that your mind playing tricks on you? Have you been watching too many spooky movies? Maybe so, and you've got Ava's tits you distract you, so grab onto them and see how else she can take your mind off Halloween! She knows just the thing — she puts your big hard dick in her mouth and pussy! Ava's busting out of her costume to get you in character and fuck her like she wants.I t may be Halloween, but Ava makes makes no bones about your boner today!

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF sex queen, Ava Addams, is going to use her huge tits, big ass, and so much more just to make you CUM'

Ava Addams - MILF sex queen, Ava Addams, is going to use her huge tits, big ass, and so much more just to make you CUM

Holy big tits! That's what you'll try to say as pornstar Ava Addams saunters into the room and you witness the jiggling jugs bursting from her brasserie. But what you should really be saying is 'Those are for me,' as you reach out to touch them. Because today they are. You get what you want at Naughty America VR, and at this hour it's your Porn Star Experience with Ava. She'll ask you just what you want to do to her, and you can tell her. But don't worry, she isn't afraid to take matters and cock into her own hands. After all, she is a professional. But she's certainly going to expect you to do some work, too. For instance, she'll do the facesitting, but you're going to have to dance your tongue all over her pussy to make the magic happen. And, of course, she's going to suck your dick so good that you'll forget about everything else. That is, until she starts bouncing on your dick in cowgirl position and that ridiculous rack starts smacking you happily in the face.

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Ava Addams - fucking in the living room with her tits

Ava Addams is taking signatures to help fight Measure B in Los Angeles County, a measure aiming at forcing the usage of condoms in porn. She stops by a random man's house to ask him for his help in opposing the awful measure, and he's appalled that anyone would want to see condoms in pornography. But rather than just take his John Hancock on her clipboard, the busty cougar takes his big cock in her mouth and in between her big tits before showing him how much her hot pussy doesn't want to be fucked by a dick with a condom on it!

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF babe Ava Addams gets wet n' wild as she bounces her tits all around and shows off her thick ass in a thong for you in The Dressing Room'

Ava Addams - MILF babe Ava Addams gets wet n' wild as she bounces her tits all around and shows off her thick ass in a thong for you in The Dressing Room

Big tits need help! Busty Ava Addams is shopping, and she's having some trouble finding bras that'll fit right and be comfortable enough for the pole-dancing class she's enrolled in. And you, one of the store clerks, you're standing around with your finger up your nose when Ava summons you into her dressing room to help her. What, you've never seen a pair of bare tits before? Maybe not THAT big. Because Ava's got some jugs that'll drop you to your knees when they're bustin' loose. And this is Virtual Reality, so you'll experience them thangs swangiin' in your face, titty-slapping you to kingdom come! Oh, and you will cum once she's through with you. This Ava Addams VR porn video puts you in your place if you ever had one. Bouncing her tits all around and showing off her big fat ass in a thong to you in the dressing room gets her all wet n' wild – enough to tell you to sit down, shut the fuck up and pull your dick out. Next thing you know you're getting a blowjob at work! And it's totally worth getting fired, because Ava's lips won't let go until your fat cock is ready for her pussy. Oh yeah, she's taking you on a trip to the moon and back within that little dressing room, giving you story to tell with nobody to believe you. VR sex with Ava Adams and her big tits? Only at Naughty America VR!

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the bedroom with her tits'

Ava Addams - fucking in the bedroom with her tits

Ava Addams has been carrying on a naughty tryst with her son's friend, Chad. The busty MILF bursts into her son's room, where Chad is sleeping on the floor, and plies him with her bra and panties, trying to get him to fuck her again. He tries to tell her that what they're doing isn't right, and that it needs to stop, but when her big tits flop out of her bra and she shakes her fat ass in his face, he has know option but to get a blowjob from her and tittyfuck her and drill her pussy into submission!!!

Ava Addams Dans 'My naughty MILF step-mom, Ava Adams, wants MY cock instead of my dad's'

Ava Addams - My naughty MILF step-mom, Ava Adams, wants MY cock instead of my dad's

Your dad married a hottie and you can't keep your eyes off of her. The funny thing is, she's noticed since way back when she started dating your father. Today is your lucky day because you finally get to fuck your step-mom. Feeling her wet MILF pussy and cumming in her mouth will be a dirty little secret you'll both take to the grave.

Ava Addams Dans 'Tits or ass — which do you like better How about both from the gorgeous babes Ava Addams and Rachel Starr'

Ava Addams - Tits or ass — which do you like better How about both from the gorgeous babes Ava Addams and Rachel Starr

Are you an ass man or a boob man? Ah, the eternal question. But this time around, pornstars Rachel Starr and Ava Addams are asking you directly! They're lackadaisically pondering the question in the pool, and you just happen to be around taking care of the water, so why not ask you? If you're ready for this, put on your VR headset, but don't get it wet! Rachel and Ava lure you indoors for the Ass vs. Tits contest, and you must decide a winner. It's a VR porn bout for the ages, pitting a MILF buxom brunette against her nipple-pierced contender with a bubble butt. You'll have so much to reach out and grab for in this luscious virtual reality experience! And trust us…you'll want to hold on tight!

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the bed with her tattoos'

Ava Addams - fucking in the bed with her tattoos

Ryan is about to go play basketball with his buddy James, but his pal's mom Ava Addams corrals him at the last minute to ask his opinion on what she should wear out for the night. While she's showing him some sexy dresses, Ryan doesn't know exactly what to do. She decides to try them on for him, but when she pops out of the bathroom in only lingerie, there's really only one thing Ryan can do at that point: fuck the shit out of his friend's MILF-y mom, and suck on her big tits!

Ava Addams Dans 'Your friend's busty mom Ava Addams, cuts your hair before riding your big fat cock'

Ava Addams - Your friend's busty mom Ava Addams, cuts your hair before riding your big fat cock

Your friend's mom, Ava Addams, is giving you a hair cut and she's noticed how much you have grown. She's always picked up on the vibe that you had the hots for her. After the haircut she sneaks you into her room to pamper you even further and lets you play with her big tits and huge ass. She can't help but shove your big dick in her mouth and wet pussy until you cum all over her big tits.

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF pornstar goddess Ava Addams is horny as fuck and ready to please YOU'

Ava Addams - MILF pornstar goddess Ava Addams is horny as fuck and ready to please YOU

Ever been with a pornstar? If 'no' is your answer today, then soon it'll be 'yes.' MILF Pornstar Ava Addams is horny as fuck, and not only that…she's here, and she's here for you! She wants to rub her juicy, fat, big tits all up in your face and let you suck on her plushy pink nipples. After that, she wants to blow you like a pornstar would blow you — sloppy, wet and feeling like it's never going to end. And you won't want it to end…until you find out how wet her pussy is! Ava's so fucking horny she's ready to sit right on your hard dick and ride it until you're ready to explode. Ava's giving you the pornsrtar experience you've always dreamed of.

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Addams'

Ava Addams - Ava Addams

I have to say, this is a little weird. I've never done anything like this, but we do need the money. Stacey, my best friend suggested I do this, so here I am, meeting Alec in a hotel room for sex and money. He's made me feel comfortable with the situation and it's turning me on. I'll slip into something sexy for him so we can have a good time.

Ava Addams Dans 'Married MILF Ava Addams has a carpet salesman make a house visit to see if her carpet matches the drapes'

Ava Addams - Married MILF Ava Addams has a carpet salesman make a house visit to see if her carpet matches the drapes

Ava Addams is one lonely married housewife that has been craving a big cock and satisfaction. Since her husband is at work all the time, she arranges a carpet salesman to come for a house call. She could care less about carpet samples -- what she really wants is this guy to whip out his cock and fuck her on her carpeted floor. Who can resist Ava and her big ass tits and ass?!

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the table with her tattoos'

Ava Addams - fucking in the table with her tattoos

Ava Addams and her husband just purchased a new roulette table, and a couple they know are heading over to play with them. But horny Ava tells her husband a little secret: she told them to not come over till much later, so she and her husband have plenty of time to "break in" the new table by fucking on top of it!

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the bedroom with her black hair'

Ava Addams - fucking in the bedroom with her black hair

Ava Addams took her old college girlfriend Raylene on a vacation since she's going through a divorce and needs some R&R. When they coincidentally see Ava's neighbor Marco at the same resort, Raylene wants to forgo the rest and dive into fucking! Ava's embarrassed at first, but when she sees Marcos's big cock, out come her big titties and a willingness to get to know her neighbor a little better!

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the living room with her natural tits'

Ava Addams - fucking in the living room with her natural tits

Jack's got to get to a meeting, but his big-breasted neighbor Ava stops by to return the laptop she borrowed. Before he goes, she asks him if his marriage is OK, since he and his wife Caroline travel so much separately for work. When Ava brings up the pictures she saw on the laptop, of him fucking Caroline in Jamaica, she can't help but beg for his fat cock. Jack is much obliged, and dutifully inserts his penis into her mouth. Bon voyage, wifey!

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the living room with her black hair'

Ava Addams - fucking in the living room with her black hair

Ava Adams has a house call from an inept salesman. First he offers her a burial plot, then a time-share in Libya and then water softener. But Ava isn't interested in any of what he has to sell, she's more curious about what he's got to give her...namely his cock in her hot wet pussy!

Ava Addams Dans 'Friend Ava Addams fucking in the couch with her natural tits'

Ava Addams - Friend Ava Addams fucking in the couch with her natural tits

Ava has returned from a weekend in Vegas and has been locked out of her place by her now ex-boyfriend. Clarke is the next door neighbor who invites her inside out of the heat. She explains that she got a little fz at her friend's bachelorette weekend and might have sent some inappropriate texts and pictures. Clarke consoles her and tells her she will be just fine. Ava must still be in the mood because she tries to kiss Clarke, who like a true gentlemen rebuffs her advances. But when she wants a man, no one can resist her charms.

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the couch with her big natural tits'

Ava Addams - fucking in the couch with her big natural tits

Giovanni goes over to his buddy's house to show him that he's been doing porn work in some magazines and videos. But, of course, he just tells his friend's mom Ava Addams that he's been doing some "modeling" work here and there. When she leaves to retrieve her son for him, Giovanni starts leafing through the mags he's gonna show his pal; what he doesn't know is that Ms. Addams sneaks back upstairs and peers over his shoulder and sees what he's been up to. She surprises him, telling him that her son isn't home ' and that she wants him to show her how he fucks for work! She whips out her big tits, sucks on his cock and rides it like she's a porn star!

Ava Addams Dans 'fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Ava Addams - fucking in the living room with her big tits

Ava catches David in her son's art studio and David explains to Ava why he was down in the studio. David is going through some tough times and wanted to get some ideas from Jack's art work. Ava sits David down to give David some advice. David needs to find some inspiration. And where's the best place to find it? It is with Ava!

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava And Dana Have Car Sex'

Ava Addams - Ava And Dana Have Car Sex

Ava and Dana are enjoying a nice picnic together when they both realize they want an extra snack… each other. They both reach under the table and begin to rub each other pussies. They make their way to the backseat of the car and Dana pulls out Ava's massive tits and starts to grab them as she rubs Ava's tight pussy pulling her panties to the side. She kisses her and makes her way down sucking on her massive tits then begins to eat Ava's pussy out. As she moans in pleasure Ava then pulls Dana back and starts to finger Dana's tight pussy holding he back looking at all the faces of ecstasy that she makes. Dana then bends ava over and eats her ass and pussy from behind as Ava cums Dana is once again pushed against the seats and Ava is rubbing her clit and fingering her until Dana gets her turn to cum.

Ava Addams Dans 'Best Of Brazzers: Ava Addams'

Ava Addams - Best Of Brazzers: Ava Addams

The much-loved MILF with the double D tits, Ava Addams has been blowing us all away with incredible performances in what can only be described as a hall of fame-worthy career. In this compilation we revisit some of Ava's greatest Brazzers scenes. Watch her wet pussy cum over and over again while Ava showcases her incredible ability to ride and suck the hard cocks that keep her coming back for more hardcore action year after year!

Angela White Dans 'Best Of Brazzers: Titty Tuesday'

Angela White - Best Of Brazzers: Titty Tuesday

Big or petite, in your mouth or around your cock, we love titties and we know you do too! We went deep into the Brazzers vault to find the breast of the best boob-worthy scenes for your viewing pleasure, starring some of your all-time favorite performers.

Ava Addams Dans 'Finish The Deal'

Ava Addams - Finish The Deal

Sexy real estate agent gets creampied to convince her client to buy and close the deal.

Ava Addams Dans 'Red Carpet Streaker'

Ava Addams - Red Carpet Streaker

Ava Addams is looking stunning out on the red carpet of an adult industry gala event. When her interview is rudely interrupted by a streaker, Ava plays along and takes things farther than the streaker was ready for! Taking his hard cock down her wet throat wasn't the first thing Ava had in mind but it's certainly not the last things she's going to do to him!

Ava Addams Dans 'Sinking Some Balls'

Ava Addams - Sinking Some Balls

All sex-deprived Ava Addams wants is some attention from her husband, but that's not going to happen. In fact, he's just gone and invited their new neighbor Keiran Lee over for dinner. When Keiran offers Ava hands-on tips for how to use her husband's pool table, Ava ditches her panties and lifts her skirt to satisfy her wet pussy while sticking it to her oblivious hubby.

Ava Addams Dans 'No Trespassing'

Ava Addams - No Trespassing

When Xander Corvus' toy lands in Ava Adam's backyard, he considers forgetting about it entirely. However, today is no ordinary day… Xander refuses to lose another toy to his mean neighbor. Xander decides to hop the fence and get it back, by any means necessary. However, when Xander comes face to face with Ava's sexy, oiled up body, he has a choice to make. Grab his toy and run… or risk it all for a chance to feel up this super babe. Before he can make a move, Ava catches Xander and decides to teach him a lesson…

Ava Addams Dans 'Mother Daughter Boning'

Ava Addams - Mother Daughter Boning

When Gianna Dior sneaks her boyfriend, Tyler Nixon, into the house, the two horny college students can't keep their hands off each other! She takes him up to her bedroom, and they start fucking. As they do so, Gianna's mom, Ava Addams, hears them and gets up. The door is slightly ajar and she takes a peek – instead of getting mad, she eyes up Tyler, intrigued by his intense sex drive. When Tyler leaves to go grab a pair of kinky handcuffs from his car, Ava intercepts and comes onto him – naturally Tyler can't resist the opportunity to fuck a hot MILF like Ava. When Gianna calls out to Tyler to come back and fuck her, Tyler finds himself in a sticky situation… will he be able to slip back and forth between both of these babes without getting caught?

Ava Addams Dans 'Seduced By His Stepmom'

Ava Addams - Seduced By His Stepmom

Ava Addams' stepson, Ricky Johnson, is dressed up for a date. Ava sees his wrinkled clothes and tells him to take them off so she can properly iron them for him. The busty Ava quizzes Ricky about his date, and finds out he doesn't have much experience with women! The lovely Ms. Addams decides to help Ricky with his kissing. Ricky is shy and nervous at first, then his horny stepmom takes the lead, with their practice escalating to sex when the cock craving Ava successfully seduces him for a fuck!

Ava Addams Dans 'Sucking The Sitter'

Ava Addams - Sucking The Sitter

Ava Addams is sick of her good for nothing husband always getting too drunk to fool around after brunch. She decides enough is enough: she's fucking the baby-sitter. Ava corners the sitter in the kitchen and makes him admit that he wants to see her huge creamy tits. She gives him a long, sloppy blowjob, working out her sexual frustrations while her no-good husband sleeps off his mimosas in the next room. Ava is almost caught, but nothing will stop her from getting deeply dicked down by her horny baby-sitter.

Ava Addams Dans 'Bra Busters 9'

Ava Addams - Bra Busters 9

Busty Babe Ava Addams shows off her magnificent mammaries in this Bra Bustin' scene with Markus Dupree. Ava's black lace lingerie can barely contain her bountiful bosom as she shows off her curvaceous body to the camera. She slides down her panties a little so we can observe her perfect ass in all of its glory then finally, what we've been waiting for, Ava takes off her bra and let's those giant puppies breathe! Ava squeezes and shakes her huge rack in the sun before heading inside to meet her stud. Marks grabs those massive melons from behind and plays with them as Ava grinds her ass against his jeans then pushes her against the wall so her can busy his face between her ass cheeks. Markus worships her booty then pulls his cock out and starts pounding her pussy from behind. Ava squirts all over the place then gets on her knees and makes Markus' cock disappear between her giant jigs as he titty fucks her hard. He switches between fucking her tits and fucking her mouth with his hard cock then lays on the ground so Ava can ride that dick. In this position we get the best view of those big tits bouncing as Markus pounds that pussy harder and harder. He fucks Ava so good that she can't control herself and start squirting everywhere before painting her face with all of his cum!

Ava Addams Dans 'The Package'

Ava Addams - The Package

When Xander Corvus' demanding boss sends him into the office on a Saturday to pick up an important package, the overworked employee is less than thrilled – until he spots a mysterious, 1 800 Phone Sex branded gift box! Though he tries to resist at first, Xander can't help but rip the thing open after hearing a mysterious ringing from inside – when he answers the nondescript flip phone hiding inside the box, it's sexy smooth talker Ava Adams, ready and waiting to give the person at the other end of the line an unforgettable, extra special delivery!

Ava Addams Dans 'Affirmation to Tit Formation'

Ava Addams - Affirmation to Tit Formation

Justin Hunt spends his nights dreaming of big, beautiful tits, only to be rudely interrupted by his alarm clock each morning. On one fateful afternoon, Justin's new stepmom, Ava Adams, comes home from a trip sporting brand spankin' new boobs… and she's not shy about showing them off.

Ava Addams Dans 'Pictures of Her'

Ava Addams - Pictures of Her

Ava Addams' new stepson Tyler Nixon is an aspiring photographer, and he's been secretly taking provocative pictures of her without her knowledge. When Ava discovers Tyler's dark room and sees naked pictures of her, she questions why he would do such a thing. Tyler confesses that he thinks she's incredibly beautiful and is jealous of his father for marrying her. Ava can't help but feel a little flattered, and when she sees how nice her pictures look, agrees to an impromptu photo shoot in Tyler's bedroom. She catches Tyler off-guard when she disrobes, revealing her gorgeous, big tits. Once her clothes come off, Ava thinks of something better to do, sucking and fucking Tyler in her stockings until he unloads all over her photogenic face.

Ava Addams Dans 'The Hard Sell'

Ava Addams - The Hard Sell

Kelly's supposed to be showing a house to Ava, running late she tells her the door's unlocked and to make herself at home. Ryan shows up while Ava is getting dressed after taking a dip in the pool, catching her wearing one of his wife's dresses! He's not going to ignore a perfect pair of big tits, and decides to make a move. Making her feel completely at home by fucking her right there in the bedroom, filling her MILF pussy with cum!

Ava Addams Dans 'Dominate Me Please'

Ava Addams - Dominate Me Please

Ava is a record executive and being attracted to clients is not unusual and rarely an issue. However, with her latest portfolio addition, it hasn't been easy. She can't stop thinking about him - and when the deal becomes a little more personal, it's time to keep this contract just between themselves.

Ava Addams Dans 'In Naughty Vacuuming'

Ava Addams - In Naughty Vacuuming

Ava Addams comes home to her stepson's mess. He had a party and left the house wrecked. She's upset but started cleaning and shortly after she started using the vacuum she gets a naughty idea. This chick has super great tits. She shows us her amazing rack as she starts masturbating with the vacuum. Her stepson ends up walking in on her, after freaking out she asks if he likes what he sees. She gives this lucky guy great sucking and tit fucking before she gets to feel his cock inside of her. They fuck from multiple positions until he finally cums all over her juicy tits.

Ava Addams Dans 'Rent-A-Pornstar: The Lonely Bachelor'

Ava Addams - Rent-A-Pornstar: The Lonely Bachelor

Keiran Lee is having another sleepless night and he needs to fuck. Not just anyone will do, he wants to sick his big dick in his all-time favorite pornstar – Ava Adams! Busty MILF Ava gets his file and likes what she sees, so she slips into the sluttiest lingerie she owns, as per his request, and marches that juicy ass over to his place. After a nervous start, Kerian gets a taste of the pussy he's idolized until Ava grabs the reigns and sucks up his huge cock! But they both know why she's here. Ava spreads her perfect ass, revealing a soaking wet pussy for Keiran to slide in and pound as hard as he can! Lucky man gets to titfuck her big beautiful natural tits until he's glazing them in a warm load!

Ava Addams Dans 'MILFfidelity'

Ava Addams - MILFfidelity

Ava Addams returns with her massive MILF tits to visit Ryan. After a day of shopping, she comes back to slip into something more comfortable. Once Ryan comes over, she gets what she really came for, that big juicy dick between her huge titties and filling up her snatch with cum!

Ava Addams Dans 'Getting Her Beauty Peep'

Ava Addams - Getting Her Beauty Peep

Ava Adams' husband can't keep up with her high sex drive, she just wants to fuck all the time, and he want her to spend some time with her stepson. Xander Corvus was just strolling through the living room when he finds his new stepmom lounging almost fully naked on the couch! She tell shim to grab her big tits and he does as he's told. After giving her a mouthful of big dick to suck on, Xander bends her over and stretches out her MILF pussy with every inch of cock she can take! After fucking her all over the living room Xander can't hold back any longer, pulling her to her knees and glazing her huge boobs in a creamy load!

Ava Addams Dans 'Peeping on Squirting Ava Adams'

Ava Addams - Peeping on Squirting Ava Adams

Ava Adams has a peeping tom neighbor. As she was showering he snuck into her house and started sniffing her panties. She discovered him as she finished showering. She confronted him and discovered that it was actually her neighbor. She proceeds to give him what he wants, She shoved his head in her gigantic tits. From there, things escalated. Ava Adams had her neighbor penetrate her pussy in several different positions before receiving a giant load all over her face.

Ava Addams Dans 'My Stepmom Is My Valentine'

Ava Addams - My Stepmom Is My Valentine

Stepmom Ava consoles her stepson after he was rejected with his marriage proposal and subsequently dumped on same day.

Ava Addams Dans 'Breasts and Body rub'

Ava Addams - Breasts and Body rub

Ava Addams strips into sexy lingerie, gets oiled up, strips nude for erotic massage and passionate sex.

Ava Addams Dans 'Office 4-Play: Christmas Bonuses'

Ava Addams - Office 4-Play: Christmas Bonuses

It's that magical time of year again: holiday parties, office shenanigans, and receiving a big, fat Christmas bonus. At least it should be, but after last year's messy holiday bash, Mr. Lee has other ideas. This year, he's withholding the Christmas bonuses until after the party—that way everyone is sure to be on their best behavior. Fortunately for him, all the ladies have a different take on what exactly their best behavior is and before he knows it, he's having a hot fivesome with four beautiful busty babes. Merry Christmas for Mr. Lee indeed!

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF Private Fantasies 3'

Ava Addams - MILF Private Fantasies 3

Seasoned slut Ava Addams is a horny MILF trying to spice things up in the bedroom with her husband. She's mostly into role playing and has tried different costumes to keep things interesting. Every time she dresses up she makes sure that her huge tits are bursting out of her top and her tight ass is on full display for her man. She's been a French maid, a sexy schoolgirl, and a naughty Santa's helper and it always seems to have the same result, Manuel takes her to the bedroom and fucks her brains out. Manuel lays her out on the bed as he licks and fingers that tight pussy, making Ava squeak in enjoyment. She returns that favor and sucks that hard cock before squeezing it between those huge tits of hers and giving him the boob job of his life! Manuel pounds that tight pussy from all angles and in all positions before sliding his cock between those tits again and blasting his load all over Ava's face and down her throat.

Ava Addams Dans 'One Strict Mama'

Ava Addams - One Strict Mama

Ricky has had just about enough of his nosy girlfriend's Mom, Ava. Every time he tries to make a move, she's there to cock block him. So when Ava decides to have a little pep talk with Ricky, he expects the worst. Turns out Ava has a bit of a compromise, she'd rather Ricky take his hands off her daughter and put them all over her. When Ava shoves her bountiful boobs in his face, he simply can't resist. It doesn't take long before Ava is slurping down on Ricky's dick before fucking her all over her kitchen. Sure is one way to get into Ava's good books!

Ava Addams Dans 'Fucks the Best Man'

Ava Addams - Fucks the Best Man

Ava Addams is getting ready to take a bath before her wedding. We get a great look at those big beautiful tits of hers. She decides to play with her pussy to relax before the ceremony. The best man, Johnny, then comes into the bathroom and finds her masturbating. After both are past their initial shock, she decides she wants some of his cock. While the groom is downstairs waiting, Ava gets the fuck of a lifetime. If you're a fan of big tits, this update will not disappoint.

Ava Addams Dans 'Vacay Lay'

Ava Addams - Vacay Lay

A vacation rental host who loves to have couples stay with her! Little do they know she has a special talent for home-wrecking…you think your wife is hot, wait until you meet your host! For this perky proprietress voyeurism isn't enough!

Ava Addams Dans 'All Night Rager'

Ava Addams - All Night Rager

Ava wants her anniversary to be perfect, but her teenage neighbour Kimmy is ruining it with a loud birthday party. Ava and her husband storm over to talk to the young slut's parents, but Kimmy's dad just tells them to loosen up. Ava tries to talk to Kimmy and her friends but they are out of control! She thinks she can seduce the boring old married couple with her tight teenage body, but Ava and Keiran show her who's boss. Happy birthday Kimmy!

Ava Addams Dans 'Moms Panty Bandit'

Ava Addams - Moms Panty Bandit

Rumor has it that a pervert is circling the neighborhood, plundering the best of the ladies' lingerie drawers. The block watch is very concerned, but their leader Ava is more intrigued. The horny mom sets a trap for the bandit, stringing out a laundry line of panties to catch Van red-handed. Then, the milf reveals she's hungrier for dick than revenge.

Ava Addams Dans 'Pornstar Experience'

Ava Addams - Pornstar Experience

Ever been with a pornstar? If “no” is your answer today, tomorrow it'll be “yes.” Pornstar Ava Addams is horny as fuck, and not only that…she's here, and she's here for you! She wants to rub her juicy, fat, big tits all up in your face and let you suck on her plushy pink nipples. After that, she wants to blow you like a pornstar would blow you — sloppy, wet and feeling like it's never going to end. And you won't want it to end…until you find out how wet her pussy is! Ava's so fucking horny she's ready to sit right on your hard dick and ride it until you're ready to explode. Ava's giving you the pornsrtar experience you've always wanted…enjoy it while she's here!

Ava Addams Dans 'Tits and Ass'

Ava Addams - Tits and Ass

Tits or ass — which do you like better? It's a difficult question, but Rachel Starr and Ava Addams want to know your answer! You just happen to be caring for the pool while the two sexy brunettes are taking a dip, but now they're luring you inside for a contest between butt and boobs. Sit back and let the games begin! Busty MILF Ava Addams strips off her top to reveal her jiggly big tits, while Rachel Starr shakes her fat, big ass cheeks swallowing the thong bikini she's about to wiggle off. Yes, these two are getting naked for you, and they're even going to use their assets while they seduce and fuck you like the pool boy you are. Let your dick and balls decide for you when you spray cum all over their tits…or asses?

Ava Addams Dans 'Number One Fan'

Ava Addams - Number One Fan

Ava has a houseguest that she doesn't even know about. An infatuated fan has been hiding out in her attic for some time, watching, waiting, adoring from afar. Until she hears a noise and goes to investigate. Never one to disappoint a fan, she makes his dream come true, just like in the movies!

Ava Addams Dans 'Mom, Hands Off My Boyfriend'

Ava Addams - Mom, Hands Off My Boyfriend

Ava is horny and in desperate need of some cock. So, when she notices her daughter's new boyfriend is over at the house, she interrupts their make-out session on the couch. Xander suggests that he and his girlfriend go out for the evening and so Ava's daughter goes off to get ready, leaving Ava alone with the cocky Xander. Ava wants to get to know Xander and tries every way possible to get closer to him. Suddenly, Xander realizes that this MILF isn't trying to size him up—she's trying to seduce him, especially when she demands to see his cock! Can Ava control herself, or will her daughter realize she shouldn't bring her boyfriend home anymore?

Ava Addams Dans 'What Do You Think You're Doing'

Ava Addams - What Do You Think You're Doing

Ava is woken up in the middle of the night by commotion coming from her daughter’s room. Ava notices that her daughter’s slutty friend, Adriana, is over and the girls are practicing giving blowjobs with a dildo! Ava confiscates the dildo and tells the girls to get to bed. Only, Adriana isn’t ready to turn out the light on this sleepover just yet — not without her dildo, of course! Will Ava be willing to give it up?

Ava Addams Dans 'Survey My Pussy'

Ava Addams - Survey My Pussy

Ava is a bored housewife who needs a hard cock in her life. Her husband works so much and he won't even give her phone sex. So when a nice young man comes by with a survey she sees an opportunity to get the dicking she's been dreaming of!

Ava Addams Dans 'Stay Away From My Daughter- Part 2'

Ava Addams - Stay Away From My Daughter- Part 2

Ava's husband has no idea the sacrifice she made for their daughter. To keep sleazy Keiran away from her she agreed to fuck him - one time only. So she's furious when she comes home one day to find him there. Looks like she'll have to convince him one more time - this time by letting him fuck her ass! The things a mother will do for her daughter.

Bridgette B Dans 'Chasing That Big D'

Bridgette B - Chasing That Big D

Angela, Ava and Bridgette are enjoying their morning jog when they spot a big dick flopping around in grey sweatpants. Not ones to pass up a perfect cock these stacked sluts chase after Keiran and are soon joined by a herd of equally horny women. Keiran reaches home and hops in the shower, clueless that he's being hunted. But it's not long before he's attacked by three horny porn stars determined to take his dick!

Ava Addams Dans 'Stepmom's Boobs II'

Ava Addams - Stepmom's Boobs II

Lucas hates Ava, his new gold-digging stepmom-to-be. All he wants to do is expose her, but his efforts prove no match when he gets seduced by her giant tits and experienced pussy!

Ava Addams Dans 'Squeaky Clean'

Ava Addams - Squeaky Clean

Megan can't wait to fuck her boyfriend Jordi, and today they have the whole house to themselves - or so they think. Jordi's stepmom Ava comes home and sees the teens 69ing on Jordi's bed. But instead of getting mad this hot milf feels so turned on she runs herself a nice bath so she play with her pussy in the tub. Meanwhile Megan is ready to take that cock so she runs to the bathroom to find a condom, but instead she finds her boyfriend's stepmom! Ava invites Megan to take a bath with her. What will Jordi think when he finds his girlfriend licking his stepmom's pussy?

Ava Addams Dans 'Stay Away From My Daughter'

Ava Addams - Stay Away From My Daughter

Ava would do anything to protect her family. So when she finds out her daughter Kimberly is dating an older man, she marches over to his house to confront the creep. But Keiran isn't going down without a fight - or a fuck! Ava's big tits might just be enough to persuade his cock.

Ava Addams Dans 'The New Appli-cunt'

Ava Addams - The New Appli-cunt

Riley Jenner is desperate for a job so when she walks into an office to apply for a position, she's heartbroken when it appears the boss, Charles Dera, has no time for her. Luckily for Ms. Jenner, the busty and seductively dressed Ava Addams is willing to show her how this office really operates: a lot of cleavage will get you far! Ava then brings the revamped tramp into her boss' office for a proper introduction—full of double blowjobs and tittyfucks of course! Will this new appli-cunt be able to impress Mr. Dera with her sexy skills, or will Ms. Addams have to teach her further slut training techniques?

Ava Addams Dans 'Eavesdropping on Mom: Part Two'

Ava Addams - Eavesdropping on Mom: Part Two

Previously on Mommy's girl, stepmom Ava Addams and stepdaughter Darcie Dolce secretly engaged in a sensual lesbian sexcapade, pleasing their utmost fantasies. They promised to never let anyone know about their lesbian involvement, especially Darcie's father. But Darcie confides in her best friend Jade Nile giving the jaw dropping juicy details about her lesbian incident. Jade knows all too well the pleasures of fucking another woman as she spills the juicy details of her very own lesbian experiences. Little did the girls know the sneaky step mom is listening to them bitch and complain about how crazy all these wannabe step mother's are and how they think they can get away with seducing their daughters to gratify their lesbian urges.Ava has heard enough of them calling her a whore and a conniving bitch stepping in to defend herself. She calls Darcie out, saying that she is just as guilty. Ava forces Darcie to tell the whole story but Darcie has absolutely nothing to say. Ava rants on about how crazy and malicious her stepdaughters are, and if anyone is a victim in this lesbian charade it's herself. It's time that Ava shows these girls a lesson or two on parental respect!Ava grabs Darcie by the hair and spanks her ass, forcing her to admit how much she likes being fucked by her mother. Jade's jaw drops to the floor as she hears Darcie admit how much she enjoys being pleased sexually by other women. Darcie drops to her knees plowing her mouth deep on Ava's massive nipples. Jade doesn't want to feel left alone as Ava's orders Darcie to invite her to join in the lesbian fun. Jade lays on the bed as Ava sits on her face feeling her warm tongue slither over her wet pussy as Darcie's mouth sucks on Jade's hairy pussy sculpting a beautiful threesome. They laugh and giggle enjoying back to back orgasms , tribbing harmoniously and finishing Jade off with some double tongue mother-daughter pussy eating synchronicity!

Ava Addams Dans 'The Dick Doctor'

Ava Addams - The Dick Doctor

Bill Bailey is a bit shy about his big dick problem, but Dr. Addams is going to take good care of him. After a quick exam she soothes his worries with a nice blowjob. Bill has never had a woman handle his huge cock like this, but Dr. Addams is a true professional. She administers some much needed fucking and extracts his cum all over her pretty face.

Ava Addams Dans 'The Fucking Food Inspector'

Ava Addams - The Fucking Food Inspector

Health inspector Ava Addams is notorious in the restaurant scene for being an uptight bitch. With her reputation for shutting down restaurants for even the slightest transgressions, Ava is feared by every chef from Coquitlam to Kalamazoo. However, when sous-chef Xander Corvus discovers Ava getting herself off in the pantry with his restaurant's produce, he realizes that Ava isn't so bad, she just needs a good hard fucking.

Ava Addams Dans 'Eavesdropping on Mom: Part One'

Ava Addams - Eavesdropping on Mom: Part One

Darcie Dolce is on her way back from the gym. She just came from a brilliant workout with her best friend Jade Nile, and a great view to boot. Little does she know, it's not the only great view of an ass she'll get today. As Darcie approaches the back door to her house she sees her new stepmom Ava Addams undressing inside. Ava's also on the phone with her best friend Cherie, who we all know has had her way with her stepdaughters when her husband is away. None of this surprises Ava as she listens intently to Cherie's suggestions, as Darcie sneakily watches and listens.Darcie's inner drive was initiated when she saw her beautiful MILF stepmom getting undressed, but when she heard that her father hasn't been keeping Ava satisfied, Darcie decides to try and make a move. With nowhere to go, Ava can't resist her daughter's charm, pleased to be met with inflamed budding tits, just like hers used to be. Darcie starts out by coming out to her new mommy. Ava is as graceful as any lesbian's mom should be, but when Darcie reveals that her crush is really for Ava, and Darcie pounces on top of her, Ava tries to clear the way, only to hear Darcie's excuse that she heard Cherie and her talking about it earlier. Ava is appalled that Darcie would snoop, but we see through her resistance immediately, when Ava sees Darcie's beautiful tits and has her own massive boobs sucked to perfection by her sweet girl. The compliments fly, compliments they never thought they'd have a chance to share. Soon their tits are bouncing together, and Ava is offered Darcie's sweet wet pussy, ready to be sucked and stimulated until Darcie has her first orgasm with Mommy. Darcie helps Ava get more comfortable, tearing off her bra, and showing her how good she is at licking pussy, taking all of Ava's juicy lesbian cum in her sweet teen mouth!

Ava Addams Dans 'Milf Squad Vegas- Big Cock Commandeering'

Ava Addams - Milf Squad Vegas- Big Cock Commandeering

Officer Ava Adams is walking her regular beat when she spots a young couple getting frisky inside their parked automobile. If there's one thing an cop like Ava hates more than public indecency, it's to see good cock wasted on empty-headed civilian bimbos. Officer Ava thus decides to take Bill Bailey's cock for herself, leaving his weepy little girlfriend to watch the law come out on top once again.

Ava Addams Dans 'Axel Braun's Cougar Alert Scene 1'

Ava Addams - Axel Braun's Cougar Alert Scene 1

Be advised … cougars have been spotted in the neighborhood! Luckily, legendary director Axel Braun was there with his camera to immortalize them as they roared their way down the pants of a few good boys. MILF superstar Ava Addams leads a stellar cast in another steamy title from adult powerhouse Wicked Pictures!

Ava Addams Dans 'Moms Christmas Stuffing'

Ava Addams - Moms Christmas Stuffing

Ava Addams is a stacked mommy with a very special holiday tradition: every year her daughter brings home a new boyfriend to meet her parents, and every year Ava fucks his brains out. This year it's Tyler's turn. He tries to resist his girlfriend's mom's giant tits, but resistance is futile when she sneaks into his room decked out in Christmas lingerie.

Ava Addams Dans 'Experience Ava Addams'

Ava Addams - Experience Ava Addams

Ever wanted to fuck Ava Addams ? Well, now you can!!! This week on BangPOV we bring you this sexy, natural beauty Ava Addams. First, you'll get to rub some lotion on her 34DD tits as well as her big ol' booty. Then, it's time to go in for the kill.

Ava Addams Dans 'Secret Sleepover'

Ava Addams - Secret Sleepover

Abella Danger enters the bedroom where her stepmother is sleeping quietly at night. She gently caresses Ava Addams inner thighs as she sleeps. Ava wakes up startled, wondering what her stepdaughter is doing in her room so late. Abella admits she is scared to sleep alone while dad is gone and she is just seeking security. Ava reassures Abella that they are perfectly safe, no one is going to break in, and no one is going to take her away from Ava. But she pleads with Ava until she finally gives in. As Ava spoons with her stepdaughter, She becomes uncomfortable that Abella needs to be cuddled at her age and lets her know. Besides, Abella's papa wouldn't condone such a thing. Abella wants to know why he wouldn't be okay with it, and Ava spills. She explains that she didn't have such a great past with any of her previous teens. Ava tells her how she couldn't resist the lesbian temptation of her nubile teens which ultimately ended up ruining her previous marriages. Abella is intrigued by her stepmother and her lesbian stories, soon she feels some tingling sensations under her teen panties and asks herself is she might be a lesbian too.Ava can't control her sexual thirst and makes Abella promise that daddy won't know a thing! Plunging right into her stepdaughter's arms, Ava welcomes Abella to grab hold of her voluptuous massive breasts. She asks Ava to share stories about her other husband's teens and describe the things Ava used to do to them sexually. Placing her hands down her underwear, Abella plays with her pussy and breasts making her hornier as Ava shares her lesbian experiences. Ava takes over with Abella's pussy, stroking her labia vigorously with her soft hands, coaxing an intoxicating orgasm from her horny core. Abella wants to taste her stepmother's pussy, and places her mouth deep inside her stepmom's legs, stroking her lips back in forth, encouraging Ava to cum all over her stepdaughter's hungry face. Do you think Abella lives up to mommy's expectations?

Ava Addams Dans 'Way Better Than Dad: Part Two'

Ava Addams - Way Better Than Dad: Part Two

Ava Adams sexual escapade continues, wild with her lesbian desires to be fulfilled once again. She calls Ariana's friend Gracie Glam luring her to come, using Ariana as leverage for the urgency of her presence. Gracie takes the bait, unaware of Ava's sapphic appetite and the sexual experience with a woman twice her age.Gracie sits down beside Ava, wondering why her friends step-mother is wearing a seductive, see-through lingerie, bearing her huge boobs. Ava admits the purpose of her call to Gracie, her interests revealed that she insists Gracie fuck her with a huge strap on dildo. Gracie is taken back, however, her fantasy to engage in a lesbian experience with an older woman has long been in her thoughts, eager to finally fulfill her sexual rapture.Gracie is captivated by Ava's monstrous boobs, stuffing her mouth with her juicy nipples. Ava asks Gracie's permission to eat her pussy which she gives her full access. Ava places Gracie's underwear to the side, exposing her pretty shaved pussy, spreading her lips, begging Ava to lick her clit, breathing heavily with sighs of sexual pleasure. It's Ava's turn to have her pussy pleased with her dildo, lubing the cock with oil, straddling Gracie, bouncing her huge ass and boobs for her lesbian lover. Ava bends on all fours, ready for Gracie to fuck her doggy style, promising she will do her best to please her sexual needs!Enjoy!

Ariana Marie Dans 'Way Better Than Dad: Part One'

Ariana Marie - Way Better Than Dad: Part One

Getting rid of all her ex husbands belongings, Ava Adams stumbles upon a love letter he wrote to her which is too much to handle, especially during such an emotional phase. Ava misses her step daughter, Ariana Marie immensely, and gives her a call, making sure she is doing well. Now that school is out, Ariana asks her mother if she can stay with her for a while but considering with things being such a mess, Ava doesn't think it's the best idea. It doesn't take a lot for Ava to be won over as relief sets in knowing she will hold her daughter in her arms once again.Ava admits that with all these emotions coming back at play, her loneliness is what really triggers her sadness. Feeling bored, isolated and bitter are at the bottom of Ava's problems; Ava is horny! With no fuck buddies to even consider at the moment, Ariana suggests that she can take care of her mothers sexual needs. Ariana has been experimenting with her best friend Gracie and apply her lesbian skills to please her lonely mother. After a lot of reconsideration, Ava accepts Ariana's offer, but with one exception; Ariana fucks her with a Strap on dildo!Ariana promises to make her mother feel good, now that she has a dick to fuck her with. Ava straddles her daughter reverse cowgirl, bouncing up and down on the hard cock, pinching her enormous nipples, enjoying this lesbian experience more than she ever did with her husband. Ava cannot wait to taste her daughters pussy, Adriana's tight lips and firm breasts are a delight to touch. Ava licks, strokes and spits all over Adriana's pussy, waiting for her daughters's cum to fill her mouth. Ava definitely feels better, her sexual tension has been fulfilled by Adriana, but she wants more. Unfortunately, Adriana is going out for the night, but she did mention that her bestie Gracie has a thing for moms...Will Ava give Gracie a call for round two?To be continued!

August Ames Dans 'Wife Showers With The Babysitter'

August Ames - Wife Showers With The Babysitter

Ava has a dirty secret: she's been fucking the babysitter behind her husband's back. The two of them are 69ing on the Ava's marital bed when Ava's husband Jessy comes home early from work! So Ava quickly hides August in the bathroom while she takes care of her man. Halfway through giving him a sloppy blowjob Ava runs out to check on August, and she quickly forgets all about her husband waiting for her in the other room. These two big boobied hotties can't keep their hands off each other! Jessy walks in on his wife showering with the babysitter, but instead of getting mad he gets his dick wet.

Ava Addams Dans 'Deadpool Fuck'

Ava Addams - Deadpool Fuck

Big tit Milf Ava Adams is a goodamn pro when it comes to receiving the cock! Tommy Gunn shows up, and get right down to it! Hardcore raw pussy slamming and relentlessly action! This babe has a perfect natural rack, and she is ALWAYS ready to fuck! It doesn't get any better than this! Enjoy!

Phoenix Marie Dans 'Strap On Anal Lesbians 03'

Phoenix Marie - Strap On Anal Lesbians 03

Busty MILF beauties Ava Addams and Phoenix Marie wear sheer lingerie -- they're eager to have some lesbian fun with Phoenix's gigantic, black strap-on dildo! The experienced ladies take turns wielding the monster strap-on, squeezing its shaft with their huge tits and taking it deeply in every orifice. Ava and Phoenix fuck each other's rectum until they're each gaping with perverse pleasure, and they happily suck their fake cock ass-to-mouth, savoring the sweet, addictive funk of female crack.

Ava Addams Dans 'Big Tits Ava Addams gets an Anal Excavation'

Ava Addams - Big Tits Ava Addams gets an Anal Excavation

Ava Addams joins us for another edition of Big Tits Round Ass. Ava has been in the business of taking dick for quite some time now. This chick is perfect, she looks as if she were photoshopped on real life. Ava has a huge set of tits, an ass that gets bigger and rounder every year, and a killer body. However, this is no regular edition of BTRA. Ava Addams brings to us an all ANAL edition. She gets an anal pounding she won't soon forget. Ava loves to get fucked in the ass, she takes that dick with a huge smile. Enjoy!

Ava Addams Dans 'Orientation'

Ava Addams - Orientation

A new hire is introduced to his coworkers through an orientation meeting where he meets the voluptuous and curvy Ava Addams. She hopes he has a big enough dick to satisfy her sexual needs, because around here everyone puts 110percent and nothing less.

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava's Experienced Feet'

Ava Addams - Ava's Experienced Feet

Ava is one of the hottest MILFs out there, but being sexy is not her only gift. She is amazingly good with her feet and considering how much of a footjob fan she is, it is not such a big surprise. But let her actions do the talking instead of us.

Ava Addams Dans 'Fourth of July- Big Butt Independence'

Ava Addams - Fourth of July- Big Butt Independence

God bless America, the home of many sexy sluts, including the gorgeous goddess, Ava Addams. Her big tits are plump and perfect, but what really makes her hot as fuck is her big wet beautiful American ass. This Independence Day, show some patriotism and some love for one of the best porn stars America has to offer--the one and only Ava Addams!

Alektra Blue Dans 'Brazzers House- Behind the Scenes'

Alektra Blue - Brazzers House- Behind the Scenes

In this Brazzers House bonus featurette we take you behind the scenes for an exclusive look back at this groundbreaking series! Hold on tight, it's going to be a wild ride!

Ava Addams Dans 'Brazzers House Orgy Finale'

Ava Addams - Brazzers House Orgy Finale

Bear witness to the grandest of finales as Brazzers House concludes with a nut-swelling bonanza of carnal depravity! Ava Adams, Phoenix Marie, Romi Rain, Tory Lane, and Nikki Benz close out this groundbreaking series with a sun-soaked orgy that is destined to take its place in the pantheon of all-time cum-drenched classics! How did we end Brazzers House? With a bang!

Ava Addams Dans 'Brazzers House Sex Challenge'

Ava Addams - Brazzers House Sex Challenge

Welcome to the Brazzers House Sex Challenge! In this episode it's every slut for herself as Ava Adams, Phoenix Marie, Tory Lane and Romi Rain must each bang their way through four unique fuck rooms. With every room having it's own set of rules and restrictions, it will be up to our final four contestants to bust out all their special sex skills if they want to come out on top!

Ava Addams Dans 'My Exs Angry Mom'

Ava Addams - My Exs Angry Mom

Keisha is caught off guard when her next appointment turns out to be her ex's angry mom, Ava, who has got one hell of a bone to pick with this naughty masseuse. At first Keisha doesn't know what to do as this furious MILF strips down and demands the same treatment she would receive if she was one of her regular johns. "Is that all you got?" Ava asks, when the massage is a little too tender for her taste. Rising to the challenge, Keisha buries her pretty face between those oiled up thighs, and sucks that clit until Ava cums, shaking with pleasure. But these slutty lesbians are nowhere near finished! Ava takes charge, ripping off Keisha's shirt and exposing those big natural tits, then pulling down her panties and fisting her tight asshole, teaching her a lesson about what it means to fuck with her son.

Ava Addams Dans 'Double Timing Wife - Part 3'

Ava Addams - Double Timing Wife - Part 3

Ava Addams has been fucking her personal trainer Erik behind her husband Bill's back, and every day once they've worked up a nice sweat in the gym, they take it back to Ava's for round two! Erik is balls deep inside Ava's pretty mouth when her husband Bill gets home from work early and wants to get a little pussy for himself! Ava keeps him distracted with her big tits and tight pussy until he has to run back to work. Her husband out of the way, she gets back to business with Erik, riding his cock with abandon, until her husband Bill comes back in and catches her in the act! And what's a husband to do when he catches his wife cheating? Double penetrate that cheating slut, of course!

Ava Addams Dans 'Lady Private Eye'

Ava Addams - Lady Private Eye

Sometimes it is more rewarding to get to an agreement than continue the senseless rivalry. This was Xander's idea when he decided to accept the offer of his rival, P.I. especially that she offered something that the guy couldn't say no to... namely her big tits, and wet, tight pussy.

Alektra Blue Dans 'Brazzers House Episode Five'

Alektra Blue - Brazzers House Episode Five

With the end of Brazzers Hours upon us, your hosts Keiran Lee and Nikki Benz decide to pull out all the stops, with a crazy group fuck fest that will leave your jaw on the floor! Check it out as all the crazy props you can imagine are busted out in one of the most amazing all-star orgies that's ever hit the 'net!

Alektra Blue Dans 'Brazzers House Episode Four'

Alektra Blue - Brazzers House Episode Four

This time on Brazzers House, it's a rude awakening as the ladies of Team Keiran and Team Nikki are subjected to a brutal obstacle course! See the tits bounce and the booties jiggle as those sexy starlets contort themselves into crazy positions trying to make sure their team comes out on top! Meanwhile, Kaylani Lei and Romi Rain take Brick Danger aside for an amazing threesome away from the prying eyes of their competition. Come for the challenge, but stay for the action as Romi's big tits and Kaylani's incredible tight ass are fucked to perfection in the latest episode of Brazzers House!

Alektra Blue Dans 'Brazzers House Episode Three'

Alektra Blue - Brazzers House Episode Three

On this episode of Brazzers House, it's tits versus ass in the kind of epic cook-off you could only see when porn chicks come out to play! And to celebrate Dani Daniels' birthday, Alektra Blue and Missy Martinez take the bootylicious beauty aside to receive the best gift a horny birthday girl could ask for: Johnny Sins' big dick! Watch those three beautiful babes takes that cock deep, licking, sucking, and fucking Johnny's thick unit for an epic birthday facial! With all that plus a pool party, how could you say no?

Alektra Blue Dans 'Brazzers House Episode Two'

Alektra Blue - Brazzers House Episode Two

The all-girl rampage continues in Brazzers House as we follow the ten wildest babes in porn tearing their mansion apart with a wild food fight. Good thing the cameras were rolling on this debauchery, as these wild women emptied the fridge with no holds barred. After staying up all night throwing food and making a mess, did these wild women have any energy left to face their second challenge: a blindfolded test to see if these gals could recognize each other's bodies by smell, taste, and touch alone? Tune in and see what went down as the girls licked, squeezed, and fondled each other to see who was who. And if Ramon had to sneak back in and give Kayla Kayden some personal attention after the contest, can you blame him?

Ava Addams Dans 'Taught To Talk Dirty'

Ava Addams - Taught To Talk Dirty

Ava always dreamed of dirty talking like a pornstar, but she just can't seem to find the words. Her therapist encourages her to try and have a little verbal fun. After getting her to relax, Dr. Jones frees Ava's devious side, releasing a stream of the filthiest words he's ever heard. She gets so wet and horny that she takes that thick dick in her hungry mouth, then bends over to get her tight pussy fucked hard the way her inner whore desires. It turns out that Ava could dirty talk all along. It was just that her husband was uninspiring, and she needed a real man to unleash her sexual fury.

Ava Addams Dans 'Brazzers House Episode One'

Ava Addams - Brazzers House Episode One

What happens when you lock ten of the sexiest porn stars in the biz under the same roof and ask the fans to vote in and crown the new queen of porn? Only the super-hot reality TV porn series Brazzers House, your best chance to see the baddest babes shooting today teamed up and facing off in a series of skill-testing challenges! Tune into the first episode to see the girls pile into the mansion, as we introduce all our contestants one by one. The games began in a wild stampede, with the stars making a mad dash to call dibs on the bedrooms and choose their bed-buddies! And when the grim reality of going without dick for even a few days sunk in, Ava slipped out to the yard to get her Milf pussy pounded by a young stud.

Ava Addams Dans 'Rocco's Perfect Slaves 4'

Ava Addams - Rocco's Perfect Slaves 4

Young, cutie Maddy O'Reilly is really annoyed by her older housemate: Busty bombshell Ava Addams is constantly having outrageous sex! Ava enlists her big-dicked pal Rocco Siffredi to loosen up Maddy. Before long, the Euro-stud is cramming his enormous cock down sweet Maddy's throat, and both fishnet-clad sluts are riding Rocco's dick in a nasty anal three-way. After some relentless ass fucking and kinky foot worship, the ladies share a hot load of Italian cum.

Ava Addams Dans 'is Picture Perfect!'

Ava Addams - is Picture Perfect!

Ava Addams returns, with her glorious tits of course. She shows us her beautiful frame, along with those fantastic tits and ass. Ava's body is amazing. I'm at a loss of words describing how hot this girl is. So check out for yourself. Enjoy the return of Ava Addams.

August Ames Dans 'Brazzers Awards'

August Ames - Brazzers Awards

The votes have been counted, the results are in, and it's finally time for the big show: the Brazzers Awards 2015! Watch as fan favorites are crowned victors in such steamy categories as Most Popular Scene, Hottest Teen, Best Booty, and way more! Will your favorite take home the glory? There's only one way to find out!

Shae Summers Dans 'Learning curve'

Shae Summers - Learning curve

Shae and her step mom, Ava, were hanging out talking about Shae's boyfriend, Logan. Shae was explaining how he did not satisfy her sexually when Ava had the idea of giving him some lessons on how to satisfy Shae. The plan was to Invite Logan over to the house while Shae and Ava were already naked and eating each others pussies. Logan walked in and was astonished. Ava quickly grabbed him and explained the situation. She told him to lick Shae's sweet pussy while she gave him pointers on how to improve. Then, Shae and Ava sucked on his cock and balls. They took turns getting their pussies pounded. Shae got that man juice all over her pretty face.

Ava Addams Dans 'Lesbian Life'

Ava Addams - Lesbian Life

Ava Addams, Missy, and Trinity get together for an awesome update for Spizoo... Non-stop action between three sexy lesbians. I'm talking about tit sucking, pussy licking and dildo pounding action. All three girls have amazing bodies. Enjoy!

Ava Addams Dans 'Big Tit Milf Anal Slammed'

Ava Addams - Big Tit Milf Anal Slammed

Big tit Milf Ava Adams is a goodamn pro when it comes to receiving the cock! We show up at her place, and get right down to it! Hardcore raw anal slamming and relentlessly deepthroat blowjob action! This babe has a perfect natural rack, and she is ALWAYS ready to fuck! It doesn't get any better than this!

Ava Addams Dans 'Double Timing Wife Part Two'

Ava Addams - Double Timing Wife Part Two

Ava and her hubby Bill Bailey went out for a night on the town, and when they got home they were both horny as hell and ready to fuck. They started fooling around on the couch when Ava excused herself to slip on some sexy lingerie, but imagine her surprise when she sees her lover Mick Blue waiting for her in her bedroom! She gives Mick a blowjob before returning to her husband Bill, who plows her tight MILF pussy and then jizzes on her big tits! After that it's Mick's turn, and he goes to town on Ava's sexy body, fucking her tits, her mouth, and her pussy, and then giving her a nice big facial cumshot. There's no such thing as too much cock for a slutty cougar like Ava Addams!

Abigail Mac Dans 'Ava and the Slutty Schoolgirls'

Abigail Mac - Ava and the Slutty Schoolgirls

Ava Addams is on detention duty at ZZ Private Academy for Slutty Schoolgirls, and she's had just about enough of the disrespectful little whores' back-talk. So when Abigail Mac tries to give her some sass, Ava whips out a dildo and fucks Abigail's pretty mouth with it! Ryan Ryans, Abigail's bff, tries to stick up for her slutty friend, so Ava bends her over the desk and spanks her tight ass. The little sluts give as good as they get, fucking and licking Ava's tight pussy until she cums hard, and then trading places so they can cum too! And just like that, the two brattiest sluts in school go straight to the top of the class!

Ava Addams Dans 'The Book Report'

Ava Addams - The Book Report

Van Wylde accidentally groped a classmate's tit, and now her boyfriend is looking to kick his ass after school! One of Van's buddies has a plan to keep him in one piece, though: get a detention! Van does his best to get held after class, talking dirty to the teacher, busty MILF Miss Addams, until she dismisses everyone in the class but him. Ava is so turned on by his attitude that she lets him worship her big tits and gives him a nice sloppy face fucking. She bends over one of the classroom desks and Van fucks her wet MILF pussy until her legs are shaking from cumming so hard, and then he unleashes a big facial cumshot all over his teacher's pretty face!

Ava Addams Dans 'Big tit fuck fest on Ava Addams'

Ava Addams - Big tit fuck fest on Ava Addams

Ava Addams is back and her tits are better than ever! As soon as her under boob was exposed, I wanted to jump on her and rip her clothes off right then and there. God damn, those things are magnificent. As she was teasing and soaping up at the outdoor shower, I was watching with my ice rock hard and ready to explode. There came a moment when enough was enough and I took her inside for some wild fucking. I'm talking, throat fucking and well as pussy fucking! I fucked her so good I had her go cross-eyed during her multiple orgasms. Enjoy!

Ava Addams Dans 'Anally Talented 03'

Ava Addams - Anally Talented 03

Mega-stacked brunette MILF Ava Addams teases the camera, flashing her monster cleavage and her meaty butt. Anal freak Mike Adriano rims her anus and eats her pussy from behind. Ava's nipples harden as she blows his big boner, and Mike's spit-slick cock fucks her tits. She masturbates as he porks her butthole. Mike stuffs a stick of butter and a banana up Ava's rectum; she expels the mess as if sitting on the toilet, and Mike mashes ABC (already been colonic) foodstuffs back up her butt. She sucks specially flavored ass-to-mouth cock and tastes the jism he shoots all over her ass cheeks.

Kendall Dans 'Let Us Teach You'

Kendall - Let Us Teach You

Alison Faye is in a mess. Simone Sonay (her step mom) caught her masturbating when she came home from school. Alison's plan was just to discover her body, and take some private time to rub one out. Simone doesn't know how to talk to Alison so she takes some advice from her sister In-Law and longtime best friend. Ava Addams surely knows how to fix the situation.Alison definitely thinks this whole ordeal is rather awkward. Simone and Ava want to help Alison find herself and be confident. Their offer is enticing, but Alison is reluctant. Simone and Ava will need to prove that this is just what Alison needs to take her sexual education to the next level.Before long Alison is learning as much as experiencing some rather important life lessons from her step mom and auntie Ava. Alison's smiles prove she is enjoying every moment. And when they all have a chance to cum Alison gets a chance to learn that she is just like other girls, and that having sex with her friends is completely natural, and even an experience worth having to make herself the sexy confident woman Simone wants her to me.

Ava Addams Dans 'Milf Does Yoga Then Gets Fucked Hardcore'

Ava Addams - Milf Does Yoga Then Gets Fucked Hardcore

Hey everyone. Got a special little Clip for you today. Ava Addams called us over while she was doing some yoga at a local studio. She showed us some basic positions. We could see right away why she enjoys yoga. Every position would make for a dope sex position. Our guy Seth could hardly contain himself while watching her. He was so horny for her, he ripped her leggings almost clean off. He went to town on that pussy. Some damn good fucking here. Enjoy.

Ava Addams Dans 'Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 1'

Ava Addams - Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 1

Ava Addams Receives A Facial Blast From Manuel Ferrara. Possibly the best tits in the adult biz today, here's Ava Addams from MANUEL IS A MILFOMANIAC. Catching Manny peeping in her window, Ava decides to give him a show. Said show includes a big black dildo. Unable to resist her MILF charms a moment longer, Manuel enters every hole Ava has including her ass hole. A scene for big tit lovers and more.

Ava Addams Dans 'Sunbathing Milfs Big Cock DP'

Ava Addams - Sunbathing Milfs Big Cock DP

Ava Addams doesn't need an excuse to peel her bikini off and get naked outside in her backyard. Feeling the hot sun on her big, bouncy breasts as she splashes in her pool, and knowing any of her neighbors could be watching her sunbathe outdoors always gets this Milf so turned on. When her fuckbuddy turned up in her backyard ready to bone, Ava jumped on that cock like the greedy nympho she is. After deepthroating all of Keiran Lee's cock, she titfucked him between her massive jugs. Feeling particulary horny, Ava let him split her ass in two with a hard anal fuck. When another guy showed up, Ava opened her sweet holes so these cocksmen could DP her, stretching out her pussy and asshole at the same time.

Ava Addams Dans 'Closed for Repairs'

Ava Addams - Closed for Repairs

Xander Corvus fixes pools for a living, and Ava Addams is the busty MILF he's been sent to help out. Luckily for him, though, she's more interested in his big dick than his skills as a contractor! Ava takes out her glorious big tits and Xander sucks and fucks those massive melons, titty fucking her and then eating her pussy until she's dripping wet. He fucks that big-titted slut and then blows a big cumshot all over her pretty face and big tits!

Ava Addams Dans 'Manuel Creampies Their Asses 1'

Ava Addams - Manuel Creampies Their Asses 1

Ava Addams Gets An Anal Creampie Injection From Manuel Ferrara. Big, huge tits and not fat at all, that's Ava Addams. What a body and in this slice of MANUEL CREAM PIES THEIR ASSES she looks tremendous. Taking all of Manuel's cock in her ass and thanking him for it to boot, Ava is a dream come true. You'll see.

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Needs Her Alone Time'

Ava Addams - Ava Needs Her Alone Time

Keiran was headed over to his buddy's house to fix the TV, and when no one answered the door, he let himself in. Much to his surprise, he was greeted by the sound of his buddy's wife Ava Addams moaning with pleasure as she rubbed her pussy! Keiran tried to lay low, but it didn't take long for Ava to find out he was there. Already horny from her little masturbation session, she busted out her big tits so Keiran could worship them. He buried his face in those titties and then ate her wet pussy. Once she was dripping wet, Keiran pounded her tight MILF twat and then blew a big load all over her pretty face!

Ava Addams Dans 'Prime Milf'

Ava Addams - Prime Milf

Ava Addams is a cougar in her prime and can't resist a tempting prey. After getting Billy's attention with the good old 'won't you oil my back for me dear' trick she pounces into action. He's never had it so good, Ava rides his wood like a seasoned warrior and uses him to climax several times.

Ava Addams Dans 'Moms House, Moms Rules'

Ava Addams - Moms House, Moms Rules

Ava Addams has a horny stepson, Jessy Jones, who just won't listen to her rules. She's tried everything from discipline to bargaining, but nothing seems to get through to him. Fed up of his shenanigans, Ava calls up her best friend Nina Elle, a busty blonde beauty who knows exactly how to deal with horny stepsons. They make the precocious scamp a deal: if he obeys Ava's rules and behaves himself, Ava and Nina will fuck his brains out! First, Nina sucks on his fat cock as he eats out Ava's wet pussy, and then he fucks their big beautiful tits. Once he's done titty fucking them, he buries his dick deep in both of their pink pussies, and then fucks them hard until he's ready to cum all over their pretty faces!

Ava Addams Dans 'BZ 10th Anniversary BTS Interview'

Ava Addams - BZ 10th Anniversary BTS Interview

We've got a special treat for you today as we take you behind the scenes of the Brazzers 10th Anniversary photo shoot, featuring a bevvy of your favorite busty and bootylicious babes. We got Ava Addams, Monique Alexander, Nikki Benz, Madison Ivy, Jayden Jaymes, Kortney Kane, Kagney Linn Karter, Mia Malkova, Phoenix Marie, and Rachel Roxxx all together in one place to blow your minds and blow your loads. Join the legion of lovely ladies as they look back at some of their favorite moments from their time with Brazzers, from their first anal or DP scene to how they really feel about shooting with the world's best porn site. There's plenty of footage of some of our hottest moments from the last decade, and all kinds of sexy action as the ladies model some of our awesome Brazzers gear and then strip down to show off their smoking hot bodies. You won't want to miss it!

Ava Addams Dans 'StepDaughter And StepMom TagTeams BF'

Ava Addams - StepDaughter And StepMom TagTeams BF

Daisy and Seth are both studying anatomy for their doctor's permit. They cant seem to get the human heart right because of all the complex intricacies that are involved in its complex structure. The human heart is a very intricate motor that pumps blood through out the body and makes sure that the human machine is working at optimal levels. They were just about to give up when Daisy's step-mom Ava Adams walked in and told them that she would help them because before she became a step-mom she had a very lucrative career as a nurse, However she isn't one now, she still has a good memory about how the body works. She tells her step-daughter that she can help her find the best way to get them to remember what the heart does and what it regulates, like for instance, the hard erection and the stimulated clit. But in her lessons Ava uncovered there was a lot more than anatomy that was being overlooked in their school careers. Ave soon discovered that tney were also lacking in sexual skill. Well its a good thing that step-mom was there to save the day. Because now they are going to get a lesson that you wont be able to get from books. The art of fucking your step-mom.

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Wants The Gig'

Ava Addams - Ava Wants The Gig

Sexy porn casting director Jessica Jaymes is casting the lead for her next new porn flick. She is immediately taken by hot new talent Ava Addams who has never done a scene before. Jessica is hot for her and makes Ava show her what she's got. Jessica attacks Ava like a lion and sucks her giant tits, eat her wet snatch and munch on her tight buttonhole. Needless to say, Ava lands the lead role and the two women are satisfied with their lesbian encounter!

Ava Addams Dans 'Dripping Wet'

Ava Addams - Dripping Wet

Ava Addams is visiting the Madison house on a hot summer day, looking to get wet any which way she can. Lucky for her, Ryan is a good host and fills her desires with plenty of cold water to soak her body in and a hard cock to soak her panties with. After some fun water play in the sun, Ryan decides to hose her pussy down with his cock until its ...

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava's Army Boy'

Ava Addams - Ava's Army Boy

Your a sexy army boy returns from a tour and you are ready to see porn super MILF Ava Addams for a second time! You saw her once before and could never get her out of your mind! You have spanked it to her hundreds of times and have been so eager to fuck her again. She meets you at your hotel room with a huge smile. She quickly changes in to her sexy lingerie and its on. She sucks your dick so good then you fuck her in every position possible. She makes you cum so hard you're in ecstasy!

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Soft Night'

Ava Addams - Ava Soft Night

Sexy brunette MILF Ava Addams has an amazing bootie you can get lost in for days. Watch this sexy siren sprawl across this chair in her sexy lingerie then roll around like she's in heat. Stripping off every piece of her clothing to get to her private areas. She moans, squeals and rubs herself. Pleasing her tiny tight twat to an ultimate orgasm.

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF Science'

Ava Addams - MILF Science

When local jock Max Addams asked the school nerd Tyler Nixon to build him a robot girlfriend, he forgot to account for two things: how much Tyler hated him, and how much Tyler wanted to fuck Max's mom, busty MILF Ava Addams! So Max was more than a little disappointed when the robo-woman he ordered came out looking just like a sexy and slutty version of his mom! Max ran from the house in dismay as Ava started sucking on Tyler's fat dick. Tyler fucked his erotic experiment's juicy jugs, and then went balls deep in her tight wet MILF pussy. Ava's big tits bounced and she moaned with pleasure as she came on his big nerd dick, and then Tyler gave his creation a nice big facial! You know what they say: knowledge is power!

Ava Addams Dans 'Busty MILF outdoors and fucked hard'

Ava Addams - Busty MILF outdoors and fucked hard

This busty nympho is ready for some hard fucking after a day out bouncing on the trampoline. She decides to clean up in the shower, but a surprise stud pays her a visit and she can't help herself to a serving of cock. Her perfect rack looks beautiful bouncing up and down as she gets drilled nice and hard. Goddamn!

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Little Tease'

Ava Addams - Ava Little Tease

Sexy porn MILF Ava Addams loves turning it on when she performs. Especially when taking the main stage featuring at "The Stripper Experience". Dressed in her sexy lace lingerie, she works her magic on the pole. Then seductively strips down to absolutely nothing but heels. Accentuating her long legs and gigantic tits. And since she is giving you a private performance in the champagne room, she starts masturbating her tight cunt hole right there on stage, giving herself a raging orgasm all for you!

Ava Addams Dans 'and her big tits suck 3 cocks at gloryhole'

Ava Addams - and her big tits suck 3 cocks at gloryhole

Hot porn chick Ava Addams takes on 3 cocks through glory holes like a champ. She gives these lucky guys amazing head until she make them explode. By the end she fucks one cock and gives him a hard handjob with sucking to make him cum.

Ava Addams Dans 'Jessica Loves Ava Addams'

Ava Addams - Jessica Loves Ava Addams

It's finally here! The long anticipated hook up with two of porn's hottest brunettes. Pornstars Jessica Jaymes and Ava Addams take you on a sexual safari as they have bisexual bliss deep in the heart of the jungle. These two vixens are in heat and get lost in each others big fake tits and soaking wet pussies. If you enjoy watching steamy girl on girl acton then CUM on in and watch these two fuck for the first time!

Ava Addams Dans 'Double Timing Wife'

Ava Addams - Double Timing Wife

Busty MILF sluts like Ava Addams are too damn horny to live on just one big cock for the rest of their lives, but unfortunately for her husband Bill Bailey, no one ever told him that. So when he comes home from work one day and finds his wife in the shower, he doesn't suspect for a second that she was actually in there with her lover Keiran Lee! Keiran got her big beautiful tits wet and soapy, and pounded her pussy while her husband was right in the other room, never suspecting a thing! Once Keiran had blown his load all over her pretty face, Keiran made his escape while Ava went to find her husband and get another fix of fat cock. Her pussy was already warmed up from her fuck session with Keiran, so as soon as Bill started thrusting, Ava was cumming hard. Only once she had gotten her second load of the day was Ava finally satisfied!

Ava Addams Dans 'Hot Oil Massage'

Ava Addams - Hot Oil Massage

Sexy 32DDD Ava Addams is looking and feeling hot by the pool. She needs a relaxing hot oil massage before taking a dip and Erik Everhard is more than happy to lend a hand. He oils her up everywhere. She's feeling cock-starved and decides to take him to the pool where she spreads her legs, eagerly anticipating his hard dick. Pounding deep into her soaked pussy, Erik makes a shift upwards and slides his cock in her tight ass. After getting both of her holes infiltrated, Erik releases a big load of cum all over her perfectly massive tits. Now that's fun in the pool!

Ava Addams Dans 'Hot Yoga'

Ava Addams - Hot Yoga

When Ava Addams stopped to pick her daughter up from hot yoga, the last thing she expected was to get fucked. But her daughter's instructor, Tyler Nixon, was just so damn goodlooking that she decided to stay for a quick lesson herself. Tyler got to work releasing some of the tension in Ava's luscious legs and sweet juicy ass, and that made that busty MILF so horny that she whipped out her amazing big tits. He sucked on her perky little nipples and licked her pussy until it was dripping wet, and then they got to the real workout! Ava sucked and fucked Tyler's hard dick until he was ready to blow his load all over her pretty face!

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Birthday Gift'

Ava Addams - Ava Birthday Gift

You've seen all of Ava's movies. All of them. But now you want her live, in the flesh. And you are going to have her. Nothing wild, nothing particularly kinky. Just miss Ava Addams. in your own private hotel room. Fucking you you right after sucking your hard dick. You even going to have her wear that special black and green corset set you bought her from her wish list. Money is definitely not an option and she is worth every penny!

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Loves Cock'

Ava Addams - Ava Loves Cock

Pornstar Ava Addamas isn't your typical girl next door. She isn't cumming over to your house to borrow a cup of's cream that she wants. This milf slut is craving your cock and wastes no time ripping off your pants and putting her mouth to work! using her oral and handjob skills, this naughty milf makes you cum all over her pretty little face!

Ava Addams Dans 'Maid For Fucking'

Ava Addams - Maid For Fucking

After getting fired by her bitch boss, busty maid Ava Addams snuck up to the bedroom and started looking for something she could grab to make up for what they owed her. She tried on some jewelry, and then slipped out of her maid outfit into a kinky little cat costume she found in the bitch's closet. When Johnny walked in on her, though, she decided she'd rather have his big cock than some dumb old jewelry anyway! One look at her gorgeous big tits and Johnny had to have her. He fucked her mouth, her tits, and her pretty pink pussy, and then blew a big load all over face and tits!

Abby Cross Dans 'Studying Wet Pussy'

Abby Cross - Studying Wet Pussy

Ava Addams is a slutty teacher who's stuck sitting in study hall watching over all the sexy schoolgirls getting ready for exam season. To pass the time, Miss Addams hikes up her skirt so she can fuck the dildo she hid on her chair while she fantasizes about all of the sexy students that are around. Before long the students are all gone, so Ava calls in her teaching assistant Abby Cross to eat her wet pussy. When sexy student Abigail Mac catches them in the act, Miss Addams offers her straight A's to keep her mouth shut, but it turns out all the slutty schoolgirl wants is to get in on the action! So the three lovely ladies use their wet tongues, delicate fingers, and Ava's big dildo to make sure they all cum nice and hard before next class!

Ava Addams Dans 'Meeting Ava Addams'

Ava Addams - Meeting Ava Addams

Lovely and sultry brunette Ava Addams has always lit up the screens when she performs. Enjoy watching Ava slowly strip down to nothing revealing her gigantic soft titties and tight pink pussy. As she begins to masturbate, you feel the temperature begin to rise. As well as your man member. Ava fucks her juicy cunt and sends herself in to an orgasmic bliss. Seducing you through the camera the entire time. Thank you Ava!

Ava Addams Dans 'Is Back For Hardcore Anal Sex'

Ava Addams - Is Back For Hardcore Anal Sex

Ava Addams is back once to get her beautiful asshole banged out. She says she loves BangBros and loves to nut with a big cock in herass. She never disappoints us every. We love you Ava!

Ava Addams Dans 'Titty Creampies 06'

Ava Addams - Titty Creampies 06

Gorgeous, raven-haired MILF bombshell Ava Addams strokes her big, round 32DDD hooters, putting on a sultry show for director Kevin Moore. As he films the slender, voluptuous, long-legged beauty POV-style, Ava shows off her big, womanly ass and pours oil over her massive jugs. Then this mature fox wraps her firm knockers around the director's shaft, stroking up and down and sucking his stiff member. After some more of this luxurious treatment, Kevin can't help spurting a hot, creamy load between Ava's glistening globes. He watches her massage his cum into her shiny jugs.

Ava Addams Dans 'Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 7'

Ava Addams - Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 7

Ava Addams Big Tit MILF Ass Fucked. Tits, boobs, jugs, melons, no matter the nickname there's nothing like a great set of breasts and we're happy to bring you two of the best breasts in the adult biz today. Ava Addams in a portion of DIRTY ROTTEN MOTHER FUCKERS 7 is the MILF you always dreamed about. Huge boobs, a tiny waist and a penchant for ass to mouth, who could ask for anything more? A brunette with big tits who isn't satisfied until her face is splattered with cum. Don't miss Ava Addams.

Ava Addams Dans 'Uses and Abuses James Deen's Dick!'

Ava Addams - Uses and Abuses James Deen's Dick!

The super hot, Ava Addams back to Big Tits Cream Pie. This babe is back with a vengeance and is about to let out her fuckstration on James Deen's cock! She had no shame admitting that she just wanted cock cause she needed to fuck. Once he came to the room, it was all over and the fuck fest began. This chick absolutely begs for the dick throughout the fuck session ending of course in...just see for yourself. Peace!

Ava Addams Dans 'Naughty Or Nice'

Ava Addams - Naughty Or Nice

Santa needs a new Mrs. Claus, so one of his elves brought in a couple of big booty sluts named Ava Addams and Phoenix Marie to try out for the part. To prove which one's the best helper, the two busty babes take turns licking each other's pussies and assholes, then suck on Santa's Christmas cock. After that, Santa goes balls deep in both their wet pussies and tight assholes. Once he's done fucking both of their fat asses, it's time for Santa to shoot a hot load of Christmas spirit into Phoenix's mouth for her to share with Ava!

Ava Addams Dans 'Santa's Life'

Ava Addams - Santa's Life

It's Christmas time and two of Santa's naughtiest elves Trinity St. Claire and Ava Adams are really hungry for some cock. So when Mrs. Clause is away, Santa sneaks in to get some fresh young tale. These two cock hungry sluts start by sharing Santa's man member in their soft mouths. Then they lift up their short little skirts so Santa can take turns fucking their tight holes in the north pole. When Santa is ready to explode, he jerks off his meat emptying his jingle ball jizz all over Ava and Trinity's juicy tits!

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava's Feet Fan'

Ava Addams - Ava's Feet Fan

Sexy Ava is at "The stripper experience" and she has a favorite client that just loves feet! So after her sexy dance in het nice slutty pumps.....she walks over to her special client to let him indulge in his little foot fetish. He is lost in ecstasy , and his heart is pumping with horny passion. so when she starts jerking him off with her feet, she slams that dick in her wet mouth. Then lets hime fuck her ALL over the club! What a devious slut!

Ava Addams Dans 'Cheater Cheater Pussy Eater'

Ava Addams - Cheater Cheater Pussy Eater

Ava Addams's husband Richie isn't a cheater, but when she found proof he had been visiting mysterious addresses, she just had to know what was really going on. She convinced her best friend Missy Martinez to drive out to the country with her and investigate. All they found out there was a country home for swingers, and a man with the power to give her all the erotic stimulation she'd been missing in her marriage. Ava and Missy put both their mouths on Erik's fat cock, and took turns getting their pussies pounded. Wait until Richie finds out now only did his wife cheat on him, she did it taking a dick balls deep in her sweet Milf ass.

Ava Addams Dans 'Rainy Daze'

Ava Addams - Rainy Daze

Ava Adams spent the afternoon dancing in the rain, wearing nothing but a bikini, heels and a see-through rain coat. She decides to head inside to warm up, only to find that she'll be even wetter out of the rain, when she finds Ryan in the house ready to slam his hard cock in to her slippery wet pussy. They start in with some nice hard fucki...

Ava Addams Dans 'Raw 16'

Ava Addams - Raw 16

Private footage captures horny director Manuel Ferrara entering his hotel room to find super-busty MILF beauty Ava Addams waiting for him in bed, her enormous, round boobs fully exposed. In no time he's between the sheets, eating Ava's sweet pussy and stuffing the mature bombshell full of his massive, uncut cock. Ava lovingly slurps on the director's thick shaft and rides him with boundless, giddy enthusiasm. She spreads her muscular buttocks to take his pole inside her tight rectum. After a deep, intimate anal reaming, this slender, sexy mama receives a shower of hot, gooey cum.

Ava Addams Dans 'An Ass Fit For a King'

Ava Addams - An Ass Fit For a King

The only thing Ava Addams is missing to turn her beautiful day by the pool into a horny heaven, is a big fat cock to wrap her lips around. And once she's done lubing up every inch of James Deen's thick dick, it'll be going balls deep in her juicy Milf booty. You don't want to miss this little fuck-slut getting pounded hard in this smokin' all-anal bangathon, especially the way Ava's thick booty jiggles every time that cock slides in to the hilt.

Ava Addams Dans 'Two Hungry Mouths on His Dick'

Ava Addams - Two Hungry Mouths on His Dick

Ava Addams can hardly believe James would bring that teen hussy Rikki Sixx into her home. When she overhears Rikki sucking on his cock, she decided to step in and show that young slut how a pro Milf wets the dick. The lesson builds into a raunchy threesome, as James enjoys both their sweet pussies one after the other. Nothing will ever compare to the awesome sensation of having two mouths sucking on every inch of his dick.

Ava Addams Dans 'Big Tit Centerfolds 02'

Ava Addams - Big Tit Centerfolds 02

Mature, gorgeous brunette Ava Addams is wearing a skintight tube top that barely contains her massive, swinging hooters. This slender MILF shows off her giant jugs and plump, round ass for the camera, coating her mammaries with oil and letting horny Mr. Pete massage the glistening globes. Pete pumps his huge prick between Ava's wobbly knockers, then buries his big boner inside the voluptuous vixen's steaming cunt. Ava enjoys a passionate pussy-pounding and a fierce throat-fucking that makes her gag and drool. After she's ridden his fat cock, her large boobs bouncing, Ava takes a cummy load on her tits.

Ava Addams Dans 'Big Tit MILF Gets A Creampie'

Ava Addams - Big Tit MILF Gets A Creampie

Ava Addams Big Tit MILF Gets A Creampie. Big natural tits, there is no substitute and Ava Adams has amazing, big, natural tits. In a purple and black corset, black stockings and six inch, fuck me, pumps this brunette MILF, in a scene from INTERNAL DAMNATION 6, gives Erik Everhard all she's got. Usually when a girl has tits this big, this full, she's on the thick side or downright chubby but not Ava Adams. Everything on Ava's skinny but her tits. Small waist. Flat stomach. Long legs. Not at all fat, but those tits! Ava's tits are worth the price of admission alone but then she mounts Erik and guides his fat cock up her hot ass and rides till he's about to bust. Out of her ass and into her pussy for a creampie finale then lick what's left of her whore ass off Erik's cock. Life is good!

Ava Addams Dans 'School Trip Titties'

Ava Addams - School Trip Titties

Ava Addams is the hottest teacher in her school, and the go-to chaperone for field trips. One time, she was roaming the art gallery with her students when she happened to wander right into the tantalizing naked portraits of the erotic arts section. The gallery's security guard had a lot to teach this Milf about beauty, form, and how to take a fat cock.

Phoenix Marie Dans 'Wait, Youre Fucking Erik too'

Phoenix Marie - Wait, Youre Fucking Erik too

Some guys have all the luck. Erik's somehow managed to juggle dates with the hottest Milfs, Ava Addams and Phoenix Marie, without either one finding out! Until these best friends go sunbathing and start chatting about their bogus boyfriend. Doesn't take long for them to figure out they're being lied to. Erik's in for the surprise of his life when he shows up for a sexy threesome with both of his girlfriends.

Ava Addams Dans 'Big tit hot MILF gets her pussy creampie'

Ava Addams - Big tit hot MILF gets her pussy creampie

You boys are gonna be super excited about the latest BigTitsCreamPie because returning is non other than Ava Addams! If you don't know who she is then you've been living under a rock for a few years and should slap yourself while you're at it. No words can describe the beauty of this woman. And those tits-my GOD! It took a lot for me not to lick the screen when I saw this video. Bruce Venture is one lucky mofo to be hitting that AGAIN! Anyways, enough bullshit. Hit that play button and enjoy super freaks!

Ava Addams Dans 'POV Jugg Fuckers 5'

Ava Addams - POV Jugg Fuckers 5

Mature, gorgeous brunette Ava Addams has a massive, bouncy set of knockers she loves showing off for director Jonni Darkko. While he films this busty MILF POV-style, she pours oil over her huge jugs and sheer bra, making her perky nipples glisten through the fabric. Ava releases her round globes, wraps them around the director's stiff boner and lets him pump his pole in her cleavage. She squeezes the director's shaft between her enormous hooters and licks the swollen tip. After a sensuous session of titty fucking, Jonni shoots his spermy load all over Ava's giant fun bags.

Lisa Ann Dans 'Ogling in the Office'

Lisa Ann - Ogling in the Office

Sonny has just been hired to fix the office security cameras, and he notices the busty Lisa Ann on his monitors right away. He can't resist spying on her luscious bod as she walks around the office, and when Ava catches him the babes decide that the perfect payback is to strip Sonny down and treat him like a piece of meat.

Ava Addams Dans 'Thinking With His Dick'

Ava Addams - Thinking With His Dick

Uh Oh! Ava Addams bumped Erik's car, and he wants compensation for the damages. When he heads to her new place to discuss terms, he finds her sunbathing in back with barely anything covering up her huge boobs. Ava twists her angry visitor around her little finger, knowing he'd much rather let a few bucks go, than give up the chance to do whatever he wants to her pussy.

Ava Addams Dans 'My Immortal Trollop'

Ava Addams - My Immortal Trollop

Big-titted mortician Ava Addams has lost a dear friend and fuck buddy. She misses the way he used to plow her, and lets us into her mind as she remembers the kinky and passionate sex they used to have in that very room.

Ava Addams Dans 'DP Double Dick Overload Oil Slick'

Ava Addams - DP Double Dick Overload Oil Slick

Ava Addams DP Double Dick Overload Oil Slick. Man, I love me some big tits and Ava Addams has huge ones. Coupled with a tiny waist and a flat stomach this babe has a body that just won't quit. In a slice of OIL OVERLOAD 8 you get this amazing body in a double penetration, ass to mouth extravaganza. This DP is unusual in that it's a double vag. Talk about a stuffed cunt, here you go. Ava Addams has a great body and here a double stuffed snatch. Who could ask for anything more?

Ava Addams Dans 'She comes in for a rub, ends up getting a fuck out of it too'

Ava Addams - She comes in for a rub, ends up getting a fuck out of it too

Ava Addams PornStarSpa! Her body seems to have been really tense again lately from all of her working out and work related stress, so thank God that she made an appointment to get a good rub down from our boy Mirko. I'm sure Mirko would have cancelled all appointments to rub Ava down once again with some massage oil. Who can resist such a foxxx like Ava Addams? You guys just gotta watch how sensual things get between these two. You DON'T wanna miss this one.

Dillion Harper Dans 'Sweet seduction'

Dillion Harper - Sweet seduction

Dillion and Xander's history teacher wanted to understand why two of her brightest students plagiarized a classmate's essay so she invited them over to discuss the situation. Dillion and Xander were extremely nervous and terrified of receiving a failing grade. They shamefully confessed that they recently started dating and were preoccupied with one another. Their teacher read between the lines, she told Xander that if he was satisfying Dillion that they wouldn't have a need to fuck all day and miss out on any school assignment. She then offered to show him how to eat his girlfriend's pussy. Dillion and Xander welcomed the lesson and soon after and all out orgy ensued.

Ava Addams Dans 'Naughty Neighbors'

Ava Addams - Naughty Neighbors

Keiran and Ava have new neighbors, Ms Kate and her hubby It seems the neighborly thing to do would be to extend an invitation to have them over for dinner, and figure out a way to fuck their brains out

Ava Addams Dans 'Cute sexy girl walks in on her boyfriend with a hot MILF'

Ava Addams - Cute sexy girl walks in on her boyfriend with a hot MILF

We have in amazing update on our latest Milf Soup. This sexy babe left her man at home working out when her maid walks in wearing something she shouldn't be wearing. Pleating and begging on her knees to her boyfriend so that he wont say a word. But it cost her giving up that juicy pussy right before his girlfriend walks in on them. Awesome!

Phoenix Marie Dans 'Fun and games with some hot pornstars'

Phoenix Marie - Fun and games with some hot pornstars

The girls are at it again. No co-ed is safe from these horny babes. Thats right its another Dorm invasion and we have our posse Ava Addams, Pheonix Marie and Diamond Kitty the party is wild but these girls are wilder. This time they brought a new toy thats gonna make all the girls creme in their pants. You gotta see for yourself.

Lisa Ann Dans 'Busted'

Lisa Ann - Busted

Busty Ms. Ann has just gotten a new shipment of paintings at her art gallery, but shifty Ramon comes in and starts defacing them! Ava, the artist comes to help Lisa confront the little criminal, but when they see his charming smile and big dick, they decide to release their frustration in a much more creative way.

Ava Addams Dans 'Partners in Bliss'

Ava Addams - Partners in Bliss

Ava and Holly get together for a threesome sexual bliss

Ava Addams Dans 'Massage The Vagina Please!'

Ava Addams - Massage The Vagina Please!

Ava Addams is in need of a massage. Her body hurts and craves a body rub. Mirko comes to save the day. He's good woth his hands and perfect for the job. Mirko oiled her down a gave her the best massage she's ever had. Come and see what Ava Addams looks like bathe in oil.

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Addams, Gabriella Paltrova One Eyed Facial'

Ava Addams - Ava Addams, Gabriella Paltrova One Eyed Facial

Ava Addams, Gabriella Paltrova One Eyed Facial. Two brunettes, a cougar with huge tits and a kitten with a great ass who wants to learn. From COUGARS, KITTENS & COCK 2 enjoy Ava Addams and Gabriella Paltrova as they work over Ramon Nomar. Anal abounds and ass to mouth is commonplace in this three way fuck fest.

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF with a tiny body and HUGE tits Gangbanged by Co-Workers'

Ava Addams - MILF with a tiny body and HUGE tits Gangbanged by Co-Workers

Ava Addams is lured back to the office under false pretenses & her male co-workers finally get the opportunity to play w/ her huge tits & tight holes

Ava Addams Dans 'ZZ Home'

Ava Addams - ZZ Home

Ava Addams invites James Deen, host of ZZ Home renovation show, to help her husband out with work around the house.

Ava Addams Dans 'Rough Rider'

Ava Addams - Rough Rider

Rough Riders are the craziest, wildest, and most insane high class escorts out there. When you call one of them, you'd better be ready to fuck them hard, OR ELSE!

Ava Addams Dans 'MILF Welcome To Titty Heaven'

Ava Addams - MILF Welcome To Titty Heaven

Ava Addams MILF Welcome To Titty Heaven. They're too perfect, too big to be real but watch closely there's never a sign of surgery, never a sign of a saline bag, no doubt Ava Addams has incredible tits. From BRA BUSTERS 3 Ava takes it the ass and does ass to mouth lovingly, what a wonderful whore.

Ava Addams Dans 'Raw 12'

Ava Addams - Raw 12

Bodacious, foxy MILF Ava Addams gets into the car of director/stud Manuel Ferrara for an afternoon date - but the mature beauty can't even wait until they arrive at his house! Already pantyless, sultry Ava leans over and swallows the director's beefy prick while he's driving. When they get to their destination, this horny lady slides his huge cock between her tits, jacks his meat using her talented bare feet and rides him to ecstasy. After a ferocious pussy pounding, the big-boobed bombshell gets her asshole reamed by Manuel's thick shaft. She sucks cock ass-to-mouth and happily earns herself a creamy reward.

Ava Addams Dans 'The Addams Pound'

Ava Addams - The Addams Pound

Ava is a brunette bombshell with a magnificently-sculpted ass that's just begging to get fucked in every position. And that's precisely what Ramon proceeds to do.

Ava Addams Dans 'Slutty and Sluttier 16'

Ava Addams - Slutty and Sluttier 16

Ava Addams is a sultry, big-breasted realtor in a low-cut sweater, short skirt, sheer stockings and heels. The curvaceous brunette shows a large home to Manuel Ferrara and his wife. After the walkthrough, there's a private "negotiation" with the studly prospect... while his spouse waits outside. Ava seductively strips, revealing her soft, shapely ass and natural boobies. Manuel goes down on the mature beauty, then drills Ava's tight pussy in every position as she moans passionately. Ava kneels and sucks Manuel's giant cock until he sprays his messy load into her open mouth. Now that's how you close a deal!

Ava Addams Dans 'School of Modeling'

Ava Addams - School of Modeling

Ava Addams is more than just a pornstar. She used to be a world famous model, apparently, making it big with her stellar runway attitude. Now, however, she lives in Las Vegas and runs a school where would-be models are taught absolutely everything they need to know so they, too, can make it big!

Ava Addams Dans 'Balcony Romance'

Ava Addams - Balcony Romance

Beauftiful MILF fucks younger man.

Ava Addams Dans 'Mr Woodman Says Hello'

Ava Addams - Mr Woodman Says Hello

Ava has had it with her cheating, no-good husband Jason, and decides to get her revenge. She enlists the services of Mr. Woodman who sends over Manuel and Keiran to rough her husband up. To add insult to injury, she also has them fuck her in front of him. She takes it in the ass, in her pussy and for the first time ever, in both holes at the same time!

Ava Addams Dans 'Anal Motherfucker'

Ava Addams - Anal Motherfucker

Busty brunette Ava Addams is a slender, seasoned beauty with enormous, natural tits. This gorgeous MILF wants to get butt-fucked. Some guy squeezes her massive boobs and plump booty, sucks on Ava's prominent nipples and thrusts his tongue up her asshole. He even uses his signature speculum to stretch her sphincter wide! Ava takes his cock to the back of her throat, drooling all over her cleavage, then gets fiercely sodomized and sucks his giant dick ass-to-mouth. By the time Ava has earned a messy mouthful of jizz, the lovely slut's rectum is gaping open!

Ava Addams Dans 'Cumly Cleaners'

Ava Addams - Cumly Cleaners

Ava and Isis are both mistakingly sent to the same house to clean. The house in question belongs to Voodoo, a well-hung and well-to-do gentlemen. Needless to say, the maids compete against each other for his attention. Of course, in the end, they learn they didn't have to as Voodoo is a 3-way kind of guy.

Ava Addams Dans 'gets pounded'

Ava Addams - gets pounded

Ava Adams is a Milf that many young guys would love to fuck. I sure as hell would! This babe has some nice tits, a juicy thick ass, and a pussy that looks delicious. Bruce fell in love with this chick the minute she walked in. He helped himself to some nice fat pussy. Ava Adams enjoyed every minute of having her pussy licked by this young dude. Fucking her throughout the house. Its an awesome show, enjoy it!

Jada Stevens Dans '3 Pornstars demolish the dorm'

Jada Stevens - 3 Pornstars demolish the dorm

The girls are back up their old tricks. This time we got invited to a local dorm party at a near by University. So we took the girls to liven up their drool festivities. Ava Addams, Christy Mac and Jada Stevens are the gals and I dont think these guys are ready to feel this. The girls are gonna fuck everything in sight. Drink all the booze and party harder than these scrubs and if they're lucky they might even get to bust a nut

Ava Addams Dans 'Asa Akira invades college dorms!'

Ava Addams - Asa Akira invades college dorms!

Oh man we have a real good one for you. We got some of the finest pornstars to ever come to Miami and we got them to go raid the local Dorms. No college kid is safe! Thats how we do! We have Diamond Kitty with that fat ass, Ava Addams who is crazy fun and very sexy and of course Asa Akira our finest addition to the crew, she is smoking hot and came ready to fuck. So check this out!

Ava Addams Dans 'Fucking To Avoid Being Fucked'

Ava Addams - Fucking To Avoid Being Fucked

Ava is shaking down Keirans office She was called by the company to perform drug tests on the employees Shes heard some stories about Keirans habits which seem to add up After all, he forgot when the drug tests were happening Ava will thoroughly examine him, and then propose mutually beneficial arrangement -- if he makes her happy, shell make him happy

Ava Addams Dans 'Fuck The Pain Away'

Ava Addams - Fuck The Pain Away

Ultra babe Vanillas husband just died Shes being consoled by sexy Ava, her best friend, when naughty Chloe, her hubbys mistress, walks in "That bitch has a lot of nerve coming here," Vanilla thinks She decides to teach that little slut a lesson Chloe apologizes and tries to leave, but Vanilla and Ava block her that whore isnt going anywhere

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava's ATM Anal Adventure'

Ava Addams - Ava's ATM Anal Adventure

Ok to all my fans of MILFs, today we have the famous ass of Ava Addams. Just off of her little hiatus, she decided to just jump back into the game with some big cock right in her tight lovely pretty ass. Now she says she is totally new to anal, but the way she inserted the toys, I am totally rethinking that she is totally born to do this. From ever angle I banged her out, she even threw that fat ass back at me. Let me also tell you that there is plenty of ATM going down here. For all out there who does not know what ATM is, it is totally Ass To Mouth!!! It was such a sight to see the famous Ava Addams take it totally fucking hard in the ass and then totally suck off all her ass juice and loves it!!!

Ava Addams Dans 'Big Boobs Brunette'

Ava Addams - Big Boobs Brunette

Ava Addams is back with us and shooting a few spectacular flicks with us. I mean everything she shoots is gold as far as I'm concerned. We love having her... on her knees taking dick like she's done something wrong. We love having her... sucking dick like a champ. Ava is a trophy porn star and it's a blessing to view her. It's kind of like an eclipse. So beautiful, but it can hurt you if you stare too hard. What I like the most about this movie is Avas fantastic tits. She is a sexy beast and I would let her do whatever she wanted to do. Unlike a lot of flicks we see this one gets right to the point. Enjoy.

Ava Addams Dans 'Already Wet'

Ava Addams - Already Wet

Ava hires James to paint her home. When James gets to work, Ava decides to take a shower and like any horny MILF would do in her situation, she flicks her bean like nobody's business. At some point, James hits the can and catches Ava in mid-masturbatory action. Clearly turned on by what he's seeing, his throbbing cock grows a couple extra inches longer when Ava makes her way towards him and drops to her knees...

Ava Addams Dans 'Creaming On Avas Big Yogas'

Ava Addams - Creaming On Avas Big Yogas

Ava Addams is a nymphomaniac whose life is out of control. She needs some peace of mind and stability. In an effort to stir herself in a positive direction, she takes a friend's suggestion to try out with yoga. But even after some good stretching and meditation, Ava can't stop to think about cocks. She is a real slut especially in her fantasies.

Ava Addams Dans 'Ava Makes Them Bounce!'

Ava Addams - Ava Makes Them Bounce!

Hey there ladies and gentlemen,Do I have treat for you all In this weeks Btra update we have the gorgeous Ava Adams with us and she is looking better than ever! her tits are looking amazing and that ass my oh my that ass is getting bigger. So on to the fun stuff she starts teasing me with her amazing body and tits and goes to work on my dick honestly one of the best blowjobs EVER! she fell in love with my cock licking it and stroking it and lets not forget about that ass on her I was mesmerized by how luscious it looks so I had to eat her ass out and she loved every minute of it.On to the sex and this girl has a reputation of being a good lay but damn I didn't know how good until she was riding my dick and I had some close calls because she was jumping on my cock but all in all i managed to control myself and tear that ass up if you know what I mean, All In all it was an amazing update with a goddess of a woman,Stay tuned.

Ava Addams Dans 'The Perfect Secretary'

Ava Addams - The Perfect Secretary

Ava is every male boss' dream. She sends faxes, is a whiz at multitasking and is just dying to suck your cock at the drop of the hat. In today's episode, she lets you in on her horny morning routine and finally has her dreams come true when she lets her boss, Mr. Bailey, relieve his stress by fucking her big tits and tight pussy.

Ava Addams Dans 'Amazing Tits'

Ava Addams - Amazing Tits

Woah! Is 3D internet streaming here already, or does this chick just have fucking ENORMOUS knockers?! This is Ava Adams, and for this 34 minute scene, she's paired with ...lucky old me! Get a taste of public nudity and some seriously bad behavior, as she gives me a blowjob and a tits fuck out by the pool. Time to fuck? She's got no shame, we start fucking right outside! The gonzo action leads indoors, and we keep on fucking once we get to the bed.

Ava Addams Dans 'Sizable Butts'

Ava Addams - Sizable Butts

This weeks Assparade is off the chains. We brought in Julie Cash & Ava Addams. These two ladies have got crazy hot bodies with big juicy butts. They both can suck dick like the worlds ending and fuck like theres no tomorrow. I promise your gonna love watching Champ and Preston nail these two fine pieces of ass. Don't miss out on this sweet new assparade update! Later bitches!

Ava Addams Dans 'Deep Anal Drilling 3'

Ava Addams - Deep Anal Drilling 3

Ava Addams loves to do ASS TO MOUTH. Onces Jules Jordan is done fucking her asshole he blasts her face with a monster facial

Ava Addams Dans 'Hot Anal Auditions'

Ava Addams - Hot Anal Auditions

Brunette Brandy Aniston wears sexy lingerie, fishnets and heels. She bends over to display her puckered, meaty bunghole before letting stud bury his tongue inside. Next the beautiful slut gobbles performer's cock, drools on his balls and wraps her cleavage around his pole for a POV-style titty fuck. The dude greases up Brandy's round bum and plows her sphincter until it gapes. Brandy hungrily sucks his dick, ass-to-mouth, and rides his boner until the horny man can take no more. He pulls out of Brandy's asshole and shoots a wad of cum across her glistening buttocks.

Ava Addams Dans 'Holy Tits'

Ava Addams - Holy Tits

Ava and Kelly have some huge natty knockers and they're both dying for a threesome. Ryan and Kelly tease Ava with a massage until she can't take it anymore and demands a cock plugged into her slut hole. Kelly and Ava take it balls deep with their tits flying all over the place before Ryan's cock oozes steamy white protein all over...

Abbey Brooks Dans 'Ass and Anal'

Abbey Brooks - Ass and Anal

Hey people... Today on Assparade we got Ava Addams & Abbey Brooks getting all of there tight little holes stuffed with dick. Ava & Abbey start off by getting fucked side ways by Preston Parker and they finish by being pulled across the room so Tony Rubino can have his way with Abbey's pretty asshole in a great anal session. Good news: Both of these porn goddesses are smoking hot and love slurping up cum after its been sprayed all over there faces! Your fucking out .... There fucking in ! Peace bitches!

Ava Addams Dans 'Office 4-Play'

Ava Addams - Office 4-Play

Keiran is hard pressed to find a new assistant...especially after all 4 applicants prove themselves to be equally qualified. The only thing to do is to invite Ava, Francesca, Vanilla and Veronica to one final group interview where each one can prove that they have the best assets for the open position!

Ava Addams Dans 'All Hail The Queen'

Ava Addams - All Hail The Queen

The weeks new update of Milf Soup features the always sexy and talented Ava Adams. Its hard to top a milf like her. She has a banging body thats completed with huge tits, a plump pussy and an ass that's absolutely gorgeous. Those daisy dukes look perfect hugging on that ass. Derrick couldn't wait to get home. Watching that ass bounce as she walk down the street had his cock throbbing in those jeans. Once back at the house things seemed to heat up quickly. Off came the clothes and out came a huge black dildo. Ava teased Derrick by playing with her pussy and shoving that dildo in that pretty in pink pussy. After playing with the pussy Ava was craving for the real thing and out came Derrick's fat cock. Ava sure as hell didn't miss a beat. This babe is a natural when it comes to putting on a show for all you Bang Bros. fans. need I say more. I think Ava's presence speak for itself. Come and watch the return of the Queen Ava Adams. You'll love it. Enjoy!

Ava Addams Dans 'The Queen Ava Addams!'

Ava Addams - The Queen Ava Addams!

Today's Magical Feet update features the always sexy Ava Addams. She's back once again to blessed us with her pure beauty and some of that booty. Billy Glide is going to have the absolute pleasure in having Ava wrap her succulent toes around his juicy thick cock. Until he drops all of that backed up man juice.Damn! Bangbros sure missed Ava Addams tasteful body. Don't you miss out.

Ava Addams Dans 'Raw 5'

Ava Addams - Raw 5

Innocent American cutie Gracie Glam gets seduced by a horny couple (huge-breasted, tattooed Angelina Valentine and fat-dicked Manuel Ferrara) who teach the young girl how to catch a man by improving her slut skills

Ava Addams Dans 'Youre Busted, Im Busty'

Ava Addams - Youre Busted, Im Busty

Ava suspects her husband is cheating on her. She gathers the clues and follows her husband to the house of his mistress. Instead of confronting them, she decides to hold off another day and play it cool. But when she returns to the house, the only person home is the mistresses husband Johnny. She makes him aware of the situation and they decide to get even on their spouses.

Ava Addams Dans 'Interview with my Asshole'

Ava Addams - Interview with my Asshole

Nicole isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Lucky for her, her hot and sexy mom Ava is there to back her up. It's time for a job interview, and Ava will do anything to make sure her baby walks away with a new career. And if that means letting Mr. Sins pound her tiny little asshole for the first time ever, then, by god, she'll get down to business.

Ava Addams Dans 'Police Boobality'

Ava Addams - Police Boobality

Ava Addams is one corrupt police officer. While visiting a strip club to pick up her monthly "allowance" She gets a little carried away with one of the dancers. Little does she know that Internal Affairs officer Rocco Reed has been tailing her, and he's gonna show her the exact meaning of being a dirty cop.

Ava Addams Dans 'Porno Side Job'

Ava Addams - Porno Side Job

This is a monumental day for Jordan because he has some amazing nude pictures of his astrology teacher. His classmates are blown away by the size of Ms. Adams nipples. They are all quietly observing the pictures in their textbooks during the lesson but when Ms. Adams checks on their progress Jordan isn't fast enough and gets caught with the pictures. Ms. Adams is so flattered that she gives Jordan what he's been fantasizing about all day. Huge tits in his face.

Ava Addams Dans 'Pardon Me, But Your Mouth Is On My Penis'

Ava Addams - Pardon Me, But Your Mouth Is On My Penis

Ava is a smoking hot and very domineering MILF who orders her butler, Keiran, around like a slave. Keiran is subjected to further humiliation when Ava's friends come over and mock him for having a "small cock." When they actually touch it though, they quickly realize he's packing some serious heat. At this point, Ava tells her friends to hit the bricks as she suddenly has a hankering for some raw meat, and Keiran's trouser snake is on the menu!

Ava Addams Dans 'Bouncing 32DD's'

Ava Addams - Bouncing 32DD's

Big Tits Round Asses proudly presents to you the always sexy Ava Addams. This babe is drop-dead gorgeous. She has a pair of huge double d tits with thick perky nipples, a chunky pussy, and a perfect juicy booty. My kind of gal! Fucking this fine dime piece of ass is the youngster Mojito. He's one lucky fucker! Mojito gets the chance to nail one of the baddest chicks that Bang Bros has to offer. I have to give Mojito some props. Mojito does a pretty good job fucking Ava Addams just the way she loves it. Come and see for yourself. Peace!